Cylch Meithrin Rhuddlan

About Cylch Meithrin Rhuddlan

Cylch Meithrin Rhuddlan
Term time only.

Cylch Ti a Fi - Weds 9. 15am-11. 15am
0-2 years - FREE

Cylch Meithrin - Mon-Thur 9am -11. 30am
2yrs + - £8 a session



Plant wedi chwarae yn hapus iawn wythnos yma yn y wahanol ardaloedd dysgu.


Roedd y plant wedi mwynhau edrych a mynd ar y injan dan heddiw.


Planyt yn mwynhau chwarae yn y cylch yr wythnos hon.


Diwrnod mabolgampau 2019.
Llawer o hwyl yn mabolgampau heddiw.


WOW! WOW!! WOW!!! what can we say, except “Diolch yn fawr iawn”. There are far to many people and businesses to list on here right now, but I will try and get a list up tomorrow of everyone that contributed on making our night a success!!! Trelawnyd Male Voice Choir were phenomenal as was Bethan Tomkins. Only Tots Aloud were FAB and showed that coming to Cylch really does help them grow 😁 The night however would not have been as great as it was without the fantastic, hilariously funny Mr Dilwyn Price 🤣🤣. The support we have had from staff, parents, family, friends and local businesses has been overwhelming. So from all of us here at Cylch Meithrin and Ti a Fi - Thank you very much / Diolch yn fawr iawn 😘 xx


Plant yn hapus chwarae yn y cylch wythnos yma.


Plant wedi bod yn brysur yn paratoi I ddathlu Penblwydd Sali Mali yn 50oed.


Bydd y maes parcio yn Ysgol y Castell ar agor nos Wener ermwyn pobol sydd yn dod i'r cyngerdd yn Capel Ebenezer am 5.30 I 9.
The car park at Ysgol y Castell will be open for people coming to the concert at Ebenezer Chapel from 5.30 until 9.


Atgoffa pawb rydym ni yn ddathlu penblwydd Sali Mali yfory pawb I wisgo rhywbeth OREN. Just a reminder that we are celebrating Sali Mali's birthday tomorrow can everyone wear something ORANGE


We would like to thank the following Local Businesses for sponsoring our Concert, it is very much appreciated:
Ainsley Clinic Rhuddlan Gough Electrical Ltd. Promix Concrete... Prosperity Chinese Restaurant
If there are any other businesses that would like to sponsor our Concert, please get in touch asap as our programmes are being printed next week and we would like your logo and details to be printed.
Thank you also to LL Estates for kindly agreeing to do all our printing.
Thank you to the Businesses selling tickets on our behalf, they are selling fast so get yours now: Blooming Gorgeous Floristry Co-op Rhuddlan The Farmhouse Kitchen Rhuddlan The Little Cheesemonger Rhuddlan The Chemist
See More


Plant yn mwynhau chwarae yn y gwahanol ardaloedd wythnos yma.


Plant wedi bod yn brysur wythnos yma yn gwneud cardiad i "Sul y tadau".


Ydi chi eisiau eich plentyn dysgu cymraeg. Mae Cylch Meithrin Rhuddlan hefo diwrnod agored Dydd Mercher 3ydd o Gorffenaf am 9-11.30 Croesi cynnes I bawb.
Would you like your child to speak welsh. We are having an open day at Cylch Meithrin Rhuddlan on Wednesday 3rd of July 9-11.30 All Welcome


Plant yn chwarae'n hapus yn y cylch wythnos yma ac ymarfer I ddiwnod mabolgampau.


EXCITING NEWS 😁👍🏻 S4C will be in Rhuddlan to film our concert. They are doing a programme on the Choir and have asked to come along and film them. DON’T miss out, and get your tickets now. Lots of our local businesses listed below are selling tickets on our behalf, or let us know if you’d like to reserve some, Anti Gem will be on the door, on the night and will have an envelope with reserved tickets 😁


Plant yn cael hwyl yn y cylch ac yn y neuadd.


Plant wedi mwynhau stori y "Gruffalo" a "Plentyn y Gruffalo" a hoffi gwneud mygydau'r anifeiliad yn y stori i'w gwisgo I ail ymddangos y stori yn yr ardd I ddod o hyd i'r Gryffalo a'i blentyn.


Cylch wedi cau yfory 23/5/19 Ail agor 3/6/19.

More about Cylch Meithrin Rhuddlan

Cylch Meithrin Rhuddlan is located at Ebenezer Chapel, Parliament Street, LL18 5AW Rhuddlan