Clwb Rygbi Pwllheli Rugby Club

Monday: -
Tuesday: 19:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 19:00 - 17:00
Friday: 19:00 - 23:00
Saturday: 19:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 19:00 - 14:30

About Clwb Rygbi Pwllheli Rugby Club

Clwb Rygbi Pwllheli is rugby union club from the town of Pwllheli, in Gwynedd, North Wales. We run no fewer than 16 teams.
New to the area or simply want to try out the game come over any training night. You will be welcome.

Clwb Rygbi Pwllheli Rugby Club Description

Pwllheli Rugby Football Club (Welsh: Clwb Rygbi Pwllheli) is a rugby union team from the town of Pwllheli, in Gwynedd, North Wales. Pwllheli RFC is a member of the Welsh Rugby Union



Y CLWB NEWYDD. Yr ydym wedi creu holiadur i alluogi pawb sydd a diddordeb yn y datblygiad i rhannu eu sylwadau a'u gobeithion. Mae copiau ar gael gan Adam ( criced ), Eleri (hoci), Wil Martin neu o'r Clwb. Os ydych yn aelod a grwp neu fudiad sydd heb lle cyson i gyfarfod y gobaith ydi y medran cynnig lle i chi yn yr adeilad newydd.. Yr ydym yn cynllunio I baratoi canolfan cymunedol i'n cymdeithas lleol. Does ddim rhaid iddo fod hefo cysylltiad hefo chwaraeon - yr ydym yn bar...od yn ganolfan I Slimming World , Line Dancing ac eraill. Os bysa well gennych cael trafodaeth cyfrinachol i gychwyn byddem yn hapus I wenud hynny.
I help ni gyda’ r prosiect cyffrous yma, byddem yn croesawu eich mewnbwn / sylwadau i’ r arolwg amgaeedig -byddwn hefyd yn cynnal Noson Agored ar 1af o Awst, 2019 yn cychwyn am 7.30yh yn y Clwb. Diolch am eich cefnogaeth, os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau neu yn dymuno cadw i fyny gyda chynnydd y datblygiad - cysylltwch â Sian Griffiths, e: ff: 07940 293481, ‘ hoffi’ ein tudalen Facebook-@hwbpwllheli neu dilynwch ni ar Twitter-@ hwbpwllheli
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CLUB REDEVELOPMENT. A questionnaire has been created to gain the views of anyone who is interested in knowing more about the proposals to rebuild the clubhouse at Bodegroes. Copies are available at the Club, Via Adam Williams (cricket), Eleri Jones ( hockey) or Wil Martin. Potential users are particularly encouraged to share their views. This includes any clubs, groups or organisations who are looking for a base. It is our wish that the new building will be a genuine hub ...which will enhance the facilities available to the whole community. The plans for the build and in draft form and if your group or organisation has a particular need let us know and we will attempt to incorporate these needs in the build.
To help us with this exciting project we would welcome your input/comments on the attached survey – we will also be holding an Open Evening on the 1st August, 2019 starting at 7.30 pm at the Club.
Thank you for your support, if you have any queries or wish to be kept up to date on the progress of the development -please contact Sian Griffiths, e: t: 07940 293481, like our Facebook page - @hwbpwllheli or follow us on Twitter - Datblygiad Hwb Cymunedol Pwllheli - Pwllheli Community Hub Development DIOLCH YN FAWR. THANK YOU.
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HYFFORDDI i'r timau hyn Nos Iau Gorffennaf 25 am 7.00. Cyfarfod wrth yml Plas Heli. CROESO I BAWB.


Senior training on Abererch Beach next Thursday - July 25 - at 7.00. ALL WELCOME Meet by PLAS HELI.


WRU Plate and Shield Competitions 21 September. 1 XV Plate. Away to COBRA. New WRU Shield Competition 12 October. Second XV have had a bye.


Gemau Cystadleaeth PLat a Tarian - Undeb Rygbi Cymru 21 Medi. Tim Cyntaf. Plat. I ffwrdd yn erbyn COBRA - Caereinion. 12 Hydref. Ail Dim.Dim gem Trwodd i'r Rownd nesa.


