Colleen Pycroft Craniosacral Therapist

About Colleen Pycroft Craniosacral Therapist

This gentle hands on therapy focuses
on boosting the immune system and
promotes the free flow of cerebrospinal
fluid that bathes the body’s central
nervous system.

Colleen Pycroft Craniosacral Therapist Description

Colleen is a member of the official Craniosacral Therapy Association.



The National Institutes of Health reports that teenage girls and men over the age of 70 are the most likely to suffer from a magnesium deficiency; if you're not in either of those categories, you still should consider getting your magnesium level checked if you suffer the following 12 symptoms.
1. Low energy. "Magnesium is involved in at least 300 different chemical reactions in our body, and a lot have to do with energy production," functional medicine nutritionist Alison Bo...
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Headache ‘be gone’ 🤗


Sometimes, modern medicine is not meant to do the trick. When all the pill bottles in the world can't solve your problem, where do you turn? Many practitioners of alternative medicine swear by acupressure as the be-all and end-all of health remedies. Among other spots on your body, the LV 3 point is noteworthy as a powerful multipurpose booster for all-around health.
Located near the metatarsal ...
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Nice little article worth a read which explains Craniosacral Therapy in relation to babies and birth trauma 👏😍


A wonderful client of Mine sent me this very interesting study he found Hope for FM sufferers 🙏🌈
Endocannabinoid Deficiency Suspected As Cause For Fibromyalgia
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Alzheimer’s Society website United against dementia Blog
82 year old gets memory back after change in her diet 🌈🤔
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8 Tips On How To Develop Positive Thinking
“The Mind Is Everything. What You Think You Become .” ~Buddha
Do you feel like you are falling prey to negative thinking?
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How To Get Rid Of Mucus And Phlegm In Your Chest And Throat As Fast As Possible
Trying to go through your daily routine while being congested with mucus and phlegm is not easy. People will hear you trying to clear your throat, and you’re probably breathing really heavy as well. So they will think that you are being annoying, especially if this is happening at work. With that said, you definitely want to get rid of that mucus and phlegm so you’re no longer congested. There are... many different natural remedies to choose from. But There is one remedy that is specifically designed to clear your lungs.
But first, I’m going to talk about what mucus is. If I had to compare it to something, I would compare it to gelatin. Mucus acts as a lubricant and a filter for our lungs. It protects them by filtering all the air we breathe in. The dirt and debris that is in the air are caught by the mucus so it’s not absorbed by the body. But it is not just the mucus that protects the lungs. There are other watery variations that play an important role. They work together and are created by cells that you can find in the nose and sinuses.
Do you notice that when you catch a cold your nose drips like a faucet? This occurs because of an excess of the watery sensation. This is caused by thick, crusty mucus. In most cases, this type of mucus will cause post-nasal drip and congestion.
Now that I have explained what mucus is, let me tell you about phlegm. Unlike mucus, phlegm is created in the lower airways. Like mucus, it helps protect the lungs from irritating dirt and debris. Phlegm does not have a slippery version like mucus does. It is typically very thick and causes the majority of congestions. When you blow your nose, mucus comes out of it. When you cough up a thick substance, it is usually phlegm.
Another fun fact about phlegm is that it usually contains dead bacteria, white blood cells, and viruses. This is why doctors recommend that you spit out phlegm rather than swallow it. You wouldn’t want to keep a virus in your body, would you?
So if you are suffering from congestion, try this 100% natural remedy. You will need the following ingredients: 1 cup of maple syrup, 250mg of filtered water, 1 organic lemon, 1tbsp of sage, 1tbsp of marshmallow root, and 1tbsp of flaxseed. Once you gather the ingredients, it’s time to make the remedy. First get a saucepan and combine the maple syrup and the water. Heat the saucepan on medium for 10 minutes. Once it’s heated, add the remaining ingredients. Once the remaining ingredients are added, lower the heat and keep it on the stove for 15 minutes. You can store this remedy in the fridge. For full effect, take one tablespoon three times a day until you’re not congested anymore.
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Honey and cinnamon are both nutritious foods and contain vitamins and minerals that help to maintain good health.
I use the combination on my porridge or in yoghurt
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Muscle loss as you age is a very real thing. Some of it is just a result of the body getting older, something called sarcopenia. You don't have to just call it quits and accept that you are going to start losing your muscle once you hit your 30s, though. You can arm yourself with knowledge.
Below are five things that you can do at home to fight muscle loss as you age. All of them are simple and can be done without great expense or in...convenience.
1. Eat protein. The Mayo Clinic reports that as individuals age, their bodies require more protein to maintain their muscle mass. The recommended daily allowance for protein for those older than 64 should be 1.2 g to 1.5 g for every kilogram of body weight. Rather than trying to eat all of the allotment in one sitting, eating it at regular intervals throughout the day will allow for better use and absorption.
2. Aerobic exercise. No matter what your age, exercise is always important. Harvard Medical School says, though, that as you age, it becomes even more important. After the age of 30, people begin to lose muscle much more quickly. Making time for regular aerobic exercise is important. DVDs are plentiful, so find a style you enjoy and make a point to work out three days a week. Stationary bikes, treadmills – all of these can be used at home. If you feel like going out, try taking a ballroom dancing class. That will definitely get the heart pumping and work out the muscles at the same time.
3. Resistance training. Berkeley Wellness shares that resistance training (not to be confused with aerobic exercise) should also be done. If using a weight set scares you, try lifting soup cans or partially filled milk bottles at home. Therabands make effective resistant cords for legs. A plethora of exercises can be found online that can be done at home.
4. Vitamin D. Prevention shares that vitamin D consumption is critical for muscle retention. Taking supplements can be dangerous and not always beneficial. The best way to get vitamins is always through your diet, so try eating some of these vitamin D-rich foods: wild salmon, beef liver, egg yolks, canned fish or shiitake mushrooms.
5. Magnesium. The Mayo Clinic notes that having enough magnesium in your diet is also critical for maintaining muscle mass. Some foods listed by the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center that are rich in magnesium include nuts, spinach, milk, bananas and dark chocolate.
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Great explanation of CST in case you haven’t tried it yet 🙌🌈 always here to support ......💪


