Connect Assist | Multi-Channel Helplines & Digital Service Delivery

About Connect Assist | Multi-Channel Helplines & Digital Service Delivery

Connect Assist is a social business created by a charity. Our purpose is to provide support, services and technology to charities and third sector organisations

Connect Assist | Multi-Channel Helplines & Digital Service Delivery Description

Through the innovative use of digital, social and contact centre technology we connect, engage and build lasting relationships between third sector organisations and the people that need their help.

Connect Assist manage multi-channel charity helplines on behalf of a number of Charities. Our digital service delivery allows organisations in the third sector to serve people more effectively . Working in partnership with various organisations connect assist has played a pivotal role in helping modernise service delivery.

Our technology connects charities and third sector organisations with their service users in the right place, in real time when they most need help

More about Connect Assist | Multi-Channel Helplines & Digital Service Delivery