Climb Snowdon

About Climb Snowdon

Providing friendly advice and support. Professionally guided groups to Climb Snowdon - for fun, for charity, to learn, to enjoy!

Climb Snowdon Description

Climb Snowdon is a service offered by RAW Adventures Mountain Activities Ltd. We are a locally operated company, based at the foot of Snowdon itself - run by Kate and Ross Worthington. We are here to support anyone that is looking to Climb Snowdon for fun, for fitness, for charity, to learn and to enjoy. Our utmost priority is to help you achieve the day you want, to help educate and inspire you and to support your efforts of ascending this beautifully iconic and popular mountain. We work and play regularly on Snowdon ourselves and take our responsibility seriously in terms of supporting local businesses, Llanberis Mountain Rescue Team, the management work on Snowdon itself and how we can help increase peoples' skills and positive experiences in the mountains.



Saturday 13 April - another stunner on Yr Wyddfa!
A fabulous team - fathers and sons - hit the ground running on the southern side of Snowdon, under the #MountainLeader guidance of Rich Cannell. Switching to this quieter side of Snowdon, allowed the keen bean team to discover the impressive line of Bwlch Main ridge, following the Rhyd Ddu path.
The boys were made up to see the remnants of spring snow hanging out in the snow and this particular route offers some easy hands on... rock moments and wonderful views to the south, before heading along a fine ridge directly to the summit...perfect for adventurous minds and feet ­¤żō­¤ÅāŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ­¤źŠŌśĆ’ĖÅ
Thanks to Rich Cannell for the guidance and photos.
Find out more about Yr Wyddfa's different walking routes here...and #GetOutside wyddŌĆ”/summit-routes
#QuitTalkingStartDoing Snowdon Mountain Railway Joe Brown's Shops Royal Victoria Hotel Snowdonia Ordnance Survey Visit North Wales Go North Wales Walk up Snowdon Mountain Training
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Saturday 13 April ŌśĆ’ĖÅ­¤īĖŌŁÉ’ĖÅ
One week on and the recent snows on Yr Wyddfa have melted back and a second The Zest Life team were able to ascend to the summit of Snowdon, under clear skies. It was a cold day, though, and the wintry temperatures and wind chill meant for many layers and hats, as per Kit List!
What a wonderful opportunity to gain some height on Wales' highest, as part of their yoga and well-being retreat in North Wales. We look forward to welcoming the team back n...ext year, with new itineraries and new suggestions for their next mountain objective...
With huge thanks to Jason Till and Claire Lea for looking after both The Zest Life teams this April - with contrasting walks on Moel Eilio last weekend and Yr Wyddfa on Saturday. Lucking out with gorgeous sun on both days ŌśĆ’ĖÅŌśĆ’ĖÅ
RAW Adventures #QuitTalkingStartDoing
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Easter Monday! Just a few spaces left for an Open Climb Snowdon walk on Yr Wyddfa for individuals or partners to join a like-minded team...
Book online today: scroll down and find your chosen date and hit 'Book Now'. We look forward to hearing from you!


On 12 May 2019 we will be supporting the #awesome fundraisers from St David's Hospice for their #SnowdonSunrise challenge. This hard working charity are local to us here in #NorthWales, so it's great to know we're not far from away from the individuals and families they benefit.
If #Snowdon #YrWyddfa is on your bucket list then sign up NOW and support a great cause, whilst taking on the most popular mountain in Europe!
Oh and don't forget the celebratery full Welsh cooked br...eakfast afterwards...#nomnom ­¤śŖ­¤æŹŌĆ”/snowdo n-sunrise-challengeŌĆ”/
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Monday 8 April - saw our first Open Climb Snowdon group take to the hills with Elton Angle-Smith ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ
Easing up the Llanberis Path was the order for this group, keeping sheltered from easterly winds and potential cover hanging out on the Pyg Track side. The team were really lucky to move through a layer of cloud blowing over the summit area, and have a clear top on arrival! Cold in the breeze...but a gorgeous day. Well worked team and thanks for joining us, we hope you have ...enjoyed the rest of your holiday time here ­¤ÆÜ #LoveSnowdonia ­¤ÆÜ
We have been blessed with dry conditions this week - which has seen an increase of visitors to Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri - Snowdonia National Park since schools across the UK have started their Easter Holidays.
Mwynhau * Enjoy !
#BeAdventureSmart RAW Adventures Royal Victoria Hotel Snowdonia Snowdon Mountain Railway Joe Brown's Shops #GetOutside Ordnance Survey YHA Snowdon Pen-y-Pass Walk up Snowdon Mud and Routes
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Our #ClimbSnowdon #MountainLeader box is out for a walk again today...
Happy Saturday and enjoy your day wherever it may find you! ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ
Snowdon Mountain Railway The Zest Life YHA Snowdon Pen-y-Pass Royal Victoria Hotel Snowdonia RAW Adventures Berwyn Mountaineering