Artificial Sweeteners Again Linked to Obesity and Diabetes
If you’re still holding out hope that science will eventually prove artificial sweeteners to be beneficial, or at the very least harmless, you’re likely to be disappointed.
Again and again, research shows no-calorie sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose cause the same problems as excess sugar, and then some.
... According to the latest statistics nearly 40 percent of American adults, over 18 percent of teens and nearly 14 percent of young children are now obese, not just overweight, and processed foods and sweetened beverages are clearly driving factors.
Unfortunately, many make the mistake of thinking artificially sweetened products are a healthier option as it cuts down your calories, but nothing could be further from the truth.
The international trend of taxing sugary beverages to discourage sugar consumption has also had the unfortunate side effect of causing beverage makers to switch to artificial sweeteners rather than sugar and other calorie-rich sweeteners.
However, when it comes to health, artificial sweeteners cause just as many health problems as sugar does.
Over the years, an ever-growing number of studies have shown artificial sweeteners raise your risk of both obesity and Type 2 diabetes — perhaps even to a greater degree than sugar does.
Most recently, animal research2,3 presented at the annual Experimental Biology conference in San Diego again confirmed that artificial sweeteners raise your risk of obesity and diabetes.
The study, which explored how different sweeteners affect the way food is used and stored in the body, and how they affect vascular functioning, found both sugar and artificial sweeteners result in impairments, albeit through different pathways. As noted by the authors:
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Too much PROLONGED stress pushes too much glucose into the blood (used for energy) which then gets stored as fat through the action of insulin (part of which comes from the breakdown of muscle).
Too much prolonged stress weakens the immune and autoimmune system, which can lead to the creation of antibodies to one's own tissues and organs -this is called autoimmune disease; such as, diabetes, lupus, Graves disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, IBD, Psoriasis, and Addison's - there more than 100 autoimmune diseases.
Once an antibody is created, it will stay in the blood forever - it is not reversible.
Cortisol is necessary to reduce inflammation in the body. This is a good thing – but only in the short-term. Over long periods of time, the body’s efforts to reduce inflammation end up suppressing the immune system.
CHRONIC stress causes cortisol levels to keep rising, but over time it becomes much less effective in managing inflammation. Immune cells become insensitive to cortisol, allowing the immune system to become dysregulated and enabling runaway inflammation.
This unabated inflammation weakens the body’s defenses, increasing susceptibility to colds, flu, chronic disease, and even food allergies.
Because much of the immune system is in the gut, the health of the gastrointestinal system also suffers, which in turn can increase the risk of autoimmune conditions such as Celiac Disease. much of anything is bad.
Sometimes You can’t change the stressful situations that come, but you can change your response to those situations.
Avoid people who causes your stress to go up.
Live with what we can afford.
Being right in everything is not something to aspire.
We should learn to live in the present and harboring negative feelings of others Is counter productive.
Essential oils such as lavender, Clary sage, Bergamot, geranium, cypress, grapefruit and other special oil blends, can support you naturally ......and of course Craniosacral Therapy is Deeply relaxing ...... HAPPY BANK HOLIDAY PEEPS 🙏🌈🙌
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What are the Surprising Benefits of Guava?
The yellow-green fruit belonging to Myrtle family of fruits are one of the tastiest and healthiest foods of all time.
A Guava can be of both round and oval shapes. This tropical fruit is assumed to be originated from Central America.
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It has been said that 80% of the immune system can be found in the intestines. If this is true, then good health will never be attained until your digestive system is working at its best.
So if you are dealing with chronic health problems and also have chronic intestinal issues (constipation, loose stools, bleeding, bloating, or any combination of these), then you might want to actively focus on fixing your gut, in order to fix your health
Without getting into too much scienc...e, here are the basics in improving and healing the gut.
• Limit grains, seeds, and nuts
• Limit dairy intake
• Daily doses of probiotics (good bacteria)
• Daily doses of prebiotics ((feeds the good bacteria)
• Daily doses of L-glutamine (rebuilds the intestinal wall)
• Daily doses of caprylic acid or coconut oil (kills off yeast and fungus overgrowth)
• Eat at least 1 type of fermented food daily (cultured vegetables, kefir or kombucha)
By improving your intestinal flora, gut inflammation and intestinal hyper-permeability will lessen. Your entire immune system will quiet down and function more properly.
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Simplified Explanation Of The Craniosacral System Many of my clients have asked me for a simple explanation of the Craniosacral System.
The craniosacral system consists of:
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Foods to Help Balance Your Chakras
All energy comes from light, the rays from the sun. It sustains us, transforms us, revitalizes us, rejuvenates us, and warms us. The rays of the sun fall onto the earth at different vibrations in the form of colors. Each of our chakras also resonates with a different color.
