City Of Llandaff Pétanque Club

Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 16:30 - 21:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 10:30 - 14:00

About City Of Llandaff Pétanque Club

Welcome to Cardiff’s brand new approach to Petanque playing in Wales. The City of Llandaff Petanque Club is a new facility that forms part of the historic Llandaff Rowing Club and is situated in a beautiful setting overlooking the River Taff

City Of Llandaff Pétanque Club Description

Welcome to Cardiff’s brand new approach to Petanque playing in Wales. The City of Llandaff Petanque Club is a new facility that forms part of the historic Llandaff Rowing Club and is situated in a beautiful setting overlooking the River Taff



Attention all! Brecon RFC are hosting an open pétanque triples competition on the 28th July and all are welcome. Please see the poster below:


The very first City of Llandaff Petanque Club Treasure Hunt was held today.
Eight cars with 20 ½ treasure hunters were given their maps, clues and instructions and they set off at 2pm from the rowing club at 5 minute intervals. They were looking for telephone numbers (which compiled a final grid reference which led to the final destination ) together with 63 clues along the way.
The route past through Radyr, Tongwynlais, Caerphilly, Basseleg, St Mellons, Castleton and ended... in an eatery in Marshfield where a few well deserved beers were sunk. First back did not guarantee winning!
The worthy winners and recipients of the money prize, were Steve and Colin who are members of Pegasus running club. Congratulations to you both (and the ones to watch next year!)
The very smoothly constructed Treasure Hunt was organised and run by husband and wife John and Pauline. Thank you for all your hard work and we look forward to your next instalment.
Click the link below for photos! unt-23rd-june-2019/
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Two prospective club members spotted at Llandaff Pétanque Club!


Yesterday's Winners!
Thank you to all who participated in yesterday's melee, the results of which were:
1st place - Graham Wood... 2nd place - Frances Ralph Joint 3rd place - Phil Freegard / Sue Wood
This is the first time Graham and Sue have played competitively with us, so they are clearly the ones to watch! :)
Well done all.
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Come and join our new club lottery!!
Whether you are a member of City of Llandaff Petanque Club or not, you are more than welcome to enter.
Ben is organising a monthly draw where there is a chance to win one or more of 3 cash prizes.
... All that is required to enter the lottery is a standing order of £5 every month.
Please contact Ben or Jim for more details.
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Great fun was had by all in yesterday's working party, which was attempting to erect the new club marquee, by the river, for the very first time.
Eventually it all came together and the structure stood proudly alongside the piste.
... We are now confident that we can make use of the marquee when our guests arrive from Saint Sebastian on July 21st.
Thank you to Nigel, Ed, Ben, Roy, Jim, Paul, Phil, Ruth, Trevor (and his dog) for making it happen.
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Looking for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Join the club's Treasure Hunt:
A message from John T:
... Pauline and myself will be running a Car Treasure Hunt for our members on Sunday afternoon 23rd June 2019. Without wishing to give away too much the Hunt will consist of the following:
- Once you’ve started its a driving treasure hunt, with no need to leave your vehicle or collect items.
- You will be looking for six numbers, each will have a digit missing, once you’ve found the missing six digits this will reveal the grid reference of the final destination.
- There will be clues to answer on route and a provided Ordnance Survey map to help with your directions.
- We aim to finish at a pub that provides food if you wish to have an evening meal.
To make this event worthwhile to both us organising and to you as participants, we need a minimum of six vehicles involved. We recommend cars have a minimum of two people, better with three or four.
The cost to enter will either be £4 or £5 per person to cover purchase of maps and a small prize.
Thank you John
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A reminder to all members that a Club OGM is being held this evening, 7pm at the Clubhouse. Please make an effort to attend, as lots of exciting news, events and competitions will be discussed 😆A reminder to all members that a Club OGM is being held this evening, 7pm at the Clubhouse. Please make an effort to attend, as lots of exciting news, events and competitions will be discussed 😆