Put your trust in us...itŌĆÖs like Secret Escapes! Late July summer holidays and nowhere to go?
Let us guide you into less travelled folds and quiet corners of SnowdoniaŌĆśs valleys and summits. We shall always make the routes achievable and appropriate for the day, the weather and a generally active walking group. Suitable for those with some previous hillwalking experience and a sense of adventure!
We shall always be within an hourŌĆÖs travel of Capel Curig and can provide
Max 6 x people per group.
┬Ż35 per person for a quality mountain day in Northern Snowdonia and places you may never have visited before...
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Tuesday 9 April - a stunning day on #YrWyddfa, welcoming back a keen team from Chancellor's School 6th Form! After some delay in arrival they hit the ground running on the Llanberis Path, to ease travel arrangements and a smooth transition up and down the Llanberis Path.
This route is one of the longer paths on Snowdon, but offering a steady climb...until you hit 750m and then it's up, up and away to the summit via steep slopes above the impressive cliffs of Clogwyn Du'r Arddu. A big thank you to Mel and Honesty for their care and attention to the pupils and staff - for a successful and enjoyable return to Wales' highest the sun!


We're excited to be working with St David's Hospice again this year to support their amazing fundrasiers on Yr Wyddfa on 12th May.
If you like a challenge and would like to support a great cause whilst doing so then please follow the link below or click on the event and sign up now!
Oh and don't forget the celebratery full Welsh cooked breakfast afterwards...#nomnom ­¤śŖ­¤æŹ


Monday 8 April - a special birthday celebration walk on Yr Wyddfa for Sinnan and Thomas ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ­¤ź│­¤ŹŠ­¤Äē
Snowdon was set fair on this day, with snow patches melting away in milder temperatures and sun. Atmospheric cloud gave an eerie light at times. Cat Cameron guided Sinnan and Thomas on an extended walk, via Bwlch Maesgwm, Moel Cynghorion and then picked up the Snowdon Ranger path to the summit. Mini bubbles on top and a descent via the Llanberis Path to soak in some views to the coast. Making memories and tired legs - brilliant work, team! ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ
Thanks to Cat for the photos.


