Cylch Meithrin Y Garnedd

Monday: 08:50 - 14:50
Tuesday: 08:50 - 14:50
Wednesday: 08:50 - 14:50
Thursday: 08:50 - 14:50
Friday: 08:50 - 14:50
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Cylch Meithrin Y Garnedd

Arweinwyr /Leaders: Helen Hayes & Elin Owen
Cylch: Llun - Gwener yn nhymor ysgol /
Monday - Friday term time

Dilynwch ni ar Twitter: @CylchYGarnedd

Cylch Meithrin Y Garnedd Description

Nod Cylch Meithrin Y Garnedd yw darparu’r cyfle i bob plentyn o ddwy a hanner i fanteisio ar brofiad meithrin trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg mewn awyrgylch gynnes a chroesawus.
Mae'r pwyslais ar addysg drwy chwarae, gan fod chwarae yn sylfaenol i bob agwedd o ddatblygiad plant. Rydym yn dilyn rheolau a chanllawiau Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin, ac yn cael ein harolygu gan Arolygiaeth Gofal a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cymru.

Agorodd Cylch Meithrin y Garnedd ar 29ain Ebrill, 2003. Rydym wedi cofrestru fel elusen, ac yn gweithredu o dan adain Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin. Gan mai elusen ydy'r Cylch, gwirfoddolwyr sy'n ei redeg. Y Pwyllgor sy'n gyfrifol am yr holl waith gweinyddol o redeg y Cylch o ddydd i ddydd.

Y Cylch
Mae 2 sesiwn y diwrnod, y cyntaf o 8. 50y. b. – 11y. b. ac yr ail o 12. 50y. h. -3. 00y. h.

Os hoffech i’ch plentyn fynychu’r Cylch yn ystod y flwyddyn nesaf, yna cysylltwch gyda ni cyn gynted â phosibl, neu am fwy o wybodaeth am y Cylch cysylltwch â: Cylch Meithin y Garnedd ar 07796017771 neu drwy e-bost uk

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The aim of Cylch Meithrin y Garnedd is to provide every child over two and a half years of age with an opportunity to benefit from early years services and experiences through the medium of Welsh in a warm and welcoming environment.

The emphasis is on education through play, since play is fundamental to all aspects of child development. We abide by the rules and regulations of Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin, and have annual inspections by the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales.
Cylch Meithrin y Garnedd opened on 29th April, 2003. We are registered as a charity, and operate under Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin. As the Cylch is a charity, volunteers run it. The Committee is responsible for all the administration work and the day to day running of the Cylch

The Cylch
There are 2 sessions each day, the first from 8. 50-11. 00 and the second from 12. 50-3. 00

If you would like your child to attend the Cylch during the next educational year then contact us as soon as possible either phone Cylch Meithin y Garnedd on 07796017771 or e-mail uk

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Hanes y Cylch

Agorodd Cylch Meithrin y Garnedd ar 29ain Ebrill, 2003. Rydym wedi cofrestru fel elusen (rhif 1103788) ac yn aelod o Mudiad Meithrin (www. mudiad. cymru).

Pwyllgor y Cylch
Gan mai elusen ydy'r Cylch, gwirfoddolwyr sy'n ei redeg. Y Pwyllgor sy'n gyfrifol am y gwaith o redeg y Cylch o ddydd i ddydd:
1. Ariannol, e. e. Penodi a chyflogi’r staff, derbyn ffioedd, ceisiadau grantiau, prynu adnoddau.
2. Polisïau, e. e. sicrhau fod y Cylch yn cydymffurfio â pholisïau gofynnol Mudiad Meithrin ac Arolygiaeth Gofal a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cymru.
3. Trefnu gweithgareddau codi arian yn rheolaidd.

Mae yna sawl ffordd y gallwch gefnogi’r Cylch a gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr i’r gofal mae eich plentyn yn ei gael, gan wneud ffrindiau newydd yr un pryd. Gallwch fod yn aelod o’r Pwyllgor, helpu yn y Cylch os oes prinder staff, neu ymuno yn yr hwyl wrth godi arian.
Mae’r Pwyllgor yn cynnal o leiaf un cyfarfod agored yn ystod y flwyddyn ac mae croeso mawr i rieni a gofalwyr.

The History of the ‘Cylch’

Cylch Meithrin y Garnedd opened on the 29th of April, 2003. We are registered as a charity (no. 1103788) and are a member of Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin (www. mym. co. uk).

The Cylch Committee

As the Cylch is a charity, it is run by volunteers. The Committee is responsible for all the day to day running of the Cylch:
1. Finance, e. g. Employ staff, pay rent, receive fees, grant applications, buy resources.
2. Policies, e. g. ensure that the Cylch conforms with the required policies of the Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin and Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales.
3. Arrange fundraising activities regularly.

There are many ways you can support the Cylch, make a big difference to the care your child receives, and make new friends. You can be a member of the Committee, help out in the Cylch if there is shortage of staff, or get involved with the fun during fundraising activities.

The Committee holds at least one open meeting during the year, which all parents and carers are very welcome to attend.

More about Cylch Meithrin Y Garnedd

Cylch Meithrin Y Garnedd is located at Ysgol Y Garnedd, LL57 2LX Bangor, Gwynedd
Monday: 08:50 - 14:50
Tuesday: 08:50 - 14:50
Wednesday: 08:50 - 14:50
Thursday: 08:50 - 14:50
Friday: 08:50 - 14:50
Saturday: -
Sunday: -