Castell Rhuddlan / Rhuddlan Castle

About Castell Rhuddlan / Rhuddlan Castle

Cyngor i Ymwelwyr / Advice for visitors

Yn unol â chanllawiau'r Llywodraeth ar gadw pellter cymdeithasol a chefnogi ymdrechion i reoli lledaeniad coronafeirws, mae Cadw wedi cau pob un o'i henebion - rhai â staff a rhai heb staff - a phob maes parcio, hyd nes clywir yn wahanol.
Ymddiheurwn i ymwelwyr ac aelodau am yr anghyfleustra hwn ac edrychwn ymlaen at eich croesawu yn ôl i'n henebion eithriadol cyn gynted ag y gallwn.
Cadwch yn ddiogel ac yn iach, cydymffurfiwch â chanllawiau cadw pellter cymdeithasol y Llywodraeth a chadwch lygad ar wefan Cadw am ddiweddariadau pellach.

In line with Government guidance on social distancing and to support efforts to control the spread of coronavirus, Cadw has closed all of its staffed and unstaffed monuments and carparks until further notice.
We apologise to visitors and members for this inconvenience and look forward to welcoming you back to our outstanding monuments as soon as we are able.
Please keep safe and well, adhere to the Government’s social distancing guidelines and keep checking the Cadw website for further updates.

Castell Rhuddlan / Rhuddlan Castle Description

Cyngor i Ymwelwyr / Advice for visitors

Yn unol â chanllawiau'r Llywodraeth ar gadw pellter cymdeithasol a chefnogi ymdrechion i reoli lledaeniad coronafeirws, mae Cadw wedi cau pob un o'i henebion - rhai â staff a rhai heb staff - a phob maes parcio, hyd nes clywir yn wahanol.
Ymddiheurwn i ymwelwyr ac aelodau am yr anghyfleustra hwn ac edrychwn ymlaen at eich croesawu yn ôl i'n henebion eithriadol cyn gynted ag y gallwn.
Cadwch yn ddiogel ac yn iach, cydymffurfiwch â chanllawiau cadw pellter cymdeithasol y Llywodraeth a chadwch lygad ar wefan Cadw am ddiweddariadau pellach.

In line with Government guidance on social distancing and to support efforts to control the spread of coronavirus, Cadw has closed all of its staffed and unstaffed monuments and carparks until further notice.
We apologise to visitors and members for this inconvenience and look forward to welcoming you back to our outstanding monuments as soon as we are able.
Please keep safe and well, adhere to the Government’s social distancing guidelines and keep checking the Cadw website for further updates.



💕 Gŵyl Sant Ffolant Hapus gan bawb yn Castell Rhuddlan 💕
💕 Happy Valentines Day from everyone at Rhuddlan Castle 💕


A hithau’n Ddydd Nadolig, Nadolig Llawen iawn i bawb! ✨
On Christmas Day, we would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! ✨


Mae Castell Rhuddlan ar gau tan Dydd Mawrth 29 Hydref oherwydd y tywydd garw yn diweddar. Ymddiheuriadau am unrhyw anghyfleustra.
I ymweld ag un o'n 129 safle arall, dechreuwch eich antur yma!
Rhuddlan Castle is closed until Tuesday 29th October due to the recent adverse weather. Apologies for any inconvenience.

To visit one of our other 129 sites, start your adventure here!


Rhuddlan Castle will be closed to visitors until Tuesday 29 October due to the recent severe weather. Apologies for any inconvenience.
To visit one of our other 129 sites this weekend, plan your adventure here!


Nid yw ein digwyddiadau yng Nghastell Rhuddlan a Chastell Dinbych yn digwydd heddiw ond mae gennym lawer o ddigwyddiadau eraill ar ein gwefan yma! Ymddiheuriadau am unrhyw anghyfeustra.


Our events at Rhuddlan Castle and Denbigh Castle are not taking place today but we do have lots of other events on our website here! Apologies for any inconvenience.


Ymunwch â Cadw. Mynediad diderfyn i 130 o safleoedd hanesyddol yng Nghymru.
Derbyniwch ostyngiad o 20% ar aelodaeth teulu. Defnyddiwch cod HAF2019 ar-lein.
Cynnig yn gorffen Gwener 19 Gorffennaf.
See More


Ymunwch â Cadw. Mynediad diderfyn i 130 o safleoedd hanesyddol yng Nghymru.
Derbyniwch ostyngiad o 20% ar aelodaeth teulu. Cynnig yn gorffen Gwener 19 Gorffennaf.

More about Castell Rhuddlan / Rhuddlan Castle

Castell Rhuddlan / Rhuddlan Castle is located at Castle Street, LL18 5AD Rhuddlan
+44 1745 590777