Ceridwen'S Nature Healing

About Ceridwen'S Nature Healing

Reawakening our connection to the Earth for Healing and Spiritual Growth

Ceridwen'S Nature Healing Description

"Now is the time to return to the Heart's Wisdom, to listen to the Earth's song, to dream our way into a new life".

Developing and maintaining a relationship with Nature not only brings balance and harmony within ourselves but is also a vital component of how we live our lives and treat the Earth.

Nature heals on a deeper level than we are usually aware. Awakening our connection to the Earth brings an enriched sense of ourselves as spiritual beings, and an awareness of the Sacred in, and our connection to, all life.

Forthcoming Workshops and learning through direct experience to include: -

Connecting with the Spirit of Nature; Earth energies; Meditation; Heart based communication; Plants and trees, how they live, healing properties, and importance to the planet; Tree lore; Plant Spirit work.

Workshops run by Maxine Allinson. Maxine is an energy healer working with Spirit and the energies of the natural world, through tree and plant healing. She is also a registered animal healer working for wellness for animals and their carers. Please contact for a personal consultation



Nature continually changes her appearance, a reflection of how everything is functioning internally, but reminding us also that all has to go through it’s own physical processes for survival.
Each day for us is the same, we grow, retreat, change and renew. Aside from the standard biological and chemical factors, there is no set way to define what should make us, as we are each who we are, following wisdom of the heart to reach the highest truths. Knowing and accepting this allows us to relax into the beauty of our individuality, and to the connection to the natural world around us we are all intrinsically part of.


Let yourself be guided onto new paths where the outcome is not always clear. Your heart will know the way to go


Geese flying overhead today. This is possibly one of my favourite sights and sounds, seen more in these November days, the bleakness of the sky always brightened by such visions


Autumn colours continue to shine


Mother Beech stands tall in the woods, nurturing her children and giving comfort to those who wander through. Many a time have I sat down by her roots and felt her calm presence flow through me, settling me back to earth when my thoughts or emotions have run wild.
Not much else will grow in a Beech wood as the canopy formed is so dense. In the Spring the leaves emerge soft and pale green, turning to a darker shade as we reach Summer. Now in Autumn, the woods are aglow wit...h oranges, russets and deep earthy browns.
Notoriously a tree of community, they connect and communicate underground through their roots, feeding and giving each other support, nurturing the old and the young. You can feel this as you walk amongst them, an air of peace and harmony pervading.
It is gentle here, quiet, and as the wind moves through the trees the leaves softly rustle, the smooth light bark catching the sun, long shadows cast upon the earth as the day moves towards the evening time.
Years ago, as I was wandering through the New Forest I came across a clearing where a giant Beech tree stood, old, and smooth skinned. A wise being, but something else too. A marker on the land. And as I stood there admiring and feeling grateful for where my route had led me, I saw behind me a woodland pony approaching. Another one then walked through the trees from the left. Then one to the front of me and one to the right. Four ponies from the four directions. All moving towards the tree, slow and watching me but comfortable in my presence.
Myself and the four ponies stood with the Beech, the blue sky cloudless above. The day was warm and it was like magic. A moment of connection on the physical level and to the underlying worlds that bring us all into life.
Take time to go beyond the familiar. Or just sit in the places you feel comfortable with and open your heart to let something new in. We are the creators of our reality and each moment brings the opportunity for brilliance.
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It is often I feel that the purpose of flowers is not just for creation, but to bring happiness to the soul.


Dawn broke and brought with it a new day. Samhain has come to pass, the summer has gone, and we find ourselves, like all that lives and breathes, entering into the next cycle of the year.
No matter what our belief system, we are all affected by the way the earth turns, it’s movement around the sun, that brings us to the lighter months, and into those that are darker.
Our ancestors lived by the seasons, they knew the way the stars moved across the sky, looking to the sign...s from the earth to tell them when to harvest, when to grow, when to slow down.
The trees know when to let go of their leaves, withdrawing, just as the plants retreat into the earth and lay dormant until the Spring arrives.
And so we do the same. Making our own personal retreats. When we accept that everything changes and evolves, that there is a time for action and a time for quietness, we find a comfort within the self. An ease of attunement and alignment with the natural world.
To sit by the fire and feel it’s warmth in the cold, dark days of Winter. To feel the letting go of what is no longer right within our lives. To look to the future and make plans, the dreams of which keep us going through the quieter times until the sun grows strong and the energy rises back through the earth, calling us into action and new life.
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Bringing warmth in as the days get colder. Willow weaving and making beautiful creations


Every day the divine is made manifest


Wandering through the woods today.


My life is rich for I have the sun and the moon. I have the stars in the sky and the whole of the cosmos before me. While my feet are firmly on the ground, my head is dreaming of magic and grace.
My life is rich for I am never and will never be poor. Each sky is like the first I’ve ever seen. A rainbow like the gift it’s meant to be.
... My life is rich for I hear the song of the earth, come up through the ground and into the air around me. I feel it in my bones and in my soul. The trees tell me stories, and the plants share their wisdom and truth. My heart is strong and my breath leaves whispers on the wind.
I am gifted and blessed. By the butterfly that lands on my shoulder then dances away. By the robin that sings his sweet hello. By the river that flows through the mountain, and the snowdrop that breaks through the earth.
My life is rich for the story only I can now tell. As I listen I hear the sound of it’s footsteps, light upon the fabric of the sky.
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As Autumn days pass, nature’s treasures are revealed. Through the cracking open of seed cases, the Acorns, Hazelnuts, Beechnuts and berries, the sloes and the haws, the ripe fruit that falls to the ground, we see that life is rich and abundant. Even now as November comes knocking at the door and the leaves fly across the ground with a chill wind. Leaves soon to decay and give back to the earth some of the goodness the trees drew from the soil, up high into their branches. ... The leaves that turned their green faces to the sun as the sun gave life.
The sight of Sweet Chestnuts sets my mind to wandering into realms of open fires and candlelight, dark evenings and keeping warm. When we roast and eat them we share in some of the goodness from the tree. An offering that contains so much that is good for us. B Vitamins and Vitamin C, fibre, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc.
When we understand our bodies and energy systems we see the importance of what we put into them. Nature is quite simply, natural, and wants to work with us.
Just as the trees and plants need certain nutrients and chemicals to grow, so do we. The gifts we are given from them are vessels containing their energy. When we connect through grateful receiving, we build a deeper relationship with them and with all of nature as we realise our integral part within it.
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Speckled Wood Butterfly on fallen Oak leaves


Willow likes to be by the water for she is a tree of dreaming and enchantment. A magical being thought to walk at night, linked to the moon and the intuitive realms. She is a healer, a reliever of troubles and a soother of fears. Look to her to bring acceptance of circumstances, to feel fully every emotion that needs to be felt, and in this, be strengthened to move forward into new life.
Willow encourages us to discard old patterns we have that no longer serve us. To realise that when we let go and accept that in life there will be loss, we can free ourselves from despondent thinking and find the happiness we deserve.


Today’s overwhelmingly beautiful sunset. As the moon rose full and bright in the East, the Western sky set the world aglow.


The simple beauty of a sunrise and the birds that fly before it. These are the things I love, and this morning as I stopped to appreciate the huge ball of fire that everyday appears in the sky, I was greeted by thousands upon thousands of birds flying from the East. Hundreds flew past, then hundreds more, flocking and circling before heading into the cliff dwelling trees in the distance. It had me mesmerised but filled with the complete joy we feel in moments of pure conn...ection with the natural world. That I had come across such a sight without intention but purely on a whim to stand upon the cliffs and look out to the sea.
Throughout all our daily routines and in carrying out that we have made important in our lives, nature keeps doing her beautiful thing. Sometimes moments come along which remind us of the sheer magnificence of life on earth and that there is so much we know so little about, but which we are privileged enough to get a glimpse of. A happening or visual occurrence that reaches into our very soul and lightens the heart. And to the outside observer who wasn’t present, it may seem like a small thing, not so wondrous in the telling, but that to us resonated through our whole being. A point in time in which we felt completely alive and awake to the beauty of the earth. A moment that stays with us, heightening our energy and spurring us on in life. To do great things and experience fully the gift that we’ve been given.
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I adore all cats, but black ones in particular have always been some of my favourites, this sweet little one having recently caught my heart. She wanders around a nursing home I visit, bringing a smile to the people who now live there. Animals really are a great comfort, so quiet often in their being, unassuming, unconditional. Taking us out of ourselves for a while. Cats, like most animals, are great healers, and I continue to learn a lot from them.