The energy of light has an intimate connection with our bodies. As the sun’s rays fall onto the earth, these vibrations are expressed through the color of the plant, vege...
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Researchers link sedentary behavior to thinning in brain region which is critical for memory😱
The researchers found that more hours spent sitting are linked to thinning of the brain’s medial temporal lobe.
Such thinning can be a precursor to cognitive decline and dementia in middle-aged and older adults.
... FINDINGS Sitting too much is linked to changes in a section of the brain that is critical for memory, according to a preliminary study by UCLA researchers of middle-aged and older adults.
BACKGROUND Studies show that, like smoking, too much sitting increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and premature death.
Researchers at UCLA wanted to see how sedentary behavior influences brain health, especially regions of the brain that are critical to memory formation.
UCLA researchers recruited 35 people ages 45 to 75 — 25 women and 10 men — and asked about their physical activity levels and the average number of hours per day they spent sitting over the previous week.
Each person had a high-resolution MRI scan, which provides a detailed look at the medial temporal lobe, a brain region involved in the formation of new memories.
The researchers found that sedentary behavior is a significant predictor of thinning of the medial temporal lobe and that physical activity, even at high levels, is insufficient to offset the harmful effects of sitting for extended periods.
This study does not prove that too much sitting causes thinner brain structures, but instead that more hours spent sitting are associated with thinner regions, researchers said.
In addition, the researchers focused on the hours spent sitting, but did not ask participants if they took breaks during this time.
The researchers next hope to follow a group of people for a longer duration to determine if sitting causes the thinning and what role gender, race and weight might play in brain health related to sitting.
IMPACT Medial temporal lobe thinning can be a precursor to cognitive decline and dementia in middle-aged and older adults. Reducing sedentary behavior may be a possible target for strategies designed to improve brain health in people at risk for Alzheimer’s disease, researchers said.
So don’t be a couch potato 👍🙏
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Here are seven Powerful Foods To Naturally Calm Your Nervous System
Today’s crazy busy lifestyle can damage our central nervous system, especially if we are not taking proactive steps to counteract the perpetual negative effects on our body.
An overtaxed nervous system typically expends most of its resources just defending the body against attack, whether it is in the form of anxiety, panic, or stress; they all deplete your energy reserves and have the potential to harm your... endocrine system.
There is a simple way to counteract this damage, eat foods that minimize the amount of time and energy your nervous system spends in catabolic mode, foods that nourish, heal, and regenerate your body.
1) Whey
Whey is naturally rich in L-tryptophan, which assists in the production of serotonin, which in turn regulates endocrine, digestive, nervous system, and blood health, and a wide range of healing amino acids and nutrients, which are excellent for calming your nervous system.
Whey is also rich in L-glutamine, a non-essential amino acid that is the precursor to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a substance that helps regulate the nervous system and promote calmness.
2) Sweet potatoes, yams
This starchy vegetable has bulk to keep you satisfied and an impressive nutrient roster with high levels of vitamins A, C, and B, sweet potatoes are a nutritionally-dense food that can help calm your nerves, eliminate stress, and lower your blood pressure.
Yams contain an array of nutrient compounds that feed the glandular system and promote respiratory, urinary, and nervous system health.
3) Bananas
This handy, easy-open packaged fruit is packed with high doses of potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6, and other nutrients that help boost production of digestion-enhancing mucous, as well as promoting feelings of happiness and calm in the body. They assist production of serotonin and melatonin, which are crucial regulators of mood and sleeping patterns.
4) Green tea
Green tea contains the amino acid L-theanine that enhances mood by stimulating production of alpha waves in the brain, it naturally reduces stress and promotes relaxation.
5) Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate and cacao are packed with antioxidants, essential minerals, and protective plant nutrient flavanols, they also contain L-tryptophan and magnesium, a mineral widely recognized for its ability to calm the nervous system.
Dark Chocolate also contains the neurotransmitter anandamide, it has the ability to alter dopamine levels in the brain causing a sense of peace and relaxation.
6) Brazil nuts
Said to be nature’s richest source of selenium, these nuts are incomparable when it comes to relaxing the nervous system.
7) Spinach.
Spinach is a great way to obtain fat-soluble vitamins that build protective layers that protect your nerves from damage, including vitamin K, to help your brain and nervous system function as they should.
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One of the only healer/therapists I will see. There are few people I have ever seen who can deliver such a magical experience. Colleen lives and breathes the true essence of this wonderful therapy. I have tried everything to feel better. Colleen is the only person to achieve this. I would recommend her highly :)