What a fabulous Easter weekend.
Never mind all those crowded roads and beaches. We decided to stay closer to home, at the City of Llandaff Pétanque Club.
It’s great to see the pride our members are taking in our fledgling club. Thank you to Nigel for ensuring the piste is raked every week and to Phil F for finding creative ways to mark out the terrain. Thanks also to Peter D and to all the others who are donating flowers and shrubs which Alec and Angie take so much care over ...designing and planting in the bund. You’re making this a fabulous club!
We thank and welcome the volunteers who are comprising the new sub committees. John T and Phil F have been the first volunteer, with others due to put their names forward at the Club OGM on Thursday the 25th April at 7pm, at the clubhouse. John T will also be making the club singles draw on that same day
John and Pauline also are planning something completely different, a travelling treasure hunt that he will be telling us all about at the meeting. We're really looking forward to it!
There are also talks about an Easter Quiz and Games Evening. We look forward with interest! See you in the clubhouse for a glass or two after our chuck!
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Spring has sprung and some of us have come out of hibernation! Preparations are now in place for the new Pétanque season. See below for some news on:
- Upcoming Competitions - The Club Meeting, Thursday 25th April 7pm - The Club lottery... - The Marquee
Alec and Angie have been busy planting out the bund, and Nigel has devised new ways of attracting the wildlife with his bird boxes! Gone are the dark evenings when the owls watched and hooted as we played beneath their boughs. Kingfishers, cormorants, swans, grebes and a host of other wildlife clearly approve of the new improvements to the weir, happily playing, feeding and breeding along the banks of the river.
Now most of the club building work has been completed, thoughts turn to club life and how we want to spend our time in 2019.
The club competitions commence after Easter and the Singles draw will take place at our club meeting on Thursday 25th April at 7pm.
All are welcome to enter the singles but ideally it would be easier if limited to the first 32 players drawn from the hat. The “play” sub committee will be designing a host of competitions for us and I’m told this will include, singles, doubles, triples, mixed competitions and teams.
Please let John or Jim know soonest if you DO NOT wish to enter the competitions.
There are new plans to commence a club lottery where members opt in and give a few pounds a month towards, prizes and club life. Our thanks go to Ben for taking the time to organise this.
As the weather improves we are looking forward to being able to make use of the new club marquee. Any ideas about possible social events, BBQs, alfresco dining or functions alongside the river in the new marquee will be carefully considered.
How exciting that the next stage in our club’s development is underway. There is already a steady stream of potential new members coming down for a chuck. Welcome to our newest member Ruth! We look forward to personally welcoming you into the fold!
Come to our club meeting at 7pm on Thursday 25th April and make your voice heard. Give us your ideas. Volunteer for one of the new sub committees! This club is YOUR club!
Click the below for some photos of Nigel's new bird boxes, which he has put-up at the piste. s/
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Watch out! Llandaff Rowing Club are hosting a Gin tasting evening on Friday the 8th March. See below for details and ticket prices.


What a wonderful scene with a dusting of snow on our piste!
Those with a frail constitution took one look at the terrain and decided they would retreat to the log fire!
However, those of us who were rather foolhardy, scraped the snow away and had a snow day playing boules in the snow and ice.
... The scary bit was trying to ensure the car didn’t slide into the river, the car park was like an ice rink!
A memorable day..... e-day-in-the-snow/
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For those who'd like to attend, Bernard Bradshaw's funeral will take place at 2pm at St. Cadoc's Church in Llanrumney, on Wednesday 13th February 2019.


Tributes have been pouring in today for Bernard Bradshaw, who passed away peacefully last Friday 25th January aged 93.
Bernard, father of City of Llandaff Petanque Club’s Phil Bradshaw, was a keen Petanque player who spent many happy years playing boules with his family and friends. He was a member of the original Monkstone Club in Rumney and, in recent years together with his son Phil and grandson Oliver, he joined the Penylan Club who made him a life member.
Even in his n...ineties, Bernard proved a formidable opponent in the game.
Above all however, he was a kind, loving and honourable man, a gentleman who will be fondly remembered and greatly missed.
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I think you’ll all agree that Ras ran a superb Sunday Melee today, serving hot porridge at 10am followed by the melee held on a crisp, sunny yet chilly morning by the river. Congratulations go to John Tyrrell who won first place, with Andy Temple being placed 2nd and Ed Frampton who came 3rd!
Thank you Ras, we look forward to your next instalment. of-2019/


How to never let your opponents know that they've got to you....
When you’ve had a really bad day, when the piste has been against you, when your shots have not come off, when the umpire has ruled against you in every decision, when your opponents have sniggered and goaded you, and when every match has gone down the pan, this is the secret of how to keep face!!


Dry January Enhances Play!
The barman at Llandaff was astonished to learn how so many of our members have started 2019 opting for a dry January, ditching the alcohol and buying coke!
But here’s a thought.. apparently Coke can actually make you play better? Well, according to this Guardian Article it does....
...…/petanque- drug-allegations-coc…
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More about City Of Llandaff Pétanque Club

Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 16:30 - 21:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 10:30 - 14:00