Chaplaincy At 61 Park Place

Monday: 08:30 - 20:30
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 16:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 16:30
Friday: 08:30 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Chaplaincy At 61 Park Place

University Chaplaincy at 61 Park Place / Prifysgol Caerdydd a 61 Plas y Parc. A Christian Chaplaincy (Anglican-Methodist) for all students & staff.

A part of the multi-faith chaplaincy to Cardiff University.

Chaplaincy At 61 Park Place Description

University Chaplaincy at 61 Park Place / Prifysgol Caerdydd a 61 Plas y Parc. A Christian Chaplaincy (Anglican-Methodist) for all students & staff.

A part of the multi-faith chaplaincy to Cardiff University.

"exploring life & faith - building community"
"trafod bywyd a ffydd - adeiladu cymuned"

The chaplains are:

The Rev. / Y Parchedig David Sheen
Anglican Chaplain / Caplan Anglicanaidd
Email / Ebost: SheenD2@cardiff. ac. uk
Telephone / Ffôn: + 44 (0)2920 232550
Twitter: @cardiffchaplain & @cappellanus

The Rev. / Y Parchedig Delyth Liddell
Methodist Chaplain / Caplan Methodistaidd
Email / Ebost: LiddellDA@cardiff. ac. uk
Telephone / Ffôn: + 44 (0)7801314163
Twitter: @delliddell

We are here to support staff and students in their time at Cardiff University. We offer daily Christian worship in the chapel, which is also available for individual prayer and quiet reflection during the day. In term-time, we offer many opportunities for you to meet others through social events and to explore faith & spirituality. We are available for one-to-one support and we offer an inclusive welcome.

We offer pastoral and spiritual support to all members of the university community regardless of whether you hold any explicit faith. You can contact one of the chaplains and they will arrange a time to meet with you or we can put you in contact with a representative from your own faith tradition. Feel free to come along and introduce yourself at the chaplaincy and to come to any of our events.

Check the university intranet for further info and to find out about other members of the chaplaincy team.



Are you a new Cardiff Uni student? Or heading back for your next year?
Here's a preview of our regular weekly worship at Cardiff University Chaplaincy at 61 Park Place for Semester 1.
Plus we also run a Bible Study lunch on a Monday and have occasional 'Pizza, Prayer & Praise' as part of our Monday evening events.
... #cardiffuni #cardiffstudents #CUinSeptember #61ParkPlace #worship
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We're back for Freshers Week!!!
New semester, new day, our FRIDAY Soul Food: Drop-in Café
Every Friday 12:30 - 14:00 at 61PP with a selection of teas, filter coffee, fruit, toast & spreads, cake & chocolate biscuits. And its FREE!
... A place to relax, chat, meet with friends in a warm, comfortable, safe social space. Come for 10 minutes, come for the whole 2 hours, it's your choice.
All Cardiff University staff and students welcome, of all faiths and none!
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We're back for Freshers Week!!!
New semester, new day, our TUESDAY £1 Lunch!
Tuesday's Soul Food: chicken curry & rice (halal & veggie options) & a popadom. All for a £1.
... A social space to relax, chat, meet with friends in a warm and comfortable safe space. Come for 10 minutes and grab a bite to eat, or come for the whole lunchtime, it's your choice.
All Cardiff University staff and students welcome, of all faiths and none!
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New semester, new Bible Study with lunch, every Monday 12.30-2pm here at 61PP 😀
Follow link to Bible Study FB group for more details: 838589/


Are you a new Cardiff Uni student? Or heading back for your next year?
Here's a preview of our regular weekly events at Cardiff University Chaplaincy at 61 Park Place for 2018-2019:
Mondays ... 09:30-09:55 Morning Meditation 12:30-14:00 Bible Study Lunch 19:00-20:30 Monday evenings at 61PP (Talks, Socials, 'Pizza,Prayer & Praise')
Tuesdays 09:30-09:55 Morning Meditation *12:30 -14:00 Soul Food: £1 Lunch* 17:00-17:30 Taizé Prayer & Meditation
Wednesdays 09:30-09:55 Morning Meditation 17:00-17:30 Holy Eucharist
Thursdays 09:30-09:55 Morning Meditation
Fridays 09:30-09:55 Morning Meditation *12:30-14:00 Soul Food: Drop-in Café*
All CU students are welcome to our events. The ones with an * are social occasions that have a wide variety of students coming along.
#cardiffuni #cardiffstudents #CUinSeptember #61ParkPlace
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Congratulations to all who are collecting A-level results today! We look forward to meeting those of you coming to Cardiff University in September!
Check out what the chaplaincy at #61ParkPlace has to offer our students.
#cardiffuni #cardiffstudents #CUinSeptember #alevelresultsday2018


Just a reminder that Cardiff University Chaplaincy at 61 Park Place is open over the summer break and the chaplains are available to meet with students & staff 🙂
#cardiffuni #cardiffstudents #cardiffchaplaincy #61ParkPlace


A warm day & a warm welcome to Cardiff University for our Open Day.
Cardiff University Chaplaincy at 61 Park Place is open today. If you want to know more, do pop in for a chat.
‘Exploring Life & Faith - Building Community’
... #61ParkPlace #cardiffuni #CUopenday
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This applies at the chaplaincy too :)


Enjoying this blog #EatingLiturgically Great that the blogger adds Fierce & Fragile days to the Prayer Book’s familiar Feasts & Fasts.


On today - don’t worry if haven’t booked through PHEW as we plenty of food!

More about Chaplaincy At 61 Park Place

Chaplaincy At 61 Park Place is located at 61 Park Place, CF10 3AT Cardiff
Monday: 08:30 - 20:30
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 16:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 16:30
Friday: 08:30 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -