Copa Cymru

About Copa Cymru


Copa Cymru Description

SSP Media is an award winning independent production company based in South Wales.
Our passion is telling stories through engaging, thought provoking and beautiful video content.

We provide a start to finish production service to our clients; from developing a brief through to filming, editing, graphics and to final delivery.

Alongside our full production service we can also provide kit hire, crew hire, and aerial imagery services for broadcast and commercial work. Please click here to find out more about these services.

Our small but multi-skilled in-house team will be involved with your project from start to finish, and when we need extra hands or require more specialised skills such as VFX work or music composition, we have a small but trusted community of freelancers we can call upon.

Please get in touch if you would like to have a chat about working together.



Are they working hard or are they shooting their next album cover? // Ydy nhw'n gweithio'n galed neu'n saethu clawr eu albwm newydd?
#filming #wales #cardiff #ronin


Lovely day to film! // Diwrnod hyfryd i ffilmio!
#happymonday #filming #wales #mountains


Watch Hayley Goes Sober on BBC IPlayer now! Filmed by our crew! // Gwyliwch Hayley Goes Sober ar BBC IPlayer nawr! Wedi ei ffilmio gan ein criw!


Mae ein blog diweddaraf ar ein wefan nawr! Cliciwch y linc er mwyn darllen hanes ein criw yr wythnos hon - // Our latest blog is on our webstie now! Click the link to hear what our crew's been up to this week -


Great action shot of Josh and Jonny filming a couple of weeks ago! Thanks Matthew Lofthouse Photojournalism // 'Action shot' gwych o Josh a Jonny yn ffilmio ychydig wythnosau yn ôl! Diolch Matthew Lofthouse Photojournalism


Dave why aren’t you running there’s a zombie behind you! #ProjectZ / Dave pam ti ddim yn rhedeg mae yna Zombie tu ol i ti! #ProjectZ


Busy day filming yesterday! Here’s a sneek peak of what’s to come. // Diwrnod prysur yn ffilmio ddoe! Dyma flas o beth sydd i ddod.
#filming #art #wales #filmmaking #paint


Blog newydd ar ein gwefan! Efo ambell i awgrymiad ar gyfer y penwythnos! // New blog on our website! Including a few recommendations for this weekend! Check it out -
#blog #weekly #filming #halloween


How beautiful is this view! Can you guess which mountain is in the background? // Am olygfa anhygoel! Allwch chi ddyfalu pa fynydd sydd i'w weld yn y cefndir?
#mountains #wales #adventure #filming #filmmaking #tgif


Happy Halloween! Osian finally made a friend while filming Project Z! // Calan Gaeaf Hapus! Mae Osian wedi gwneud ffrind o'r diwedd tra'n ffilmio Project Z!


Osian with all his friends... // Osian a'i holl ffrindiau...


Bore da o Aberystwyth! // Good morning from Aberystwyth!
#travel #traveltuesday #filming #wales #filmmaking #fs7 #sony


Jonny working hard during our corporate shoot last week! Exciting things to come... Shot by Matthew Lofthouse Photojournalism // Dyma Jonny'n gweithio yn galed ar ein shoot gorfforaethol yr wythnos dwythaf! Pethau cyffrous ar y ffordd.. Llun gan Matthew Lofthouse Photojournalism


New blog on our website now. Click to see some exciting news! // Blog newydd ar ein gwefan nawr. Cliciwch er mwyn gweld newyddion cyffrous!


Jonny's running the Snowdonia Marathon TODAY!! Good luck from everyone here at Copa! If you want to donate please click the following link, all money goes to Shelter Cymru - // Mae Jonny yn rhedeg Marathon Eryri HEDDIW!! Pob lwc anferthol gan griw Copa i gyd! Os hoffech chi gyfrannu tuag at elusen Shelter Cymru cliciwch y linc canlynol -
#run #runjonnyrun #snowdonia #marathon


Staying in tonight? Why not watch Hayley Goes... Maternal. Shot by our crew! // Aros i mewn heno? Beth am wylio Hayley Goes... Maternal. Saethwyd gan ein criw.

More about Copa Cymru

Copa Cymru is located at Wellington House, W2, Wellington Street, CF11 9BE Cardiff