Cora Darlington Coach

About Cora Darlington Coach

Cora Darlington - Self-Nurture & Life Balance Specialist | I Revolutionise Your Relationship To Yourself & Your Business

Cora Darlington Coach Description

I am a specialist with over 20 years of experience in coaching and mentoring women to take their self-care, joy and effectiveness to a whole new level, with remarkable results.

It is my life’s work to help a woman to stop living a from a place of depletion and overwhelm and instead create a life experience for herself that feels and is sustainable, joyful, exciting, alive, and rich in EVERY way.

I know that a balance of a thriving business, daily joy, a sense of calm and spaciousness, loving relationships and time for self are entirely possible, and it begins with your approach to YOU.

Right now, you are constantly swimming upstream rather than finding your own flow.

And it isn’t that you don’t know what you should do, it is just that it all seems so impossible to achieve.

It is because in the ‘trying to have it all’ you have forgotten that you are the centre of it all.

I help you to connect to your life and your habits, patterns and choices to naturally reveal what is most important to you so that you are empowered to create an authentically powerful and joyful life.

Over my career, I have developed a proven system that deals with the very real behavioural blocks that have us continue to do the things that do not work for us, even though we desperately want our lives to look and feel very different.

There is a way to have it all, but it requires a radically new approach to time and self that I have spent over the last 5 years mastering, and now want to share with you.

This is not about you changing who you are, this is about you knowing who you are so that you can create a framework that fully supports you every single day.

If this is speaking to you then there is something I want you to know…

The truth. No-one is going to give you permission to put your needs first.

YOU are the permission.

YOU are the creator of your life experience and the ONLY one that truly knows what is best for you.

And, it’s time.

Time for you to create a life of pleasure and joy, one that honours your wholehearted needs and desires.



Woken up to some beautiful reviews this morning 🙏🏼🦋🌎


Last night event was just INCREDIBLE, such a sense of community and power in the room. HUGE thank you to all of those that attended, showing their intention and commitment to RISE in their lives.
... This Monthly Meditation & Workshop Series has been designed for women who are READY to:
Deepen and strengthen their connection with their Soul
Develop the necessary awareness to hear their Souls Guidance on a daily basis
Gain clarity on their Souls Purpose and the leadership skills needed to take action on it
Live a meaningful and passionate life
Increase their capacity to feel and experience joy and abundance in a BIG way
Claim their PHENOMENAL power
Come together with a community of powerful like-minded women to create something truly special
This month we will be exploring the power of 'Making Peace with the EGO'
It is entirely possible to have a healthy and valuable relationship with our minds but not until we develop a knowing that WE ARE NOT OUR MINDS
Let's bring healing to our minds, together
If you desire real transformation in your life, and a safe, loving, and non-judgemental community where you can explore and grow, then this is the class for you.
Love & Light Cora x
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Last night event was just INCREDIBLE, such a sense of community and power in the room. HUGE thank you to all of those that attended, showing their intention and commitment to RISE in their lives.
... This Monthly Meditation & Workshop Series has been designed for women who are READY to:
Deepen and strengthen their connection with their Soul
Develop the necessary awareness to hear their Souls Guidance on a daily basis
Gain clarity on their Souls Purpose and the leadership skills needed to take action on it
Live a meaningful and passionate life
Increase their capacity to feel and experience joy and abundance in a BIG way
Claim their PHENOMENAL power
Come together with a community of powerful like-minded women to create something truly special
This month we will be exploring the power of 'Making Peace with the EGO'
It is entirely possible to have a healthy and valuable relationship with our minds but not until we develop a knowing that WE ARE NOT OUR MINDS
Let's bring healing to our minds, together
If you desire real transformation in your life, and a safe, loving, and non-judgemental community where you can explore and grow, then this is the class for you.
Love & Light Cora x
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For those of you not registered yet, this is what it is all about x x
Register here if you are in x
... -workshop-2/
Click here to join the Sisterhood lwomansisterhood/?ref=bookmarks
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... I am so looking forward to bringing you all this 3-day opportunity to release and heal TOGETHER.
One thing I know to be true, FOR SURE, is that we absolutely cannot be the powerful beings that we want to be in our lives, or in the world if we are holding on to hurt, judgement, & grievances.
We cannot rise if we are weighed down by pain.
Our pain can come from the behaviour or conduct of others, or even from a situation or challenge like ill health or death.
Whatever the reason, no matter how justified we are in holding onto it, the truth is it is blocking our connection with the highest and most powerful part of ourselves.
And that cannot be acceptable to ANY of us, can it?
It begins with acknowledgement, which in turn opens space for healing and release to occur.
In releasing we are able to rise to heights that we never conceived were possible for us.
We become free in EVERY sense of the word.
Will you join me?
To be a part of this free workshop and be fully supported, come over and join the Phenomenal Woman Sisterhood 👇🏼 lwomansisterhood/
Cora x
"Still like air, I rise" - Dr Maya Angelou
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LOVED featuring in this today x x ❤️
Thank you Sabine Matharu for asking me to contribute x x
Watch the replay here x


A TRULY astonishing Soul Connected night last night.
A heart felt thank you to all that came💛
To see you all come together like that, SO powerful ✨
... I can't wait to do it again.
We are creating something powerful and wonderful TOGETHER, can you feel it?
#phenomenalwomansisterhood #spiritualdiva #soulconnected #coradarlingtoncoach #fiercefearlessphenomenal #radicalgratitude #radicalsurrender #soulunleashed #cultivatekindness #liveintentional #thehappynow #wholeheartedliving #cultivatewhatmatters #thatauthenticfeeling #choosejoy #chooselife #thetimeisnow #sayyestolife
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Absolutely honoured to be speaking with ALL of these PHENOMENAL WOMAN next week
I have had the absolute privilege of working with these women as they extend their light and power out into the world 🌎
It takes such courage and resilience to stand for your truth and create a life that you truly desire, and not let fear and doubt stop you
... I salute you all from the bottom of my heart ❤️
Tune in, it's going to be all sorts of wonderful 😍
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Oh SO excited to be a part of this wonderful online event x #reachforgreatnesstv #phenomenalwomen


Yay x x THANK YOU for being a part of my journey


She is a woman of OUTSTANDING talent in the world
She knows in every cell of her body that she is a direct extension of the Divine
... She has it ALL her own way in her inner world
She demands NOTHING LESS than bliss and joy for herself
She kicks UNIVERSAL ASS every day
She loves life wholeheartedly, ALL OF IT, for she knows that she is life itself
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Today...just this


This is for you if you want to:
⭐️Deepen and strengthen your connection with your Soul
... ⭐️Rid yourself of the harmful self-talk that stops you from shining your incredible light in the world
⭐️Gain absolute clarity on your Souls Purpose
⭐️Dissolve fear and doubt to create the kind of life you truly want (not the one you think that you can have)
⭐️Share, and be fully supported with a community of like-minded women
⭐️Be accountable as you do the work to embrace your PHENOMENAL POWER AND POTENTIAL
This is going to be a truly transformational space that will change your life forever
Link below to have a chat ✨ e/
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Lush coaching session with the powerful Sallyann Ryder this morning under my tree 🌳🌊 beachside 💛💛
Sal, the world is just ready and waiting for what you are about to unleash woohhoooo
#phenomenalwoman #soulunleashed #sisterhood


💜🌊🐝🌎🦋PHENOMENAL WOMAN HEADQUARTERS TODAY💜🌊🌎🦋 - #phenomenalwomansisterhood #spiritualdiva #soulconnected #coradarlingtoncoach #fiercefearlessphenomenal #radicalgratitude #radicalsurrender #soulunleashed #cultivatekindness #liveintentional #thehappynow #wholeheartedliving #cultivatewhatmatters #thatauthenticfeeling #choosejoy #chooselife #thetimeisnow #sayyestolife


I have had an incredible response to this event, and am really looking forward to seeing all of you beautiful Souls at the end of the month x x
There will be an ongoing event after this date, so keep your eyes and ears peeled for the details or PM me to register your interest.


