Cylch Meithrin Llanilltud Fawr

Monday: 09:00 - 12:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 12:00
Friday: 09:00 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Cylch Meithrin Llanilltud Fawr

Welsh medium playgroup for 2-4 year olds. Providing a happy, family atmosphere in which children learn through play through the medium of Welsh

Cylch Meithrin Llanilltud Fawr Description


Welcome to Cylch Meithrin Llanilltud Fawr, a Welsh medium playgroup for children aged 2 to 4 years, at the Old School, Llantwit Major. The Cylch is managed by a voluntary committee and is a member of Mudiad Meithrin (MM), which is the National Welsh Nursery Schools Movement. It abides by all the rules, policies and regulations of MM and is registered with the Care and Social Services Inspectorate for Wales (CSSIW)

All staff members are vetted by the criminal record bureau and have relevant childcare qualifications. The staff undergo regular training as an early years provider in the Vale of Glamorgan and are all qualified in paediatric first aid, child protection and food hygiene.

The Cylch is a registered charity non-profit making organisation which means that we must cover the cost of salaries, rent, the day to day running costs and equipment from fees and fund-raising activities.

Aims of the Cylch

The main aim of the Cylch is to provide a happy, family atmosphere in which children learn through play through the medium of Welsh. Language development is fostered by games, stories and songs which feature prominently in each session of the Cylch. As a Cylch Meithrin we believe strongly in the immersion method and believe it is the best start for your children in their future as a Welsh speaker, therefore during our sessions staff will only speak to the children in Welsh.
In order to develop new vocabulary, the children follow a different theme each term. The Cylch is staffed by play leaders who are qualified and experienced in early years care and education and who undertake continuous professional development in these areas. The play leader aims to provide a stimulating atmosphere which has opportunities for play with sand, water, dough, paint and craft materials as well as dressing up and creative role-play. The child's physical confidence and co-ordination skills are developed with the opportunity to ride on toys, outdoor play, music and movement and percussion instruments. The emphasis however is always on enjoyment and play. The children learn to socialise by playing together. The routine set for each session is good preparation for the more formal structure of primary school education.

We believe that every child has the right to:

receive care, love and respect
receive appropriate attention and support in order to meet his /her special needs
benefit from all play opportunities
guidance which will enable him /her to become a full member of society
be stimulated in order that he /she develops to her /his full potential
benefit from nursery experiences through the medium of Welsh
be treated as an equal regardless of race, colour, religion, nationality or social background.

We have a ratio of 1 adult to 4 children for children aged 2 years and 1 adult to 8 children for ages 3 and above. We are also willing to care for children with special needs and will work with parents and outside agencies to enable children with specific needs to be fully involved in learning through play and to develop to their full potential.

Your child will receive a full report at the end of the academic year and verbal reports are available at any time at the end of a session from the leader.

The Welsh Language

It is important to emphasise that Welsh is the main language of the Cylch. Extensive research has shown that this is the best way to introduce a second language at this age. All activities are carried out through the Welsh Language.
Do not expect your child to use much Welsh at home in the early months. Remember that your child may not be used to speaking Welsh to you. You can help them by speaking as much Welsh as you can. Do not worry about complete sentences, your child won't! Using simple phrases such as 'Bore da' - Good Morning, 'Diolch' - Thank you etc. it helps the children to understand that this is a normal simple means of communication.
The power of hearing family members using even simple greetings cannot be overestimated. Welsh is not supposed to replace English, your child is going to be bilingual and it is still good to discuss with your child the things they have learnt in English.
Our aim as a Cylch is that your child receives the best possible start in their Welsh education and will be confident Welsh learners when they arrive at ‘big school’.

We would strongly recommend that your child attends two sessions minimum to provide continuity and to benefit from the Welsh language provision.

Vocabulary and song sheets are available for those who are interested so you can practice at home. Ask the staff for further help and information about Welsh courses available in the area - these are publicised on the information walls in the foyer.
As a Cylch we aim to support you and your child at this exciting time as they start their journey to school.

Days and times

Monday to Friday

Morning sessions are 9. 00 am to 12. 00 pm (with the offer of a wrap-around service to the afternoon nursery session at Dewi Sant at 1: 00 pm, also extended care 12: 00 - 12: 45 for those wishing to use the lunchtime service without wrap-around)

Afternoon sessions are 1: 15pm to 4: 00pm (with the offer of a wrap-around service from the morning nursery session at Dewi Sant to Cylch for 1: 15 pm)

Wrap-Around Service

Cylch Meithrin Llanilltud Fawr maintains a great relationship with our local Welsh primary school Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant. As part of this, we are pleased to offer a wrap-around service.
Parents wishing to use this service provide a packed lunch that the children eat at the Cylch after the morning session at 12: 00 pm before being taken by taxi with a member of staff to the afternoon nursery session at Dewi Sant for
1: 00 pm.
Children attending the school morning session who wish to attend the Cylch afternoon session, will eat lunch at school, before being collected by the Cylch staff at 1: 00 pm.

More about Cylch Meithrin Llanilltud Fawr

Cylch Meithrin Llanilltud Fawr is located at The Old School, Wine Street, CF61 1RZ Llantwit Major
Monday: 09:00 - 12:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 12:00
Friday: 09:00 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -