Challenge 8372

About Challenge 8372

Three fitness challenges to remember the victims of the Srebrenica genocide and to raise funds to build the International Learning Centre.





So this happened tonight! Sometimes you just meet wonderful people who totally understand why you do what you do. At times I questioned if I'd beat my target of £8372 to honour the 8372 men and boys who were murdered in the Srebrenica genocide in 1995. I'm so proud to further push the £10,000 mark as a fitting tribute to mark the 25th anniversary of the genocide in 2020. The money is going towards to the world's first International Srebrenica Memorial Learning Centre. THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me.... in every way! This means everything to me! Diolch! 💚


For anyone thinking they can't do something or can't succeed... listen to how Bosnian Arminka Helić fled Bosnia during the war and settled in UK as a refugee, worked her way to an education at LSE and later became special advisor to former foreign secretary William Hague. A driving force on the Global Sexual Violence initiative she was later nominated to the House of Lords by David Cameron. Baroness Arminka Helić tells how she made her unfortunate story very fortunate for her future and for others.


Today I am showing my support for @theredcardwales during hate crime awareness week. Help this leading anti-racism educational charity continue their essential work by telling people about them and if you can, text "RED" to 70470 to donate £1.
#WRD19 #HateCrimeAwareness @ Cardiff


Throw back to my proudest moment throughout the challenge. Winning the "Board Member" category in the prestigious Chwarae Teg #Womenspire #Awards
There's more to come from the challenge so keep tuning in!


Today is the day I have been working towards...Srebrenica Memorial Day. Today I remember the 8,372 men and boys murdered in the genocide. I have attended 5 memorials across the UK this week and I am the most privileged person to have been in the company of some of the survivors who have bravely told their stories of losing multiple members of their families in the most horrific way. I will remember them. I wept when two Mother's of Srebrenica spoke about only being able to bu...ry a few bones of their sons and husbands and how despite what they have endured they have never turned to hate nor sought revenge.
Meeting these wonderful people has made me a better person. If you do one thing today, tell ONE person about the 24th anniversary of the genocide and in doing so encourage them to remember and think about how to make the world a more tolerant place for our future. In sharing this information we will educate others. 💚
Remembering Srebrenica Remembering Srebrenica - Wales
See More


All are welcome to commemorate the 24th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide at our Wales National Memorial event on the 9th July where we will remember the victims and survivors with a speech from a brave survivor. I will also be speaking about #Challenge8372 and the plans for the International Memorial Learning Centre. Registration at 5.30pm for a 6pm start.


Throw back to last week speaking at The Royal Welsh 3rd battalion Maindy barracks on the forensics of #srebrenica and post-combat investigations. Delighted to be speaking with and to such an engaging group of people. It's an honour to be affiliated with The Royal Welsh Regiment.
Remembering Srebrenica - Wales Remembering Srebrenica
#educating #givingback #captiveaudience @ Maindy Barracks


Today marks White Armband Day whereby Muslims in Prijedor, Bosnia & Herzegovina, were forced to wear white armbands to identify themselves to the Serbs who then persecuted them in what is now known as one of the many genocides of the Balkan conflict. I am grateful for the support of those in these pictures who remembered and pledged to educate others in the consequences of hatred!
#remember #genocide #neveragain


Finally back at the gym and doing the exercise that I want to do, rather than running!! Big cheer for this wonderful human...Sam Halladay at @samhalladaypt (Instagram) who helped me with my strength and conditioning during #Challenge8372. A great motivating force with expert knowledge of fitness and performance. If you're looking for a personal trainer, check her out at JD Gyms - Cardiff. You won't be disappointed...You might be knackered but you won't be disappointed!! Thanks Sam!


Throw back to last Sunday.... Completing the hardest fitness & logistical challenge of my life. I'm so grateful to EVERYONE who has helped me plan, create, train, sponsor and complete #Challenge8372. One of my proudest achievements and has given me even more impetus to do more and more for the victims and survivors of the Srebrenica genocide by continuing to educate ALL generations about the consequences of hatred to try and create a safer more tolerant global society. I will keep the challenge social media pages open until September 2019 to mark a full year from the date I launched it as I still have some more booked speeches to complete and share with you. For now... a huge heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you!!
Over and out from Abi 💚 @ Cardiff


TUNE IN tonight to Welsh Channel 4 @s4c. I was interviewed whilst running the marathon yesterday so hopefully I've made it onto the highlights programme!!! All about #Challenge8372 and Remembering Srebrenica 💚
#raisingawareness #BridgingTheDivide #tv #globalfootage

More about Challenge 8372