Coed Llwynonn

About Coed Llwynonn

Coed Llwynonn is a beautiful Community Woodland nr. Llanfairpwll and this page is where we will keep you informed of upcoming workshops and events.

Coed Llwynonn Description

Coed Llwynonn is a 30 acre mixed woods Community Woodland and Sustainability Project NW of the A4080 Brynsiencyn Road near Llanfairpwll on Anglesey in North Wales.

We are always in need of, and encourage, new volunteers!

We are always in the process of thinning the unmanaged estate and have ongoing projects including green woodworking, blacksmithing and charcoal making as well as several conservation plans, including rejuvenating the ancient pond and replanting the old orchard.
The woods are opposite the entrance to Plas Newydd NT in Llanfair. PG. LL61 6DQ

For more info please contact James Syrcas on 07721687905



Showing off Coed Llwynonn. Footage from our Coppice Craft open day earlier in 2018.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿ℹ️[Mae� 39;r fideo yma wedi cael ei noddi gan adran Ardal o Harddwch Naturiol Eithriadol (AHNE) Ynys Môn]
Mae Ardal o Harddwch Naturiol Eithriadol (AHNE) Ynys Môn yn chwilio am wirfoddolwyr i helpu gyda gwaith i wella rhinweddau arbennig a thirwedd eithriadol yr ardal 🌳🌲🌊
... Maent yn cynnal amrywiaeth o ddigwyddiadau gwych ar yr ynys, fel y Diwrnod Agored Crefftau'r Goedlan yng Nghoed Llwynonn, i helpu i ledaenu'r neges ac annog mwy o wirfoddolwyr i ymuno â'r tîm.
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gwirfoddoli gyda'r tîm AHNE, cysylltwch â ni ar 01248752472 -
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿ℹ️[This video has been sponsored by The Isle of Anglesey Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) department]
The Isle of Anglesey Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is looking for volunteers to help carry out work to improve its special qualities and outstanding landscape. 🌳🌲🌊
They hold a range of fantastic events on the island, such as the Coppice Craft Open Day at Coed Llwynonn, to help spread the message and encourage more volunteers to join the team.
If you’re interested in volunteering with the AONB team please contact them on 01248752472 -
See More


An important message from Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru / Natural Resources Wales
"While the current dry period persists we have implemented a total ban on all fires and BBQ’s at Newborough even at the designated areas as the risk of fire is just to high at the moment. " Please share....

User /495884647481421/


The timber frame building course has produced a rather fabulous structure, in the making.


May day party.


The wood has been cut and prepped for the new timber shed. Part of the timber frame building course. The horses were enjoying a nice hay net, on the last day of the horse logging course.


6th April 2018.


Actif Woods Anglesey were at Coed Llwynonn today. We did some willow weaving. Some of the trees have come down in the east winds and the wood is ready for our timber frame building course starting here tomorrow. (Saturday 24th)


Some lovely moss and fungi in the woods at the moment.

More about Coed Llwynonn

Coed Llwynonn is located at Coed Llwynonn, Llanedwen, LL61 6DQ Llanfairpwllgwyngyll