Just after one visit I knew the benefits of this amazing treatment from Colleen. What a powerful treatment, and Colleen is a truly fantastic person.


I had never had any treatment from any healer before, and was very unsure of how it would work for me.

My experience was one of the most relaxing and healing experience I have ever had. I come to colleen with with a old injury that I had take lots of medication for and came away with a pain free leg. I still have the odd pain but nothing like it was. My husband also has has treatment from colleen and he swears that she has magic hands. An Amazing and gifted lady. Thank you xxx


Amazing treatments relaxing and enjoyable Colleen is always professional


One of the only healer/therapists I will see. There are few people I have ever seen who can deliver such a magical experience. Colleen lives and breathes the true essence of this wonderful therapy. I have tried everything to feel better. Colleen is the only person to achieve this. I would recommend her highly :)


Just after one visit I knew the benefits of this amazing treatment from Colleen. What a powerful treatment, and Colleen is a truly fantastic person.


I had never had any treatment from any healer before, and was very unsure of how it would work for me.

My experience was one of the most relaxing and healing experience I have ever had. I come to colleen with with a old injury that I had take lots of medication for and came away with a pain free leg. I still have the odd pain but nothing like it was. My husband also has has treatment from colleen and he swears that she has magic hands. An Amazing and gifted lady. Thank you xxx


Amazing treatments relaxing and enjoyable Colleen is always professional


One of the only healer/therapists I will see. There are few people I have ever seen who can deliver such a magical experience. Colleen lives and breathes the true essence of this wonderful therapy. I have tried everything to feel better. Colleen is the only person to achieve this. I would recommend her highly :)


Just after one visit I knew the benefits of this amazing treatment from Colleen. What a powerful treatment, and Colleen is a truly fantastic person.


I had never had any treatment from any healer before, and was very unsure of how it would work for me.

My experience was one of the most relaxing and healing experience I have ever had. I come to colleen with with a old injury that I had take lots of medication for and came away with a pain free leg. I still have the odd pain but nothing like it was. My husband also has has treatment from colleen and he swears that she has magic hands. An Amazing and gifted lady. Thank you xxx


Amazing treatments relaxing and enjoyable Colleen is always professional

More about Colleen Pycroft Craniosacral Therapist

Colleen Pycroft Craniosacral Therapist is located at 7 Melyn-y-Gors, CF63 1DE Barry, Vale of Glamorgan