Castell Coch

About Castell Coch

Welcome to Castell Coch — Wales's fairytale castle.

Grand turrets, lavish interiors and an enchanting woodland setting make this castle truly magical.

Castell Coch Description

The ‘eccentric genius’ William Burges was given free rein by his paymaster, John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, the 3rd marquess of Bute, to create a rural retreat to complement the opulence of his main residence, Cardiff Castle. He didn’t hold back. Dazzling ceilings, over-the-top furnishings and furniture were liberally applied

Rhoddwyd rhwydd hynt i’r athrylith ecsentrig William Burges gan ei dâl-feistr, John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, 3ydd ardalydd Bute, i greu encilfa wledig fel cymar i’w brif gartref, Castell Caerdydd. Aeth i’r afael â’r gwaith hwnnw ag awch. Sicrhaodd fod y castell yn llawn nenfydau rhyfeddol a dodrefn anhygoel.



Archwiliwch Castell Coch y #Pasg yma!
✔Ein castell tylwyth teg gyda llwybr tylwyth teg digidol ✔Castell Fictoraidd, wedi'i adeiladu ar seiliau hynafol, gydag ystafelloedd a dodrefn disglair ✔Mwncïod a parot-blant yw rhai o'r cerfluniau y tu mean i'r safle gan #lauraford, yn fyfyrio ar orffennol chwedlonol y castell. ... ✔Capel yn arddangos paneli gwydr lliw o seintiau a gynlluniwyd gan y pensaer William Burges ✔ Y lle berffaith ar gyfer paned o de a gacen ar ôl archwilio coedwigoedd Fforest Fawr
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Explore Castell Coch this #Easter!
✔Our fairytale castle with a digital fairy trail ✔A vivid Victorian castle, built on ancient foundations, with dazzling rooms and furniture inside ✔Monkeys and parrot children are some of the sculptures inside by #lauraford, riffing on the castles fabled past - TEN.... ✔A re-designed chapel inside, showcasing stained glass panels of saints designed by the architect William Burges ✔The perfect place for a cup of tea and a slice of cake after exploring the Fforest Fawr woods
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We’re proud to support action on climate change by taking part in WWF’s #EarthHourWales tonight.
A number of our sites will join in by switching off their lights including Castell Coch, Caernarfon Castle, Conwy Castle, Caerphilly Castle, Kidwelly Castle, Harlech Castle and Tintern Abbey! #EarthHour


Rydyn ni’n falch i gefnogi gweithredu ar y newid yn yr hinsawdd trwy gymryd rhan yn #AwrDdaearCymru WWF heno.
Mar nifer o’n safleoedd yn ymuno drwy ddiffodd eu goleuadau - gan gynnwys Castell Caernarfon, Castell Conwy, Abaty Tyndyrn, Castell Caerffili, Castell Harlech a Castell Coch! #AwrDdaear


Darganfyddwch arddangosfa newydd gyda chreaduriaid anarferol iawn yn ein castell tylwyth teg tan 6 o Fai Castell Coch
Sgwatwyr yn Castell Coch - 30 Mawrth - 6 Mai - 9:30-5:00
#sgwatwyryncastellcoch #lauraford ...
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Discover a new exhibition with very unusual creations at our fairytale castle until 6 May Castell Coch
Squatters at Castell Coch - 30 Mar-6 May - 9:30 - 5:00
#squattersatcastellcoch #lauraford ...
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Free tickets for St David’s Day at Castell Coch have now all been allocated. However, everyone is welcome at Caerphilly Castle!


As we are expecting to be full with visotors tomorrow, only visitors to the castle with prebooked tickets will be able to park inside the car park on site tomorrow.
Alternative parking for walking and cycling is available in the Forest Fawr car park


Yn anffodus, mae pob tocyn oedd ar gael ar gyfer Dydd Gŵyl Dewi yng Nghastell Coch wedi ei ddyrannu erbyn hyn, oherwydd maint y safle. Nid oes angen tocynnau ar gyfer ein safleoedd eraill, felly dewch i’n gweld ni am ddim yfory!


Free entry to Cadw sites across Wales on St David’s Day!
Due to the limited capacity of the site, visitors to Castell Coch require advance booking. Free tickets can be reserved here: wi-mynediad-am-ddi…
To celebrate St David’s Day and mark Visit Wales’ Year of Discovery, 16 historic sites, that normally charge for admission, will open their doors as part of the programme — including the spectacular St Davids Bishop’s Palace.
... Can you spot all the sites taking part from our video below?
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Mynediad am ddim i safleoedd Cadw ledled Cymru ar Ddydd Gŵyl Dewi!
Oherwydd cyfyngiadau’r safle, bydd angen archebu eich tocynnau am ddim o flaen llaw os ydych am ymweld â Chastell Coch: wi-mynediad-am-ddi…
Er mwyn dathlu Dydd Gŵyl Dewi, ac i nodi Blwyddyn Darganfod Cymru, bydd 16 o safleoedd hanesyddol yn agor eu drysau – gan gynnwys adeilad anhygoel Llys yr Esgob, Tyddewi. ...
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Watch out for the parrot-children, monkeys and knights who are ‘squatting’ at Castell Coch!
There are a series of unexpected surprises at our fairy-tale castle with an inspiring new exhibition by the international artist Laura Ford from 30 March — 6 May 2019.


Gwyliwch allan am y parot-blant, mwncïod a farchogion sy'n 'sgwatio' yng Nghastell Coch.
Cyfres o sypreis annisgwyl yn ein castell tylwyth teg gydag arddangosfa newydd ysbrydoledig gan yr artist rhyngwladol Laura Ford o 30 Mawrth — 6 Mai 2019 Castell Coch

More about Castell Coch

Castell Coch is located at CF15 7JS Cardiff
029 2081 0101