I am SO excited to introduce this fantastic class
... Beachside at Bay 5, Barry 🌞🌈🌊
This is not like any class you have EVER done before!!
It is for women who are READY to:
✨Deepen their connection with their Soul
✨Develop the necessary awareness to hear their Souls Guidance on a daily basis
✨Gain clarity on their Souls Purpose
✨Live a meaningful and passionate life
✨Increase their capacity to feel and experience joy and abundance in a BIG way
✨Claim their PHENOMENAL power
This class will be made up of guided Meditation and a process called 'Soul Visioning'.
It is a GAME CHANGER for sure 🤩
There is limited availability, so to book your place please PM me or e mail me:
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Today we talk about 'Mind Mastery' and what it REALLY means ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Don't forget, to be fully supported in embracing your Phenomenal Woman, join the sisterhood by clicking below👇
... lwomansisterhood/?ref=bookmarks
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Wasn't sure where my life was going, I knew that things could be better for me, I wanted change.

A good friend recommended Cora The Feel Good Girl. I can truly say since our first meeting in September my life has transformed on a daily basis, it's now full of joy happiness positivity gratitude love � wellbeing. Cora thank you so much.

I highly recommend a course with Cora it can change your life too. Thank you so much beautiful lady and can't wait for what to come in 2017 �


The workshop I joined on Saturday was truly magical, the women I met helped me to be brave and share, listening to their incredible and beautiful thoughts facilitated by an enchanting lady (that's you Cora ��) was inspiring, if you're ready to even consider exploring more about yourself then I can't recommend this workshop enough! Be brave, be vulnerable but most of all just be.... xxx


The beginning of the year was quite challenging and I found myself a bit lost, no motivation and didn't really know who I was other than a mum.I then met Cora .she instantly made me feel like smiling again.Ive come so far ,and feel like a completely different girl.I look forward to our sessions and find that they really help .Cora always has time and makes you feel at ease.Couldn't have done it without her.would definitely recommend a chat with this special lady x


I saw a friend today who doesn't use social media so is unable to write a review so I thought I would as an outsider looking in on someone who had had some Cora love and guidance. Wow she was like a new person, radiating with a new found confidence and love for herself. She's made some exciting but big life changes and I'm pleased to hear she's had such a wonderful person guiding her through it. Thank you Cora for bringing out the best in my friend. If we had never met, she would never have met you and I really believe it was fate! Well done on helping lots of women, and here's to lots more! ��


I attended one of Cora's workshops yesterday what a beautiful day. I met some amazing women and learnt how to fill my soul with love �


I am lucky enough to have Cora supporting me at the moment and I’ve got to say her advice completely cuts through all of the BS I tell myself and gets straight to the heart of the issue. I love her honesty, her experience and her passion for supporting others. An incredible lady!


Fantastic day.. Positive and enlightening.. The start of a journey and an amazing group of women xx


Cora has an infectious energy & positive aura that fills your heart like a balloon, even on the blackest of days. As I've opened up to her during the last 3 months, I have literally seen her physically absorb the emotions I'm feeling. To find someone with that raw empathy and support is rare. I love how she keeps me focused on my future & how powerful I am, sharing links, helping me define goals, & suggesting I try things I never thought possible. Her belief in me & the universe is "just lush" - I adored having her as my Life Coach & she's a true friend for keeps


Beautiful woman inside and out. She truly got a caring heart & nothing is too much for her. Her very own life experiences help you you feel she understands situations you may have gone through, let alone her extensive trained coaching.

Cora gets you! It's like Every step you go through she right there with you.

