Central South Consortium

About Central South Consortium

The Central South Consortium is the school improvement service for approximately 400 schools in Bridgend, Cardiff, Merthyr, RCT and the Vale of Glamorgan.

Central South Consortium Description

Mae Consortiwm Canolbarth y De (CCD) yn wasanaeth gwella ysgolion sy’n gweithredu ar ran pum awdurdod lleol, sef Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Caerdydd, Merthyr Tudful, Rhondda Cynon Taf a Bro Morgannwg.

The Central South Consortium (CSC) is a school improvement service which operates on behalf of five local authorities: Bridgend, Cardiff, Merthyr Tydfil, Rhondda Cynon Taf and the Vale of Glamorgan.



In our latest blog, Qualifications Wales' Director of Regulations, Jo Richards provides an overview of the changes seen in qualifications this year and what to expect from A-Level and GCSE results. http://ow.ly/qTUv30liFvj


We are relocating to the Valleys Innovation Centre on Monday 6th August and staff will be available throughout the summer holidays. http://ow.ly/vHjj30lc8Up
For any queries, please email communications@cscjes.org.uk


Roedden ni'n bresennol ar gyfer lansiad llwyddiannus iawn Cymraeg Campus i ysgolion canol de Cymru yn Stadiwm Dinas Caerdydd yr wythnos ddiwethaf. Roedd yn galonogol gweld cymaint o ymarferwyr yno i gefnogi'r fenter ac i glywed negeseuon mor bwysig.


We were at the highly successful launch of Cymraeg Campus for central south Wales schools at Cardiff City Stadium last week. It was encouraging to see so many practitioners there in support of the initiative and to hear such important messages.


Datblygu Arweinyddiaeth – darllenwch ein blog diweddaraf i gael gwybod sut mae GCA, CSC, ERW a GwE yn cydweithio i ddatblygu rhaglenni arweinyddiaeth cydlynus dros Gymru ow.ly/wnHP30l1hu8


Ydy eich ysgol wedi gweithio mewn partneriaeth â Teach First Cymru rhwng 2016-18? Maen nhw'n ceisio am adbarth gan benaethiaid a mentoriaid er mwyn cefnogi partneriaethau yn y dyfodol.
Arolwg penaethiaid: http://ow.ly/Efiv30kV1ja Arolwg mentoriaid: http://ow.ly/DSpL30kV1kB


Has your school worked in partnership with Teach First Cymru between 2016-18? They're seeking feedback from headteachers and mentors in order to support future partnerships.
Headteacher survey: http://ow.ly/Efiv30kV1ja Mentor survey: http://ow.ly/DSpL30kV1kB


We are enjoying energetic and inspirational presentations at the launch of Cymraeg Campus at Cardiff City Stadium. It’s lovely to see so many practitioners here who are supportive of the development of the Welsh language in the region.


Rydyn ni’n mwynhau cyflwyniadau egnïol ac ysbrydoledig yn lansiad Cymraeg Campus yn Stadiwm Dinas Caerdydd heddiw. Hyfryd yw gweld ystafell llawn cymaint o ymarferwyr sy’n gefnogol o ddatblygiad yn Gymraeg yn y rhanbarth.


Porwch ein cynnig dysgu proffesiynol newydd sbon a chadwch le am ddim trwy #Cronfa.
Gweld y cynnig: http://ow.ly/YTcu30kPrcu Cadw lle: http://ow.ly/OKwB30kPrwp


We have just published the our new professional learning offer. Download your copy of it now >>> https://www.cscjes-cronfa.co.uk/go/15suaq
Programmes now bookable via Cronfa!


Rydym newydd gyhoeddi ein cynnig dysgu proffesiynol newydd. Cewch lawrlwytho'ch copi yma >> https://www.cscjes-cronfa.co.uk/go/15suaq
Mae modd cadw lleoedd ar raglenni erbyn hyn trwy Cronfa!


Mynd i #Tafwyl18 penwythnos hon? Ewch i'r Llwyfan i weld perfformiadau ysgolion #Caerdydd ar ddydd Sadwrn a dydd Sul! ow.ly/WMFm30kI15b @SiarterIaithCCD @CSC_Cymraeg #Cymraeg2050


In the spring term, St Andrews Major Primary School were announced as the winners of our first ever Cwis Llyfrau Dwlu Darllen Book Quiz.
We spoke to the staff and pupils involved in the competition about the benefits of participating.

More about Central South Consortium

Central South Consortium is located at Valleys Innovation Centre, CF45 4SN Abercynon, Rhondda Cynon Taff