Chelsie-Jane Sports Therapy

About Chelsie-Jane Sports Therapy

Clinc based therapist in South Wales and Bristol, offering sports massage, dry needling, cupping, injury management and sports taping.

Sports therapist for Cambrian & Clydach BGC and Cardiff Met WFC



I’ve had many requests to keep up with range of movement and flexibility. So, I made a little video of some key stretches targeting the lower limb muscles. These are suitable for any athlete or general public to keep moving during this lockdown.
Saturday stretching🤸🏼‍♀️🧘🏼‍♀ ️ in the sun☀️ on the rooftop🏡🙌🏼


Throwback to better days where there was football-filled weekends and to UEFA Women’s champions league prep with the Archers⚽️🏹
Thanks to Firstaid4sport for their continued support over the last season, even though it has been cut short. They will continue to supply the Archers for the upcoming seasonüèπ‚õë
#sportstherapy #sportstherapist #pitchsidefirstaid #sportstrauma #sportstraumamanagement #pitchsidephysio #pitchsidefootball #footballtherapist


I’m delighted to have a new partnership deal with @mnbodycoach and his athletes, specifically the fighters.
Need any help with nutritional and meal prep? Matt is your guy🙌🏼
An exciting time ahead getting to know my new fighters on board ahead of fight prep when lockdown is overü•ä
... #partnership #boxing #welshboxing #MMA #budo #UFC #bodycoach #sportstherapy #softtissuetherapy
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To all my clients,
Due to government guidelines as of today, I have been forced to close up and cancel all appointments in all locations.
Clients who are booked in are currently being contacted with the news and to sort out communication to get booked in again when we’re back open.
... Thankyou for all the support over the couple of difficult weeks, and for the continued support over the harder upcoming weeks. Please continue to support the small businesses around you in any shape or form possible.
Face-to-face appointments have come to a holt but I can still offer consultations over the phone, and supply rehabilitation programs to those with injuries.
Thankyou, Chels üíô

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The Gluteus Maximus muscle is the largest and most powerful in the human body, accounting for 16% of the total cross-sectional area It plays an important role in optimal functioning of the human movement system as well as athletic performance. It is however, prone to inhibition and weakness which contributes to chronic pain, injury and athletic under-performance and has been identified as the mechanism responsible (or linked to depending on strength of evidence) for... numerous injury types and chronic pain.
🔸Understanding why GM becomes dysfunctional is important to understanding how to correct the underlying dysfunction and potentially reduce injury risk. Firstly, lifestyle is thought to be a major contributor to reduced activity of GM. It is thought prolonged sitting reduces the activation of GM and over time these muscles become atrophied and weak. This weakness of GM is thought to increased reliance on the secondary hip extensor muscles, such as the hamstrings and hip adductors to produce hip extension torque, clinically referred to as ‘synergistic dominance’. Furthermore, altered posture of the pelvis can influence the length-tension relationship of GM, as such, reducing its stabilising capacity. Associated with hip flexor tightness and local core weakness is an anterior tilted pelvis, which elongates the GM and places the muscle in a mechanically disadvantaged position
üî∏Movement should be assessed during foundational motor pattern tasks such as the squat, deadlift, step up/down as well as during sporting type tasks such as landing, jumping and change of direction to get a more complete understanding of an individual's movement performance.
üî∏CORRECTING GLUTEAL WEAKNESS/DYSFUNCTION 1. Restore optimal lumbopelvic stability and balance
2. Strengthen the gluteus maximus muscle and integrate into motor pattern
3. Develop explosive neuromuscular performance and optimize sport-specific motor control
#glutes #gluteusmaximus #glutemax #glutemaximus
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That erythema reaction🤩😍
After a years worth of headaches and pain, my client finally had immediate relief post dry needling intervention, and further pain relief following deep tissue massage to the area, after a lot of positional and myofascial release work. ‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Ä î‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî‚Äî- #dryneedling #medicalacupuncture #sportsmassage #deeptissuemassage #erythma


Just a quick message to reassure that I am still working from Aberaeron today and your appointment is still going ahead.
... Everyone will be asked to sanitise their hands before and after the appointment with the gel that is on the side table in the room. This is for yours and my other clients health and safety.
To assure you, the whole room has had a double deep clean yesterday and this morning; this being all the equipment, furniture, etc.
Any threats by the coronavirus, please contact me back ASAP.
See you later, Chels :)
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Wishing a good client of mine the very best of luck in his fight tonight in Cardiff. I have all faith in him getting the win after some seriously hard training over the last few months!!
SEE YOU AT THE ARENAü•ä ... GOOD LUCK JAYü•á #rhooserhino


