Cr Equine - Charlotte Ridgwell - Equine Massage & Soft Tissue Specialist

About Cr Equine - Charlotte Ridgwell - Equine Massage & Soft Tissue Specialist

Equine physiotherapy & sports massage. Based in the North West

Cr Equine - Charlotte Ridgwell - Equine Massage & Soft Tissue Specialist Description

Experienced & dedicated equine sports massage therapist (ESMT) & rehabilitation specialist. Charlotte is accredited by Equissage Europe and has experience working all over the UK alongside an equine osteopath.
She is fully insured & always seeks your vets approval before treating your horse.

Charlotte has ridden & competed to national level. She has worked with horses of all disciplines, from retired to international competition horses.

Charlotte is passionate about her work & this is recognised by her clients & the improvement in their horses & ponies performance.

Charlotte's background plays a key role in her work as an ESMT. She grew up working with young horses, breaking in & training them ready for competition. She went on to show-jump successfully at a national level & worked for Ellen Whitaker in the UK & across Europe.

Charlotte also has experience in working with dressage horses. Importing horses from Germany to bring on & sell, including on behalf of clients. She became interested in equine massage when she noticed the effects on her own horses.

Benefits of equine sports massage:
• Helps maintain & improve range of motion through improved suppleness & circulation.
• Promotes healing by increasing the flow of nutrients to the muscles, carrying away excessive fluids & toxins in the lymphatic & circulatory system.
• Produces endorphin's, which are natural painkillers.
• Pre-event, it can help to loosen up muscles ready for competition & can help to relax & calm excitable horses, giving a competitor that extra edge that can be needed.
• Post-event, massage can relieve stiffness & reduce any discomfort a horse might be experiencing after a tough competition. Equine massage on a regular basis for competition horses is advisable to help keep your horse on top form & reduce the risk of injury.
• For a horse on box rest it is also worthwhile. Being stood still compromises the lymphatic system & flow, a massage will encourage the flow to improve & help to drain away excess fluids & toxins. It can help the horse to relax & feel better with the release of endorphin's experienced during massage.
• Retired horses or those doing less work will benefit from an all round massage. When the muscles are not in as much work they can begin to get stiff & tight. A maintenance massage will help to keep your horse moving comfortably.

More about Cr Equine - Charlotte Ridgwell - Equine Massage & Soft Tissue Specialist

07772 150600