Saturday 6 April ­¤īĖŌØä’ĖÅŌśĆ’ĖÅ The Zest Life team head to the hills!
This group have been staying in Snowdonia for a yoga retreat and day's walking in the fresh air, before some further yoga practice and massage treatments. And they were bathed in April sunshine.
It's not uncommon to find some late March and April days on Yr Wyddfa also accompanied by spring snow - this has been a running theme over past years. 2 April 2018, we were on the summit in crampons!
... This year, in similar snowy conditions, we decided to take a walk along one of Snowdon's sibling ridges - to Moel Eilio, to enjoy views back to Wales' highest mountain, but stay out of the snow-line for simple, spring walking in gorgeous conditions. The Moel Eilio ridge line of hills above Llanberis offers fine walking and multiple, achievable summit tops, with fine vistas back to Snowdon, the Glyderau, the Menai Strait and the Moel Hebog range to the south.
At this time of year, you'll see birds such as meadow pipits returning to higher ground after the winter, and skylarks loving these grassy hills for breeding. You might hear them before you see them - chattering and singing accompaniment for your walk!
With thanks to Mountain Training #MountainLeaders Jason Till and Claire Goodman-Jones for working flexibly with a keen team and to Sian Sykes for the introduction to the The Zest Life team - it was a pleasure to host you ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ­¤ī¤ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ­¤ī¤
RAW Adventures #QuitTalkingStartDoing
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Yr Wyddfa/Snowdon: we're flip flopping between Spring ­¤īĖ and Winter ŌØä’ĖÅ in Eryri currently...
Another April's Fool? Consistent amounts of snow have fallen on the high mountains again this week, while a rush of cold air has been blowing down from the north. The wind direction is due to change this weekend, bringing some 'slightly' milder temperatures again but the higher summits will still feel and look wintry in low temperatures and with snow still lying on the ground in some ...places.
It's not untimely to return back to the planning board and take a look at the information and advice in this blog from Kate Worthington at RAW Adventures - when you're looking at wintry mountains (yes, even in Spring!)...
Make a good day better by being flexible and searching out information to help you make informed decisions ­¤ÆĪ
#BeAdventureSmart YHA Snowdon Pen-y-Pass Snowdon Mountain Railway Joe Brown's Shops MynyddaDiogel Eryri - MountainSafe Snowdonia Ordnance Survey Met Office Mountain Weather Information Service Moel Siabod Cafe / Caffi Siabod - Snowdonia
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A wintry sundown on an evening run with Nonny Dog ŌØä’ĖÅ
#FavouriteHomeViews #SpringWinterSpring


­¤ÆĪIf you are looking for your next mountain steps ­¤ÜČŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤ÜČŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ
Join RAW Adventures for a 2 Day Mountain Training #MountainSkils course!
20-21 April 2019
...ŌĆ”/hil l-and-mountain-skills
Climb Snowdon and more! Skills and confidence for your next adventures...
RAW Adventures Ordnance Survey Royal Victoria Hotel Snowdonia YHA Snowdon Pen-y-Pass Joe Brown's Shops Adventures in Snowdonia * Anturiaethau yn Eryri
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We have been blessed with some flavours of summer recently with the weather and clocks moving forward giving us more daylight hours BUT itŌĆÖs not summer yet!
We awoke to a considerable amount of snow cover this morning and temperatures have remained low all day, we have even had some hail showers!
So PLEASE check the forecasts before heading up and out, give us a call if you want we will be happy to let you know whatŌĆÖs happening up high.
... #LOVE #BritishWeather #Snowdonia #GetOutside
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We have a few spaces left on an Easter Holidays Open Climb Snowdon day on Monday 8 April...
Grab a space now before the Easter Bunny bounces off with the Easter gifts!! ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ­¤É░­¤īĖ­¤ī┐­¤źÜ
Book online hereŌĆ”/77448/availabi lity/184174545/book/ŌĆ”
­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░­ ¤É░­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░< br> See More


Sunny smiles...


­¤īĖWhat a weekend to kick off a Spring season of adventures...ŌśĆ’ĖÅ
A merry band of #TeamRAW #MountainLeaders looked after a keen crew from #WHG Walsall Housing Group on Saturday, in very fine conditions. It was an absolute pleasure to support this large and mixed group of walkers, who were pleased to see the other side of the less-favourable Spring conditions the mountain has experienced lately!
They worked hard to raise funds for Cancer Research UK with many personal connection...s to this cause.
Big thanks to all the Mountain Training@RAW RAW Adventures #MountainLeaders working to bring this team back down for celebrations at Royal Victoria Hotel Snowdonia.
WeŌĆÖre looking forward to a busy April coming up...find out more about us
Thanks to Ian Morton and Simon Barry for photos and looking after Mountain Leaders and clients alike - well worked team!
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We love to see happy, smiling faces...and that includes the very awesome Mountain Training #MountainLeaders that look after a great many people on Yr Wyddfa...week in and week out, whoever theyŌĆÖre walking with. This week we are very chuffed to have nabbed a very busy Ian Morton to manage a super #TeamRAW group of staff...thanks for your hard work ŌŁÉ’ĖÅŌŁÉ’ĖÅ
With the forecasted weather, itŌĆÖs been a busy day on WalesŌĆÖ highest mountain...


