
About Ceg

CEG is a collaborative project, for musicians and songwriters who live in NW-Wales to get together, promote each others work & events, & share knowledge.

Ceg Description

CEG was created by local musical artistes to work together, co-promote each others works and events, share knowledge and information, and through collaborative working reach a wider audience.

Based in the North West Wales area CEG pride themselves in providing quality line ups for local venues, festivals, and events and working with promoters to help put on the right acts for their events.

CEG work closely with the likes of:

PRS in Wales (Performing Rights Society)
Gwynedd County Borough Council
3rd Space
Festival No. 6
Gorjys Festival
LlaMFF (Llanberis Mountain Film Festival)
Curiad Bangor Pulse
Junction Trakz

If you're a creative musician, singer songwriter or otherwise and interested in getting involved, or just in finding quality gig opportunities in the North West Wales area, get in touch.

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Mae CEG yn gangen newydd o SNOG (Snowdonia Nights Out Group) sy'n bodoli er mwyn helpu cysylltu artistiaid cerddorol lleol gyda gynulleidfa ehangach. Mae'r tîm yn y gorffennol wedi hyrwyddo, trefnu, cyd-drefnu a chynnal nifer o ddigwyddiadau cerddoriaeth fyw.

O threfnu artisitiad gwych ar gyfer gwyliau lleol, i weithio gyda hyrwyddwyr mwy i helpu rhoi y rhaglen cywir at ei gilydd.

Rydym wedi gweithio gyda tîm Always Aim High, Ras Rhynglwadol yr Wyddfa, Snowdon Rocks, Gwyl Rhyif 6, Gweldd Conwy a mwy.

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn dod o hyd cyfleoedd perfformio yn ardal Gogledd-orllewin Cymru, neud yn trfnu digwyddiad, cysylltwch â ni am sgwrs.

Ceg yw:

Sera (Louise) Owen: Cynrychiolydd Cerddoriaeth a Chelfyddydau

Roger Hughes: Y Dyn tu ôl i'r sioe

More about Ceg

Ceg is located at North Wales, LL57 2NX Bangor, Gwynedd