A breath of fresh air with infections positive personality. I still go through the work we did & I feel like thank you never seems enough for what she done. I would HIGHLY Recommend her.


Back today from the most relaxing and mood changing time of my life in the beautiful Holme House with the gorgeous Cora Darlington #thefeelgoodgirl #sleepoverforthesoul The time and effort this lady put in to making everything perfect was amazing, the workshop was brilliant and now my boyfriend is dreading the Builders bill, the travel agent invoice and the date I pick up my Range Rover � but I'm just going to relax and wait patiently (mostly) �� .. Thank you to the lovely girls that also helped to make our time lush, definitely mate some new friends �� .. I don't have many pictures only one of Kate Jay in my bath, and my dinner from last night � thank you beautiful Cora xxx


A truly inspiring and beautiful workshop today with Cora & all the ladies. Highly recommended X


Wasn't sure where my life was going, I knew that things could be better for me, I wanted change.

A good friend recommended Cora The Feel Good Girl. I can truly say since our first meeting in September my life has transformed on a daily basis, it's now full of joy happiness positivity gratitude love � wellbeing. Cora thank you so much.

I highly recommend a course with Cora it can change your life too. Thank you so much beautiful lady and can't wait for what to come in 2017 �


The workshop I joined on Saturday was truly magical, the women I met helped me to be brave and share, listening to their incredible and beautiful thoughts facilitated by an enchanting lady (that's you Cora ��) was inspiring, if you're ready to even consider exploring more about yourself then I can't recommend this workshop enough! Be brave, be vulnerable but most of all just be.... xxx


The beginning of the year was quite challenging and I found myself a bit lost, no motivation and didn't really know who I was other than a mum.I then met Cora .she instantly made me feel like smiling again.Ive come so far ,and feel like a completely different girl.I look forward to our sessions and find that they really help .Cora always has time and makes you feel at ease.Couldn't have done it without her.would definitely recommend a chat with this special lady x


I saw a friend today who doesn't use social media so is unable to write a review so I thought I would as an outsider looking in on someone who had had some Cora love and guidance. Wow she was like a new person, radiating with a new found confidence and love for herself. She's made some exciting but big life changes and I'm pleased to hear she's had such a wonderful person guiding her through it. Thank you Cora for bringing out the best in my friend. If we had never met, she would never have met you and I really believe it was fate! Well done on helping lots of women, and here's to lots more! ��


I attended one of Cora's workshops yesterday what a beautiful day. I met some amazing women and learnt how to fill my soul with love �


I am lucky enough to have Cora supporting me at the moment and I’ve got to say her advice completely cuts through all of the BS I tell myself and gets straight to the heart of the issue. I love her honesty, her experience and her passion for supporting others. An incredible lady!


Fantastic day.. Positive and enlightening.. The start of a journey and an amazing group of women xx


Cora has an infectious energy & positive aura that fills your heart like a balloon, even on the blackest of days. As I've opened up to her during the last 3 months, I have literally seen her physically absorb the emotions I'm feeling. To find someone with that raw empathy and support is rare. I love how she keeps me focused on my future & how powerful I am, sharing links, helping me define goals, & suggesting I try things I never thought possible. Her belief in me & the universe is "just lush" - I adored having her as my Life Coach & she's a true friend for keeps


Beautiful woman inside and out. She truly got a caring heart & nothing is too much for her. Her very own life experiences help you you feel she understands situations you may have gone through, let alone her extensive trained coaching.

Cora gets you! It's like Every step you go through she right there with you.

A breath of fresh air with infections positive personality. I still go through the work we did & I feel like thank you never seems enough for what she done. I would HIGHLY Recommend her.


