Conwy Valley Railway Partnership

About Conwy Valley Railway Partnership

Rheilffordd Dyffryn Conwy, Llandudno i Blaenau Ffestiniog.
Conwy Valley Railway, Llandudno to Blaenau Ffestiniog.
Not a TFW Rail Services page.

Conwy Valley Railway Partnership Description

Croeso i Daith Trên ar Lein Dyffryn Conwy o Arfordir Gogledd Cymru i Galon Eryri

Mae lein Dyffryn Conwy, sy’n rhan o’r Rhwydwaith Rheilffyrdd Cenedlaethol, yn rhedeg wrth ochr un o afonydd mawr Cymru, afon Conwy ac yn mynd yn ei blaen ar hyd glannau’r Lledr wyllt, aflonydd wedi iddi uno ag afon Conwy ym Metws-y-Coed.

O’ch cychwyniad yn Llandudno hyd nes y cyrhaeddwch Flaenau Ffestiniog mae amrywiaeth aruthrol o olygfeydd yn ymagor o flaen eich llygaid, o’r castell hanesyddol yng Nghonwy, drwy aber sy’n gyforiog o fywyd gwyllt, i lechweddau esmwyth sy’n ildio i greigiau urddasol wrth i’r trên groesi’r Lledr wrth draphont drawiadol Gethin.

Fe gewch gipolwg ar dirweddau sydd petaent o fyd y tylwyth teg, castell mawreddog Dolwyddelan o’r 12fed ganrif, chwareli a lonydd hynafol, coedwigoedd a chopaon uchel Eryri cyn mynd i mewn i galon y mynydd gan ddod allan ychydig funudau’n ddiweddarach yn nhirwedd ddiwydiannol fawreddog a hanesyddol Blaenau Ffestiniog, wrth union galon diwydiant chwarelydda a chloddio llechi Cymru.

Mae lein Dyffryn Conwy, a hithau’n 27 milltir o hyd, yn cynnig un o’r profiadau rheilffordd prydferthaf ym Mhrydain.

Welcome to a Rail Journey on the Conwy Valley Line from the North Wales Coast to the Heart of Snowdonia

The Conwy Valley line, part of the National Rail Network, runs alongside one of the great rivers of Wales, the Conwy and continues along the banks of the turbulent river Lledr after it's confluence with the Conwy at Betws-y-Coed.

From your departure at Llandudno to your arrival at Blaenau Ffestiniog a breathtaking range of scenery unfolds before your eyes, from the historic castle at Conwy, through estuary rich in wildlife, to gentle slopes that give way to majestic crags as the train crosses the Lledr by the dramatic Gethin's viaduct.

You glimpse fairytale landscapes, the imposing 12th century Dolwyddelan Castle, ancient quarries and tracks, forests and the high peaks of Snowdonia before entering the heart of the mountain to emerge some minutes later in the imposing and historic industrial landscape of Blaenau Ffestiniog, the very centre of Wales' slate quarrying and mining industry.

The Conwy Valley line at 27 miles long offers one of the most beautiful rail experiences in Britain.



Information on how Supermarkets are supporting our Vulnerable People within the Community


Conwy Castle tonight 👏👏👏


And Conwy Castle tonight


Not the Conwy Valley Railway but Britannia Bridge. Message from Network Rail. “In absolute admiration, respect and support for all those in the NHS and all those frontline workers, Network Rail Wales and Border have lit up the iconic Britannia Bridge in blue tonight in their complete honour! #ClapForCarers #ThankYouNHS #RailwayFamily #TransportHeroes”


The essential work continues on the Conwy Valley Line following significant damage cause by the three storms in recent months!
Thank you for your patience and understanding as Network Rail are working hard to get the line back open as soon as possible. #ThankYou. Photo Credit: Network Rail
... Please share Transport for Wales - Rail Services Transport for Wales Trafnidiaeth Cymru Community Rail Network
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Top Train Trumps from Transport for Wales Trafnidiaeth Cymru
“To show our thanks to you for staying at home, we’ve released an activity pack for you to complete There’s something for everyone!”
Click here for the activities:


Some useful information ℹ️


Budding artists: design your own livery for one of Transport for Wales Trafnidiaeth Cymru brand new trains!
Download your copy here:


St David's Hospice on Abbey Rd, Llandudno, love the world famous Great Orme Goats! In fact, so much so, they have designed a fantastic range of bespoke Great Orme Goats t-shirts. They come in a variety of sizes and colours and every t-shirt raises much needed funds for St David's Hospice.
Limited availability - order your t-shirt today:


Llandudno’s Venue Cymru is transformed. Stay safe. Stay home. Do not travel unless essential.


Congratulations to the teachers and team at Ysgol Craig Y Don in Llandudno, cheering all the children and parents up with their toilet roll challenge. Have you made one ?


Social distancing in action with Llandudnos famous Great Orme Goats 🐐 📸 British Transport Police North Wales


A message from the RSPB North Wales
It’s fast approaching the 25th anniversary of our Conwy nature reserve, and we want you to help us celebrate! 🍾
On 14 April 1995, after years of initial development, we opened our gates to the public. Although the landscape was bare and open, with tiny saplings and limited facilities, around 200 people visited on the opening day... and you've kept coming ever since!
... We want to hear all about your favourite memories of the reserve from over the years! Were you amongst those to first visit RSPB Conwy? Do you have some images from our early days? Perhaps you treasure a special wildlife moment that took place at the reserve?
Please get in touch, so that we can still celebrate this exciting milestone with you over the coming weeks! 🐦🎂
See More


Today is National Rail Day. We celebrate our railways and our rail family. This year is particularly different, a thank you to the staff working to help keep key workers get to work.
Our message is clear. Only travel if absolutely essential. Take care, stay safe. Enjoy a few pics to bring a smile from friends and colleagues. #Railwayfamily


"Hoffwn cymryd y cyfle yma i ddiolch i pob unigolyn sydd yn gweithio i'r sector rheilffordd, a'r nifer o wirfoddolwyr sy'n cadw ein gwlad i symud yn ystod yr amser anodd yma."
Diolch yn fawr o Ken Skates MS, Gweinidog yr Economi, Trafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru, i'r #teulurheilffordd


Goat cam 😳


Great Orme Goats taking over the town in Llandudno

More about Conwy Valley Railway Partnership

Conwy Valley Railway Partnership is located at Railway Station, Llandudno