Come On In' With Ceri Stennett

About Come On In' With Ceri Stennett

Welcome to the Facebook page for Ceri Stennett's weekly magazing show on Radio Cardiff, "Come On In". Catch all our latest show news here! !



Greetings, faithful thousands!! Just over 12 hours to go until the next installment of the award-winning (possibly) "Come On In" show with Ceri Stennett. This week we have that doyen of theatreland, Keith Milward, in the studio with us, and the fabulous Les Watson. Keith will be bringing us up to speed with what's happening in the world of greasepaint and encouraging shouts of "break a leg", while Les will be talking about whatever comes up, but it's bound to include the railways and Cathays, of that I am certain.
So, turn on, tune in, and flake out on the sofa for a couple of hours and listen to "Come On In" tomorrow morning between 9 and 11. It's the show that sets the benchmark for which all the others at Radio Cardiff strive to achieve.


Well good evening, fine burghers of Cardiff!! Today's show was another award-winning broadcast, and the edited version (courtesy of "The Big Man") is now available to listen to again online. Our guests were John Viney, who spoke to us about the work of the Independent Monitoring Boards in UK prisons, before threatening to lock us up and throw away the key. Following John was Katherine Whittington, librarian at Cathays Branch and Heritage Library. She spoke to us about the fantastic work the libraries in Cardiff do, and told Ceri to "ssshhhh" every time he went to speak on his microphone.
Same time next week folks, when rumour has it Ceri will be buying his long-suffering studio assistant a bacon roll for breakfast!!…/come-on-in-4 0-18th-of-…/complete/


Well, good burghers of Cardiff, it's been a few weeks since you heard us broadcasting to the masses on a Tuesday morning, but I'm happy to announce that the studio move is now completed, and Ceri and The Big Man will be back on air tomorrow morning to bring you wit, variety, and, if Ceri is to be believed, a mock dogfight in the car park with the ducks from his living room wall. Something to do with Battle of Britain Day...
Anyway, we've got a coupl...e of fantastic guests lined up for you. First up, just after 9, will be local archaeologist Karl James Langford. I don't want to hear any of the obvious jokes about him digging up Ceri from a peat bog and carbon-dating him...
Then at 10 we welcome back spiffing RAF chap Ron Taylor, who has written about his own time in the RAF, and has also written novels about fighter pilots in the Battle of Malta in WW2. Ron always has a fantastic wealth of interesting stories, so we're very excited to be having him back on the show.
Tomorrow, from 9 until 11 in the morning, on 98.7FM or online at Be there or miss out on all the shenanigans!!
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Good afternoon, Facebook chums!! Less than 24 hours to go now before the next episode of "Come On In" with Ceri Stennett and his beautiful assistant, the "Big Man". This week we welcome back to the studio Ray Noyes, who will be talking to us about the parks and pubs of Grangetown. I've seen the notes for Ray's interview and it promises to be amusing and informative in equal measure!!
Following Ray will be Pinkspiration to tell us about the Pink Beach Club in Cardiff Bay. I'd like to reassure listeners that rumours that Ceri will be presenting this segment of the show in his Speedos are wholly unfounded.
And don't forget, when the fun with Ceri finishes at 11, his dashing and ever-useful studio assistant will be presenting "Kath and Greg's Summer Season" with Kath Allen between 11 and 1.


Well good morning Cardiff!! It's Tuesday, and that means it's time for another episode of "Come On In" with Ceri Stennett, and his long-suffering studio assistant, "The Big Man". And have we got a show lined up for you today, with two super guests. First up, just after 9, will be author Beth Taylor, from Candy Jar Limited, who will be talking about her latest book. Then, just after 10, we have Kevin Lyons (cricketer) to talk about cricket. It is rumoured that the admin s...taff at Radio Cardiff have had a whip-round to see if Kevin can have Ceri off his feet with a Yorker!! All this today between 9 and 11!!
But listeners, please be advised that the fun wont stop at 11!! Ceri's studio assistant The Big Man will then be joining the lovely Kath Allen for two hours of music, shenanigans, razor-sharp wit and whatever else we can come up with in "Kath and Greg's Summer Season". Expect some dance, some ska, some rock 'n' roll, definitely some Northern Soul, and probably something completely off the wall from one or both of them. Hurrah and Huzzah!!
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This week's episode of "Come On In" with Ceri Stennett and his slightly ruffled, but dashingly handsome sidekick "The Big Man", is now online and ready for your listening pleasure. With guests Arthur Cole and Alistair Moore.
Apologies for the late publication of the link this week. I'd like to say it was due to being delayed on the way home by a herd of marauding Vildebeest, but in reality it was nothing more exciting than helping to build a new studio for Radio Cardiff, and drinking too much gin at the farewell party to our current studios.


Another award-winning production has come through the editing process!! This morning's "Come On In" is now online and available to listen to online at the link below. We were delighted to welcome Ray Noyes back into the studio to wax lyrical about the history of Grangetown. Ray is becoming something of a regular on the show and it's always a great pleasure to hear him talk.
Also on the show was Roger Henderson - Music page who enchanted us with some songs from his latest a...lbum.
We get the best guets on "Come On In"!! After the show, Ceri Stennett made for his waiting limousine whilst I stayed behind to clean up the mess and edit the show. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride, that's me!!…/come-on-in-e pisode-35-…/complete/
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Greetings, good burghers of Cardiff. We're just making the final plans for tomorrow morning's show, and thought we'd let you know what's happening.
As well as the usual "Lovey Dovy" and "Time Tunnel" features, we've got a great track from a very extravagant local hero. In the studio with us will be James Hoare at 09:15 to explain why he's going to jump out of a perfectly serviceable aeroplane in a few weeks time. Following James will be local Luthier Michael Turner to tell us about his dark arts and wonderful creations. You don't know what a Luthier is or does? Well then you had better tune in to find out!!
9 to 11am tomorrow morning, on Radio Cardiff. Listen to us on 98.7FM on FM, or visit our website to listen to us online.