Back today from the most relaxing and mood changing time of my life in the beautiful Holme House with the gorgeous Cora Darlington #thefeelgoodgirl #sleepoverforthesoul The time and effort this lady put in to making everything perfect was amazing, the workshop was brilliant and now my boyfriend is dreading the Builders bill, the travel agent invoice and the date I pick up my Range Rover � but I'm just going to relax and wait patiently (mostly) �� .. Thank you to the lovely girls that also helped to make our time lush, definitely mate some new friends �� .. I don't have many pictures only one of Kate Jay in my bath, and my dinner from last night � thank you beautiful Cora xxx


A truly inspiring and beautiful workshop today with Cora & all the ladies. Highly recommended X


Wasn't sure where my life was going, I knew that things could be better for me, I wanted change.

A good friend recommended Cora The Feel Good Girl. I can truly say since our first meeting in September my life has transformed on a daily basis, it's now full of joy happiness positivity gratitude love � wellbeing. Cora thank you so much.

I highly recommend a course with Cora it can change your life too. Thank you so much beautiful lady and can't wait for what to come in 2017 �


The workshop I joined on Saturday was truly magical, the women I met helped me to be brave and share, listening to their incredible and beautiful thoughts facilitated by an enchanting lady (that's you Cora ��) was inspiring, if you're ready to even consider exploring more about yourself then I can't recommend this workshop enough! Be brave, be vulnerable but most of all just be.... xxx


The beginning of the year was quite challenging and I found myself a bit lost, no motivation and didn't really know who I was other than a mum.I then met Cora .she instantly made me feel like smiling again.Ive come so far ,and feel like a completely different girl.I look forward to our sessions and find that they really help .Cora always has time and makes you feel at ease.Couldn't have done it without her.would definitely recommend a chat with this special lady x


I saw a friend today who doesn't use social media so is unable to write a review so I thought I would as an outsider looking in on someone who had had some Cora love and guidance. Wow she was like a new person, radiating with a new found confidence and love for herself. She's made some exciting but big life changes and I'm pleased to hear she's had such a wonderful person guiding her through it. Thank you Cora for bringing out the best in my friend. If we had never met, she would never have met you and I really believe it was fate! Well done on helping lots of women, and here's to lots more! ��


I attended one of Cora's workshops yesterday what a beautiful day. I met some amazing women and learnt how to fill my soul with love �


I am lucky enough to have Cora supporting me at the moment and I’ve got to say her advice completely cuts through all of the BS I tell myself and gets straight to the heart of the issue. I love her honesty, her experience and her passion for supporting others. An incredible lady!


Fantastic day.. Positive and enlightening.. The start of a journey and an amazing group of women xx


Cora has an infectious energy & positive aura that fills your heart like a balloon, even on the blackest of days. As I've opened up to her during the last 3 months, I have literally seen her physically absorb the emotions I'm feeling. To find someone with that raw empathy and support is rare. I love how she keeps me focused on my future & how powerful I am, sharing links, helping me define goals, & suggesting I try things I never thought possible. Her belief in me & the universe is "just lush" - I adored having her as my Life Coach & she's a true friend for keeps


Beautiful woman inside and out. She truly got a caring heart & nothing is too much for her. Her very own life experiences help you you feel she understands situations you may have gone through, let alone her extensive trained coaching.

Cora gets you! It's like Every step you go through she right there with you.

A breath of fresh air with infections positive personality. I still go through the work we did & I feel like thank you never seems enough for what she done. I would HIGHLY Recommend her.


Back today from the most relaxing and mood changing time of my life in the beautiful Holme House with the gorgeous Cora Darlington #thefeelgoodgirl #sleepoverforthesoul The time and effort this lady put in to making everything perfect was amazing, the workshop was brilliant and now my boyfriend is dreading the Builders bill, the travel agent invoice and the date I pick up my Range Rover � but I'm just going to relax and wait patiently (mostly) �� .. Thank you to the lovely girls that also helped to make our time lush, definitely mate some new friends �� .. I don't have many pictures only one of Kate Jay in my bath, and my dinner from last night � thank you beautiful Cora xxx


A truly inspiring and beautiful workshop today with Cora & all the ladies. Highly recommended X

More about Cora Darlington Coach