Due to the close contact with others in the nature of my work, I am following the governments guidelines to ensure the health and safety of my all my clients.
The clinics have had an extra deep clean for peace of mind. Please read the notice and follow instructions if appropriate to you.
... 😥🤒😷 #coronavirus #coronaviruswales
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When the Vale Sports Arena host the one and only Money Mayweather and Michelle Phelps🙌🏼
Team photo and the talk showüó£
... #themoneyteam #mayweatherpromotions
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K got sent away with painkillers for a pressure sensation in his head without an explanation for the cause. After assessing, acupuncture and deep tissue massage to the neck and around the scapula, for a sigh of relief to be heard.
He was left walking out of his appointment a happy client with no pressure, no pain and after care advice👍🏼
... Thanks for the photos @manonizri üòÉ
#sportstherapy #sportstherapist #dryneedling #deeptissuemassage #sportsmassage #happyclienthappytherapist @ Cambrian & Clydach Vale BGC Academy
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First selection of appointments left in this month.
üìçCambrian & Clydach 3G Ground
#sportstherapist #sportstherapy #southwalestherapist #sportsmassage #dryneedling #sportstaping #myofascialcupping


üîµ Trigger Points üîµ
• Trigger points are a highly irritable and sensitive local area lying within a taut band of muscle fibres. Essentially they are microscopic contraction ‘knots’ within muscle fibres that occur when actin and myosin don’t release their contraction and cause sarcomeres to bunch up and become taut.
• The muscles with TrP’s becomes weak and fatigues easily. A dysfunctional movement pattern occurs because synergistic muscles over compensate.
... Common Causes of TrP’s: > Repetitive stress overload > Exertion overload – sustained loading as with heavy lifting, carrying babies, briefcases, boxes, etc > Postural overload – habitually poor posture due to our sedentary lifestyles, de-conditioning and poorly designed furniture > Biomechanical overload – dysfunctional movement patterns > Muscle trauma overload – direct injury such as a blow, strain, break, twist or tear. (Car accidents, sports injuries)
Treatment: Ischemic pressure is applied to the localised trigger point. The pressure is sustained for 20sec-2mins. The pressure is repeated on and off for >2 minutes, 3 times. To evaluate effectiveness, a visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain is used, moving from a 7/10 to 3/10.
#triggerpoints #triggerpointtherapy #TrPs #sportsmassage #ischemicpressure #softtissuetherapy
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Myofascial cupping to help athletic recovery.
• This method draws blood to the region where the cup is placed to stimulate healing by dispelling stagnation, improving Qi flow.
• It is effective stretching tight fascia and muscles (adhesions and hypertonicity).
... • The cup remains in place for up to 10-15mins whilst they are manoeuvred around or left in place whilst the therapist directs the client into active or passive actions.
#sportstherapy #sportstherapist #sportsmassage #myofascialcupping #drycupping #athleticrecovery #recovery #soremuscles #tightmuscles #qiflow #qienergy
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As we move into the third month of 2020, here’s the next 3 weeks worth of appointments available at First Choice Fitness🗓


1 slot left this week up in the cabin at the 3G💆🏼‍♀️⚽️
Sports massage, dry needling, myofascial cupping, sport taping or injury rehabilitation available.


Looking forward to watching this fight later tonightü•ä
... one thing I would say is I wouldn’t want that fist coming near my face again👀😶 #wilderfury #furywilder #boxing


To all my clients,
Due to government guidelines as of today, I have been forced to close up and cancel all appointments in all locations.
Clients who are booked in are currently being contacted with the news and to sort out communication to get booked in again when we’re back open.
... Thankyou for all the support over the couple of difficult weeks, and for the continued support over the harder upcoming weeks. Please continue to support the small businesses around you in any shape or form possible.
Face-to-face appointments have come to a holt but I can still offer consultations over the phone, and supply rehabilitation programs to those with injuries.
Thankyou, Chels üíô

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To all my clients,
Due to government guidelines as of today, I have been forced to close up and cancel all appointments in all locations.
Clients who are booked in are currently being contacted with the news and to sort out communication to get booked in again when we’re back open.
... Thankyou for all the support over the couple of difficult weeks, and for the continued support over the harder upcoming weeks. Please continue to support the small businesses around you in any shape or form possible.
Face-to-face appointments have come to a holt but I can still offer consultations over the phone, and supply rehabilitation programs to those with injuries.
Thankyou, Chels üíô

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More about Chelsie-Jane Sports Therapy