Celtic Tri

About Celtic Tri

Welcome to the official page of Celtic Tri Triathlon Club -
We welcome athletes of all abilities and pride ourselves on our family friendly approach. If you are an Adult (newbie or experienced) or a Junior interested in Triathlon give us a like : )

Celtic Tri Description

Welcome to the official page of Celtic Tri - one of Wales' largest Triathlon Clubs!



Another great turn out for the Celtic Tri juniors turbo super session #2 focusing some longer reps last night


Hi everyone, Hope you all keeping well and staying fit and healthy during this uncertain period for everyone. If you are still training outdoors, please stay within the guidelines set by the Government. Our welfare officer Andrea Griffiths is available to chat to any member(s) who maybe struggling with anything at this time.
Please stay motivated and use our Facebook community to help with advice, support and ideas. Mark Edwards is currently running a very good remote turbo ...session with the juniors using Zoom and keeping them in shape, well done Mark.
Here are some updates for you as we've been having some request for info, Thanks and stay safe everyone.
Events: All triathlon activities/events have been cancelled up to 30th June. This means all face to face coached sessions and sessions which rely on external providers (Swimming pools and running track).
Ō¢Č’ĖÅ Steve Lewis junior aquathlon, cancelled and will be rescheduled until later in the year. Ō¢Č’ĖÅ Swansea Junior Triathlon, currently going ahead Ō¢Č’ĖÅ GlynNeath Triathlon, currently going ahead
Cycling: While cycling is currently allowed for individuals please take care on the roads. With most events now cancelled till end of June, please think carefully about some of the long distance rides some of you may have on your training plans. Do you really need to do a 60 mile bike ride, please don't end up in A&E and become an extra burden on the NHS
Glynneath Lakes Swimming: We've been told by the owner that this venue will be closed until further notice and as such we wont be insured to use it until at least end of June, following BTF guidelines.
Open water swimming: The Government has been clear that people must not travel. This includes to our beaches. See statement from Swansea Council below.Ō¼ć’ĖÅŌ¼ć’ĖÅŌ¼ć’ĖÅ In line with this message, Swansea Council are closing beach car parks at Port Eynon, Caswell, Langland and Bracelet Bay. Do not use beaches for exercise unless absolutely necessary, and only then if they are within walking distance of where you live. You should not take part in any beach or watersports such as swimming or surfing. Please remember the GovernmentŌĆÖs instructions around social distancing. Do not meet or walk together in groups. Keep a safe distance from other people ŌĆō at least 2 meters away. If a beach is crowded and you cannot keep that safe distance, then leave and go home. https://www.swansea.gov.uk/coronavirusadv ice
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Great turn out for the first Celtic Tri juniors turbo super session, part of our new structured online training for our Tristars.
It was great to see so many smiling faces and laughing especially with whatŌĆÖs going on in the world at the moment


FYI from Welsh Cycling


Update from British Cycling first of the governing bodies to issue guidance earlier this morning.
https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/ŌĆ”/202 00312-British-CyclinŌĆ”


Following last nightŌĆÖs statement from the government we are cancelling all club training sessions with immediate effect.
The committee will be monitoring the situation closely and we will update you when we can.
... Stay safe everyone. Celtic Tri committee
Dont forget the current advice from NHS
https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus -covid-19/
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Good luck to Junior Coach Mark Edwards at tonights Swansea Sports Awards.


Could be useful for some of you trail runners


This is your 2020/2021 Committee. Great to have a full house and such a handsome bunch looking after your club.


Huge congratulations to Jayne Leary! Her amazing performance in Dubai has resulted in qualification to the 70.3 world champs in New Zealand ­¤ć│­¤ć┐!
A massive well done from all at Celtic Tri ­¤Äē­¤Äē­¤Äē


Triathlon specific swim slots for juniors are available at our Thursday session in ystradgynlais
Aimed at children 7 to 14 and above who can confidently swim 2 lengths unaided
We have slots at ... 6:30pm 7:15pm Cost is ┬Ż10 for 5 week block
The aim of these sessions is to become more effective in front crawl swimming whilst learning the specific competition and race skills needed to take part and compete in the sport of triathlon Working towards progression to our competitive triathlon swimming squads
If you have a child who is interested in triathlon please let us know so we can arrange a taster session
Our annual membership cost for juniors is ┬Ż8 January to December
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Entry to our twelfth! Neath Valley Triathlon is now open. Great sprint triathlon, suitable for beginners or a great event to end the season on. 13.09.2020. Link to book below-: https://www.britishtriathlon.org/ŌĆ”/neat h-valley-triathlon_1ŌĆ”


Fab training day for the club with 2 sessions running across the area.
Adults did a multi brick session at Fairwood, Swansea with coach Mark Evans. 9 took part in very challenging headwinds and posted some good times.
While the juniors did a Bike session Ystradgynlais with coach Mark Edwards.
... These sessions are additional to the regular coached club sessions. If you are a member of Celtic Tri you will be able to access them as part of you membership for free.
Some charges may apply if we need to book a venue or facility.
To renew your membership or join the club (It takes less than 5 minutes) follow the link below.
We are a family friendly club with a great adult and junior section. We cater for the complete novice up to the competitive age grouper and Team GB athletes.
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Not much room !


2nd year for a local Sportive from Wenvoe Wheelers ­¤Ü┤ŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ­¤Å┤¾Āü¦¾Āüó¾ĀüĘ¾Āü¼¾Āü│¾Āü┐
https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/ŌĆ”/dŌĆ ”/223116/Valeothon-2020
Does it fit into your training plan, or just fancy a ride out with friends.
... Last year they had a cracking goodie bag what will it be this year Rob Harrison
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Who's been shortlisted for the Swansea Awards ­¤æĆ


Pleased to share that both the Stephen Lewis Aquathlon ystradgynlais the Swansea junior triathlon events have been chosen for 2020 Tristars series
Details in link
https://www.welshtriathlon.org/ŌĆ”/welsh- tristar-series-2020_ŌĆ”

More about Celtic Tri