The most amazing experience! Kate, we cannot thank you enough for your help, guidance & support whilst arranging our climb & on the day itself! For someone who had never attempted such a physical challenge you put all of my fears to bed & helped me achieve one of the most incredible things I have ever done! Team "Shackalackaboomboom" are already planning our next adventure! xxx


Thank you RAW adventures for an amazing experience up Mount Snowdon. You guys are so organised right down to the spare rubbish bags. Also a huge thanks to Cat our guide, feel lucky to have had your fun, caring self for the day.Hope your car didn't get clamped by those grumpy men.

P.S This is my first ever review on a product/service/experience, but the recommendation was necessary in my opinion.


Thank you Kate, had an amazing experience climbing Snowdon with you, highly recommended


Thank you Kate for an amazing experience and getting me up snowdon, couldn't have done it with out you xx


Super nice people.


Ross is a true professional - you can't beat his knowledge, services and of course the location!


Planning our adventure was made so much easier with the support of Raw Adventures having their skill and experience whilst walking and climbing made what could have been a tough journey so much more enjoyable and achievable so much so we are planning the next one already :-)


Nice I will like you to be my partner for kilimanjaro


I Had an amazing time on saturday thanks to our guide cat! I Would recommend raw adventures to anyone planning to climb snowdon! Amazing views and an amazing day! Thank you! X


Had the most amazing day on Snowdon with Kate!! The mountain is beautiful! Personal goal while raising vital funds and awareness for charity! Raised ┬Ż885 :) We could not of done this without Kate! So pleased to have had such a lovely leader! Highly recommended!


Had a great weekend here great walk to the cafe at the top ...

Thanks from all at the Rhiw teapot cafe Bridgend indoor market. ..


Great experience from the quick replies when booking down to the thoughtful Easter egg at the summit. Our guides for the day (Craig and Branwen) were awesome, they encouraged us throughout the day - without them I would have given in to the inclement weather and given up. Will definitely be booking again. Highly recommended.


Fabulous day yesterday with our guide Keith, highly recommended. Keith was so knowledgeable, lovely to hear all about the history of Snowdon, as well as having an amazing adventure. Thank you so much. See you again soon for round two ’┐Į’┐Į


Climbing Snowden was a personal experience for me ! Don't let any one say you CARN'T ! Inspired me to do great things !


Climb Snowden took us up Snowden via Crib Goch and we had a fantastic day. Craig was a great guide, easy to get along with and he taught us the basics of scrambling. Would definitely recommend to anyone to book a guided tour with Climb Snowden!


Amazing organised climb on Easter Sunday 2015 with the brilliant Ross. The whole day was such a brilliant experience and would recommend joining a RAW/Climb Snowdon organised climb to anyway who wants to have a safe walk & learn about the mountains and their history. Thank you Ross, Kate & the rest of the RAW team x


Absolutely fantastic, would not have made it without Climb Snowdon, Steve and Bryonwn were awesome giulds and kept us going and encouraging us Thank you so much for 1 of the best experiences of my life xxxxx


A totally awesome experience, despite my wobble near the summit. I absolutely loved the climb and I'm so glad we took the Watkins path (a more challenging route) made more enjoyable by fab weather and two wonderful guides, Kate and Cat. Thank you both. Great photos by the way xx


The most amazing experience! Kate, we cannot thank you enough for your help, guidance & support whilst arranging our climb & on the day itself! For someone who had never attempted such a physical challenge you put all of my fears to bed & helped me achieve one of the most incredible things I have ever done! Team "Shackalackaboomboom" are already planning our next adventure! xxx


Thank you RAW adventures for an amazing experience up Mount Snowdon. You guys are so organised right down to the spare rubbish bags. Also a huge thanks to Cat our guide, feel lucky to have had your fun, caring self for the day.Hope your car didn't get clamped by those grumpy men.

P.S This is my first ever review on a product/service/experience, but the recommendation was necessary in my opinion.


Thank you Kate, had an amazing experience climbing Snowdon with you, highly recommended


Thank you Kate for an amazing experience and getting me up snowdon, couldn't have done it with out you xx


Super nice people.


