ℭorporate ℭhrist

About ℭorporate ℭhrist

✝ Corporate Christ. . LGBTQ Musician /Producer and Author from Cardiff, UK.

ℭorporate ℭhrist Description

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Growing up was for me, a very lonely time. I would spend my evenings after school shut away in my bedroom, depressed and alone. This inspired the concept of “The Pornographer”, the idea that I was some sort of voyeuristic film director who gazed on from afar while the “characters” had fun (as they do in porn films).

During my early 20’s I developed the idea behind the concept further, adding deeper elements as I wrote some of the songs that would later feature on the finished album. However, during this period I was a heavy user of drugs and alcohol. I only recorded one song, partly because I couldn’t afford to as all my money went on drugs, and also because I just had no motivation, no drive.

Eventually, my drug use affected my mental health so badly I was sent to a psychiatric hospital for 5 years. My life was in pieces and yet again the reality of “The Pornographer” was playing out again. I was locked in a hospital ward, my only contact with my friends was through Facebook in the very brief moments I was allowed outside and able to use my phone. My friends were having a blast yet here I was in the most desperate situation I had ever faced. I hated that hospital. However, the album began to take shape in my mind and I knew what I wanted it to sound like. I was moving further towards electronic sounding music, yet I still loved the sound of a distorted guitar. I like using them together.

After being released from the Hospital I soon developed a bowel disease called Ulcerative Colitis. The bowel literally falls apart and you end up shitting it out. That wasn’t fun. I had to have emergency surgery and it took many months to recover. But while I was recovering I realized life is so short and none of us are guaranteed a long, healthy life. I knew I had to record this record.





All these people who have some sort of moral opinion on LGBT people. Maybe if they didn't spend all day fantasizing about what we get up to in the bedroom they could concentrate on giving their girlfriend an orgasm. I'm pretty sure they are tired of listening to their shit too.




I've decided to make all of my music FREE. Get "The Pornographer" and "Adam Kadmon: When The Heart Implodes" as a digital download. Follow the link...


Channelling my inner ALIEN


Off to a house party soon to gather with friends before Christmas season gets going. Have a good weekend all. :)


Wow. It all makes sense now 😂


Happy Halloween 🦇


There are some people who are on the wrong side of history. I feel bad for them because I doubt Facebook are going to erase all this in 20 years time just because they eventually realize they were idiots. More likely that we will have artificial intelligence reminding us every five minutes with an extended "on this day" feature. "On this day... you were a racist and a homophobe. And judging by your instagram you were a shit cook too"


True that 😂

More about ℭorporate ℭhrist

ℭorporate ℭhrist is located at Pontcanna, Cardiff