Leaf underwater in the lake


Beauty is in the seen and in the unseen. It’s in the light and in the way things change. We bring our own beauty to the world, letting our colours fill the spaces in between


very mindful, kind and absolutely knows her stuff ... lovely lady who\s fantastic page and wise posts have saved my life this past year


she has an uncanny insight into the energy transmitted by auras, and the way they can connect and heal..


Such a kind, caring, knowledgeable, and respectful woman and her nature work is outstanding. She truly has a very deep connection with the earth and it shows upon meeting her. Very talented and friendly, too.


Our beloved cat rico was hit by a car in January this year. After 3 days in a veterinary hospital under 24 hr care, the vets reported that whilst ricos physical injuries would heal, there was little to no hope of him making a recovery as his mental trauma was too much. He was completely non responsive, unable to move or eat. I made the decision to bring him home and nurse him in the calm familiar surroundings to give him a final few days before we put him to sleep. rico was incontinent and so i was changing bed pads every few hours, and was syringe feeding him critical care paste and rubbing his throat to encourage him to swallow. Maxine was recommended to me through a friend, i wasnt sure what to expect, but i was open to any option available to me. This proved to be the best decision i made! Maxine came out and spent time healing rico, after one visit later that day he started to try and lift his head, i could not believe what i was witnessing! After 3 sessions rico was able to lap paste from the palm of my hand, he was alert and willing to get better. Today Rico is almost fully recovered, he walks with a sway and his reactions arent quite as quick, however he lives a full, happy life and i sincerely believe that his recovery was heavily influenced by the healing treatments maxine gave rico. My family and friends called maxines work a miracle, and i sincerely believe this to be the case!


My beloved cat Sparky was 16 and in poor health. He was quite arthritic and had also been attacked by a not-so-friendly neighbourhood cat. He had basically given up on life and would sit for days in the garden, sometimes in the rain. I asked Maxine to come to see if she could offer him some comfort at the end of his life, never thinking that her healing could be that powerful. A couple of weeks later he was up a tree in my garden! He lived happily for another 3 years after that - he would have low periods when I would ask Maxine to come again but he would perk up after she had spent time with him. Thank you Maxine


I’ve just had the most incredible day at Porthkerry park,where Maxine shared her knowledge and wisdom about the local area and how plants,trees can bring healing into our everyday busy life. I travelled all the way from West Sussex and I am so grateful I took time out to attend this workshop it’s left me feeling utterly grateful. Thank you for sharing and opening up a new way of BEING for me �


I have had a few healing sessions with Maxine and they have been quite amazing. I would highly recommend Ceridwenshealing it's very unintrusive and quite remarkable in its quality. I have also managed to get out in nature with Maxine which again was quite the most remarkable experience, it was fabulous to get a small taste of her vast knowledge and experience nature through her. Most remarkable was the magic quality of the experience and how nature literally came to us, it is something I will never forget. I have without doubt felt a great benefit from the work I have done so far with maxine and I look forward to doing much more.


I absolutely love your page. Such beautiful photos and postings. I always look forward to reading your posts each day. Nature is such a special place.....full of wonder and healing. You have created something very special indeed. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Much Love. xxxx


Had a fantastic day on the Healing with trees course, great information shared in a fun and easy to learn way x would defo go again �

More about Ceridwen'S Nature Healing

Ceridwen'S Nature Healing is located at Barry, Vale of Glamorgan