Ross is a true professional - you can't beat his knowledge, services and of course the location!


Planning our adventure was made so much easier with the support of Raw Adventures having their skill and experience whilst walking and climbing made what could have been a tough journey so much more enjoyable and achievable so much so we are planning the next one already :-)


Nice I will like you to be my partner for kilimanjaro


I Had an amazing time on saturday thanks to our guide cat! I Would recommend raw adventures to anyone planning to climb snowdon! Amazing views and an amazing day! Thank you! X


Had the most amazing day on Snowdon with Kate!! The mountain is beautiful! Personal goal while raising vital funds and awareness for charity! Raised £885 :) We could not of done this without Kate! So pleased to have had such a lovely leader! Highly recommended!


Had a great weekend here great walk to the cafe at the top ...

Thanks from all at the Rhiw teapot cafe Bridgend indoor market. ..


Great experience from the quick replies when booking down to the thoughtful Easter egg at the summit. Our guides for the day (Craig and Branwen) were awesome, they encouraged us throughout the day - without them I would have given in to the inclement weather and given up. Will definitely be booking again. Highly recommended.


Fabulous day yesterday with our guide Keith, highly recommended. Keith was so knowledgeable, lovely to hear all about the history of Snowdon, as well as having an amazing adventure. Thank you so much. See you again soon for round two ÔøΩÔøΩ


Climbing Snowden was a personal experience for me ! Don't let any one say you CARN'T ! Inspired me to do great things !


Climb Snowden took us up Snowden via Crib Goch and we had a fantastic day. Craig was a great guide, easy to get along with and he taught us the basics of scrambling. Would definitely recommend to anyone to book a guided tour with Climb Snowden!


Amazing organised climb on Easter Sunday 2015 with the brilliant Ross. The whole day was such a brilliant experience and would recommend joining a RAW/Climb Snowdon organised climb to anyway who wants to have a safe walk & learn about the mountains and their history. Thank you Ross, Kate & the rest of the RAW team x


Absolutely fantastic, would not have made it without Climb Snowdon, Steve and Bryonwn were awesome giulds and kept us going and encouraging us Thank you so much for 1 of the best experiences of my life xxxxx


A totally awesome experience, despite my wobble near the summit. I absolutely loved the climb and I'm so glad we took the Watkins path (a more challenging route) made more enjoyable by fab weather and two wonderful guides, Kate and Cat. Thank you both. Great photos by the way xx


The most amazing experience! Kate, we cannot thank you enough for your help, guidance & support whilst arranging our climb & on the day itself! For someone who had never attempted such a physical challenge you put all of my fears to bed & helped me achieve one of the most incredible things I have ever done! Team "Shackalackaboomboom" are already planning our next adventure! xxx


Thank you RAW adventures for an amazing experience up Mount Snowdon. You guys are so organised right down to the spare rubbish bags. Also a huge thanks to Cat our guide, feel lucky to have had your fun, caring self for the day.Hope your car didn't get clamped by those grumpy men.

P.S This is my first ever review on a product/service/experience, but the recommendation was necessary in my opinion.


Thank you Kate, had an amazing experience climbing Snowdon with you, highly recommended


Thank you Kate for an amazing experience and getting me up snowdon, couldn't have done it with out you xx


Super nice people.


Ross is a true professional - you can't beat his knowledge, services and of course the location!


Planning our adventure was made so much easier with the support of Raw Adventures having their skill and experience whilst walking and climbing made what could have been a tough journey so much more enjoyable and achievable so much so we are planning the next one already :-)


Nice I will like you to be my partner for kilimanjaro


I Had an amazing time on saturday thanks to our guide cat! I Would recommend raw adventures to anyone planning to climb snowdon! Amazing views and an amazing day! Thank you! X


Had the most amazing day on Snowdon with Kate!! The mountain is beautiful! Personal goal while raising vital funds and awareness for charity! Raised ┬Ż885 :) We could not of done this without Kate! So pleased to have had such a lovely leader! Highly recommended!


Had a great weekend here great walk to the cafe at the top ...