Today's show has been edited and is now available to listen to again online. We were joined by the delightful Keith Milward, who talked about his time in musical theatre, and also about what's happening in Cardiff theatreland.
Following Keith we had the wonderfully raucous 3D Brass, all ten of them!! They gave us three numbers and a splendid interview, and Ceri displayed a woeful knowledge of any kind of popular music after 1978!!
Thanks to all our guests for coming in, we hope you had as much fun as we did. And yes, I believe we did break the record for the most number of people in Studio 1 this morning during a live broadcast!!


Just under 24 hours to go, and we're in full swing preparing for tomorrow's show. For Ceri that does mean actually swinging, on a tyre tied to a tree in the Radio Cardiff car park while I do all the hard work inside!! :)
Tomorrow morning we've got Keith Milward coming in at 9:15 to regale us once more with his stories from theatreland. And then at 10 we've got the fine young windshifters that are 3D Brass to talk about what they do and play us a couple of their tunes. Now ...I haven't quite worked out yet how we're going to get all 10 of them in the studio, far less how we're going to mic them all up, but as always on "Come On In" we'll say a few prayers, play fast and loose, apply startling lengths of gaffer tape, and hope for the best.
And there's all the usual features too - the "lovey dovey" spot, the local hero (and it's a cracker tomorrow), and our world-famous (in Tremorfa at least) "Cardiff Time Tunnel" quiz.
See you all tomorrow, between 9 and 11, on 98.7FM or online at
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This morning's show is now available to listen to again, online. We had three wonderful guests - Sioned Jacques from Cardiff Libraries talking about the Summer Reading Challenge, and Rhiannon Breeze And Keara Creed talking about the Peer Forward project at St Giles Trust Cymru…/come-on-in-e pisode-32-10th-july…/


Well good morning, good burghers of Cardiff, and welcome to the start of a new week. And a new week means a new show!! And have we ever got a show lined up for you tomorrow. Well done to those of you who spotted Ceri raising the profile of Penarth over the weekend, as he wandered along the seafront shouting at seagulls.
We've got a bumper show lined up for you tomorrow morning,with some interesting guests to tell us about projects they're running locally. First up, at abo...ut 9:15, will be Sioned Jacques, a librarian the local library service. She'll be telling us about the Summer Reading Scheme, an initiative designed to keep kids reading over the summer while they schools are on holiday.
Coming in just after 10 will be Rhiannon Breeze from the Cardiff Office of the St Giles Trust to tell us all about their "Peer Forward" project. This is a programme that trains people who've turned their life around to help others making the same journey.
Of course, there will be all the regular features - the local hero slot (Ceri's long-suffering studio assistant is rumoured to be in the running), the Cardiff Time Tunnel quiz, and the lovey dovy song. There may even be a special take on "Green Onions" at the end of the show.
What lucky people you are!! :)
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This morning's show is now edited and online, and you can listen again by clicking on the following link. Thanks to actor Thaer Al Shayei and Kate Broadhurst from Cardiff Artspace for coming in to talk to us and tell us about the fantastic and in teresting work they do :)


Today's show is now edited and online for you to listen to. Our guests were Ray Noyes - Author from Grangetown Local History Society, Patti Flynn, who talks about the Armed Forces event at Butetown Community Centre on June the 30th, and Chris, Nia, and Sweet Baboo from Rudry Music Festival.


Our super friend Kath Allen's show on Radio Cardiff also has super guests and lots of interesting chat. Jack, on her show last week, is an absolute legend!! Listen to him again here :)


Our first guest is in and chatting to us, Ray Noyes - Author. He's a mine of information on Grangetown a thoroughly interesting chap!!


Good afternoon to you all, on a gorgeous sunny and hot Cardiff day!! We've got Chris Allender coming into the studio this coming Tuesday to talk about Rudry Music Festival. And apparently he's bringing some chums and guitars to give us a number or two.
Listen in between 9 and 11 this coming Tuesday on 98.7FM, or via our website


Greetings listeners!! Apologies for the late appearance of the edited version of Ceri's show from earlier this week. I've been a busy chap with lectures and conferences, which is not quite as exciting as being sidetracked by a herd of marauding Wildebeeste, but my life was ever thus. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride!! ANyway, here it is for you, with guests from Marie Curie Cymru in to talk about their work, Wynford Ellis Owen from the Living Room Cardiff - Stafell ...Fyw Caerdydd to talk about the fantastic work he helps undertake to help people recover from addiction, and the thoroughly interesting Emma Reynolds Hypnotherapy to talk to us about Kinetic Shift techniques and benefits. A wonderful selection of guests, some great music, a puzzler of a Time Tunnel quiz, all ably pulled together by the charismatic Ceri Stennett, who bought me back some delicious soft nougat from his holibobs in Greece. Thanks Ceri!! m/
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