The Club are extremely grateful to the local businesses who have sponsored the 2 XV kit for the coming season. Thank you - DRW ELECTRICAL WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS Cyf. TANASIO INDUSTRIAL GASES... RHOS y FOEL CARAVANS + CAMPING DIOLCH.
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The Club wish to express our sincere thanks for the following businesses who have agreed to sponsor our 1 XV kit for the coming season - OHG , Y Ffor, Pwllheli. Thank you Gwyn and Dafydd for arranging these kind donations. EVERGREEN Tyres, Davanti Tyres Landsail Tyres.... Your support , and that of others like you, is key to the continued development of rugby on the Lleyn. Diolch yn fawr.
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Mae'r Clwb yn hynod o ddiolchgar i'r isod sydd wedi noddi crysau i'r Ail Dim am tymor nesa.
Mae mewnbwn gan busnsi lleol yn elfennol i ddatblygiad y Clwb. Diolch yn fawr..
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Hoffai'r Clwb ddiolch yn fawr iwan i'r isod sydd wedi noddi crysau i'r Tim Cyntaf tymor nesa - O H G Y FFOR, EVERGREEN TYRES, DAVANTI TYRES LANDSAIL TYRES.
... Mae eich cyfraniad yn cael ei werthfawrogi.
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Mae ein ticedi Iwerddon wedi eu gwerthu yn sydyn. Gweler isod y rhai sydd yn parhau ar gael. Cyn gynted mae rhain wedi eu gwerthu fydd ddim mwy ar gael. 3 hefo'i gilydd. Seti ar yr hanner. £60 yr un. 3 hefo'i gilydd x £70. Eto ticedi da. Par a £70. Lefel canol.... Diolch am eich cefnogaeth.
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Our stock of Ireland tickets is dwindling fast. Once these have gone we will not be getting more. Remaining seats - 3 together. Half way line seats £60 x 3. Pair mid level £70 seats. 3 together. Good seats. £70 each. Thank you for your support.


Gemau Cymru dros yr Haf. Ticedi ar gael - Cymru v Iwerddon - 1 par o dicedi £70. 4 ticad £60 hefo'i gilydd.... 3 ticad £70 hefo'i gilydd. 3 ticad £60 hefo'i gilydd. Gynta mae rhain wedi mynd fydd dim mwy ganddom. .
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Summer Series tickets- We have a number of Wales v Ireland tickets available- One pair of £70 good debenture seats. 4 x £60 seats together. 3 x £60 seated together.... 3 x £70 seated together
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IMPORTANT. Will you please remember NOT to use the club fields from tomorrow until at least Wednesday. Chemicals are being sprayed on the pitches tomorrow to clear weeds from the pitches. Please share with your friends.


PWYSIG.Wnewch chi gofion PEIDIO defnyddio caeau'r Clwb o fory tan Dydd Mercher o leiaf. Mae chemagau yn cael eu rhoi lawr fory i lladd y chwyn. Fedrwch chi rhannu hyn hefo'ch ffrindiau plis.


On behalf of the Pwllheli Sports Club I am pleased to announce that the draft plans for the new Clubhouse have been received. Meetings and consultations with local groups and clubs will take place over the next weeks to share information as to the proposed changes and plans.. In the interim please fell free to contact us with any question or query.


Ar rhan Clwb Chwaraeon Pwllheli yr wyf yn hapus cyhoeddi fod cynlluniau draft i'r Clwb newydd wedi cyrraedd. Bydd cyfarfodydd a chyswllt yn cael ei wneud hefo grwpiau a mudiadau lleol dros yr wythnosau nesaf. Yn y cyfamser cysylltwch hefo unrhyw cwestiwn.

More about Clwb Rygbi Pwllheli Rugby Club

Clwb Rygbi Pwllheli Rugby Club is located at Efailnewydd, LL53 5TH Pwllheli
Monday: -
Tuesday: 19:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 19:00 - 17:00
Friday: 19:00 - 23:00
Saturday: 19:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 19:00 - 14:30