Thanks from all at the Rhiw teapot cafe Bridgend indoor market. ..


Great experience from the quick replies when booking down to the thoughtful Easter egg at the summit. Our guides for the day (Craig and Branwen) were awesome, they encouraged us throughout the day - without them I would have given in to the inclement weather and given up. Will definitely be booking again. Highly recommended.


Fabulous day yesterday with our guide Keith, highly recommended. Keith was so knowledgeable, lovely to hear all about the history of Snowdon, as well as having an amazing adventure. Thank you so much. See you again soon for round two ’┐Į’┐Į


Climbing Snowden was a personal experience for me ! Don't let any one say you CARN'T ! Inspired me to do great things !


Climb Snowden took us up Snowden via Crib Goch and we had a fantastic day. Craig was a great guide, easy to get along with and he taught us the basics of scrambling. Would definitely recommend to anyone to book a guided tour with Climb Snowden!


Amazing organised climb on Easter Sunday 2015 with the brilliant Ross. The whole day was such a brilliant experience and would recommend joining a RAW/Climb Snowdon organised climb to anyway who wants to have a safe walk & learn about the mountains and their history. Thank you Ross, Kate & the rest of the RAW team x


Absolutely fantastic, would not have made it without Climb Snowdon, Steve and Bryonwn were awesome giulds and kept us going and encouraging us Thank you so much for 1 of the best experiences of my life xxxxx


A totally awesome experience, despite my wobble near the summit. I absolutely loved the climb and I'm so glad we took the Watkins path (a more challenging route) made more enjoyable by fab weather and two wonderful guides, Kate and Cat. Thank you both. Great photos by the way xx


The most amazing experience! Kate, we cannot thank you enough for your help, guidance & support whilst arranging our climb & on the day itself! For someone who had never attempted such a physical challenge you put all of my fears to bed & helped me achieve one of the most incredible things I have ever done! Team "Shackalackaboomboom" are already planning our next adventure! xxx


Thank you RAW adventures for an amazing experience up Mount Snowdon. You guys are so organised right down to the spare rubbish bags. Also a huge thanks to Cat our guide, feel lucky to have had your fun, caring self for the day.Hope your car didn't get clamped by those grumpy men.

P.S This is my first ever review on a product/service/experience, but the recommendation was necessary in my opinion.


Thank you Kate, had an amazing experience climbing Snowdon with you, highly recommended


Thank you Kate for an amazing experience and getting me up snowdon, couldn't have done it with out you xx


Super nice people.


Ross is a true professional - you can't beat his knowledge, services and of course the location!


Planning our adventure was made so much easier with the support of Raw Adventures having their skill and experience whilst walking and climbing made what could have been a tough journey so much more enjoyable and achievable so much so we are planning the next one already :-)


Nice I will like you to be my partner for kilimanjaro


I Had an amazing time on saturday thanks to our guide cat! I Would recommend raw adventures to anyone planning to climb snowdon! Amazing views and an amazing day! Thank you! X


Had the most amazing day on Snowdon with Kate!! The mountain is beautiful! Personal goal while raising vital funds and awareness for charity! Raised £885 :) We could not of done this without Kate! So pleased to have had such a lovely leader! Highly recommended!


Had a great weekend here great walk to the cafe at the top ...

Thanks from all at the Rhiw teapot cafe Bridgend indoor market. ..


Great experience from the quick replies when booking down to the thoughtful Easter egg at the summit. Our guides for the day (Craig and Branwen) were awesome, they encouraged us throughout the day - without them I would have given in to the inclement weather and given up. Will definitely be booking again. Highly recommended.


Fabulous day yesterday with our guide Keith, highly recommended. Keith was so knowledgeable, lovely to hear all about the history of Snowdon, as well as having an amazing adventure. Thank you so much. See you again soon for round two ÔøΩÔøΩ


Climbing Snowden was a personal experience for me ! Don't let any one say you CARN'T ! Inspired me to do great things !


Climb Snowden took us up Snowden via Crib Goch and we had a fantastic day. Craig was a great guide, easy to get along with and he taught us the basics of scrambling. Would definitely recommend to anyone to book a guided tour with Climb Snowden!


Amazing organised climb on Easter Sunday 2015 with the brilliant Ross. The whole day was such a brilliant experience and would recommend joining a RAW/Climb Snowdon organised climb to anyway who wants to have a safe walk & learn about the mountains and their history. Thank you Ross, Kate & the rest of the RAW team x


Absolutely fantastic, would not have made it without Climb Snowdon, Steve and Bryonwn were awesome giulds and kept us going and encouraging us Thank you so much for 1 of the best experiences of my life xxxxx


A totally awesome experience, despite my wobble near the summit. I absolutely loved the climb and I'm so glad we took the Watkins path (a more challenging route) made more enjoyable by fab weather and two wonderful guides, Kate and Cat. Thank you both. Great photos by the way xx


The most amazing experience! Kate, we cannot thank you enough for your help, guidance & support whilst arranging our climb & on the day itself! For someone who had never attempted such a physical challenge you put all of my fears to bed & helped me achieve one of the most incredible things I have ever done! Team "Shackalackaboomboom" are already planning our next adventure! xxx


Thank you RAW adventures for an amazing experience up Mount Snowdon. You guys are so organised right down to the spare rubbish bags. Also a huge thanks to Cat our guide, feel lucky to have had your fun, caring self for the day.Hope your car didn't get clamped by those grumpy men.

P.S This is my first ever review on a product/service/experience, but the recommendation was necessary in my opinion.


Thank you Kate, had an amazing experience climbing Snowdon with you, highly recommended


Thank you Kate for an amazing experience and getting me up snowdon, couldn't have done it with out you xx


Super nice people.


Ross is a true professional - you can't beat his knowledge, services and of course the location!


Planning our adventure was made so much easier with the support of Raw Adventures having their skill and experience whilst walking and climbing made what could have been a tough journey so much more enjoyable and achievable so much so we are planning the next one already :-)


Nice I will like you to be my partner for kilimanjaro


I Had an amazing time on saturday thanks to our guide cat! I Would recommend raw adventures to anyone planning to climb snowdon! Amazing views and an amazing day! Thank you! X


Had the most amazing day on Snowdon with Kate!! The mountain is beautiful! Personal goal while raising vital funds and awareness for charity! Raised ┬Ż885 :) We could not of done this without Kate! So pleased to have had such a lovely leader! Highly recommended!


Had a great weekend here great walk to the cafe at the top ...

Thanks from all at the Rhiw teapot cafe Bridgend indoor market. ..


Great experience from the quick replies when booking down to the thoughtful Easter egg at the summit. Our guides for the day (Craig and Branwen) were awesome, they encouraged us throughout the day - without them I would have given in to the inclement weather and given up. Will definitely be booking again. Highly recommended.


Fabulous day yesterday with our guide Keith, highly recommended. Keith was so knowledgeable, lovely to hear all about the history of Snowdon, as well as having an amazing adventure. Thank you so much. See you again soon for round two ’┐Į’┐Į


Climbing Snowden was a personal experience for me ! Don't let any one say you CARN'T ! Inspired me to do great things !


Climb Snowden took us up Snowden via Crib Goch and we had a fantastic day. Craig was a great guide, easy to get along with and he taught us the basics of scrambling. Would definitely recommend to anyone to book a guided tour with Climb Snowden!


Amazing organised climb on Easter Sunday 2015 with the brilliant Ross. The whole day was such a brilliant experience and would recommend joining a RAW/Climb Snowdon organised climb to anyway who wants to have a safe walk & learn about the mountains and their history. Thank you Ross, Kate & the rest of the RAW team x


Absolutely fantastic, would not have made it without Climb Snowdon, Steve and Bryonwn were awesome giulds and kept us going and encouraging us Thank you so much for 1 of the best experiences of my life xxxxx


A totally awesome experience, despite my wobble near the summit. I absolutely loved the climb and I'm so glad we took the Watkins path (a more challenging route) made more enjoyable by fab weather and two wonderful guides, Kate and Cat. Thank you both. Great photos by the way xx

More about Climb Snowdon
