Dar Ul-Isra

About Dar Ul-Isra

Dar Ul-Isra (DUI) Muslim Educational & Welfare Centre was established in 1989 to unify and serve the needs of the Muslim community of Cardiff.



Missed out on Sharing Ramadan Day 1? Don't panic, spaces are still available for Day 2 this Monday 13th May! Sign up now to avoid disappointment! https://www.bridgesforcommunities.com/car diff-sharing-ramad…


We were joined by Welsh Assembly Member Jenny Rathbone and she left us with some kind words.
There are 4 more of these evenings. For details click the links:
... https://www.facebook.com/events/574126763 081054/
https://bridgesforcommunities.com/upcomin …/sharing-festivals
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Photos of last night's 1st Sharing Ramadan event.
There are 4 more of these evenings. For details click the links:
... https://www.facebook.com/events/574126763 081054/
https://bridgesforcommunities.com/upcomin …/sharing-festivals
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We hosted the first of our 5 Sharing Ramadan evenings last night, and it was a great success. Guests were given an explanation on the basics of Islam, the Prayer, and of course what Ramadan is.
We ended with a delicious 2 course meal, and our guests gave great feedback, and left informed, uplifted and well fed!
... There are still 4 more dates to choose from if you would like to join us.
Details are on the event page.
Book free tickets here: https://bridgesforcommunities.com/upcomin …/sharing-festivals
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We're so excited to host the first evening tonight, and nearly all the spaces are booked. But we have 4 other evenings to choose from so don't wait, BOOK NOW!!


New Muslims often struggle with isolation in Ramadan. At Dar ul Isra, we have weekly meet ups for anyone new to or interested in Islam. During Ramadan, join us to break fast and meet other new Muslims.


So Ramadan has officially started today!! Our friends from the wider community may be wondering what all the hype is about, and why Muslims are so excited!! Well, we have a fantastic opportunity for you to come and experience the Ramadan buzz!
Over the next few weeks, we have 5 Sharing Ramadan evenings, where you can visit the mosque, meet some Muslims, learn a little about Islam, and have a delicious free meal!
... All the details are below. We hope you can join us!
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Insha Allah, 1st Taraweeh prayer will be on Sunday 05/05/2019 after Isha (21:57) and 1st Ramadan will be Monday. Ramadan Mubarak!


Taste Ramadan is coming to Cardiff on 18th May!
Why don't you join us to share food and share friendship!


Next week marks the start of Ramadan. It is a special month for Muslims; a month spent in reflection, contemplation, worship, and fasting from dawn to dusk.
You are invited to join the community of Dar Ul-Isra in Cathays, Cardiff, to visit the mosque, meet some local Muslims, learn a little about why this month is so special, and to share in breaking the fast.
There are 5 dates across May to choose from. The events (and food!) are free, however to help with planning, registra...tion is required. The evenings are relaxed, informative and a great way to make new friends. We always have guests returning year after year!
For dates and details, please visit: https://bridgesforcommunities.com/upcomin …/sharing-festivals
Please feel free to share the invitation with family, friends and colleagues. We hope you can join us!
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May Prayer Timetable


Exciting news, we're launching a Dar Ul-Isra Instagram page where Insha'Allah we will be sharing upcoming events, salah times, mosque news, photos and everything DUI.
Follow us, for an alternative way to stay upto date.
Search DUICARDIFF on Instagram or scan the code in the photo. Will you be the first to like out 1st post?


Don't forget to join us this evening 715pm to hear about the Hell Fire
Everyone is welcome
Light dinner will also be served insha'Allah
... Please share
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Mohammed Bilal
*A description of the Hell Fire *The people of Hell *Deeds that lead to the Hell Fire... *Dua's to save us from the Hell Fire
This Thursday 715pm Darul Isra Mosque All welcome including children
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Don't forget this Thursday
A Description of Hell
A lecture by Mohammed Bilal
... Thursday 25th 715pm
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Whoever feeds iftar to a fasting person will receive the reward of that fast without detracting from the reward of the fasting one. Tirmidhi
Darul Isra Mosque feeds iftar to roughly 350 people everyday during Ramadan at a cost of £750 per day.
That amount for an individual maybe hard to commit to but we want everyone to have the opportunity to feed a fasting person.
... Make the intention to donate something towards a daily iftar and collect the reward of upto 350 fasts.
https://forms.gle/QVbLvRnovNPtTCcN6 to tell us how much you can give (no amount is too small) and collectively we can pay for as many iftars as possible.
Our mosque representative will be in touch during Ramadan to arrange collection and confirm which day your donation has been allocated.
Make the niyah today and commit to the niyah by the action by telling us how much you would like to give- you have 3 weeks to arrange before we will collect the donation.
Please share to let others benefit from this opportunity
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This Thursday 715pm our lecture series continues
A description of the Hell Fire, The people of Hell Fire, The deeds that take us to the Hell Fire. How we can protect ourselves from the Hell Fire.
If you haven't already signed up do so now
... https://goo.gl/forms/sGrExNAYMw5Ne7dE3
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‪#SponsorAnIftarThisRamadan @Darulisra #Ramadan2019 ‬

More about Dar Ul-Isra

Dar Ul-Isra is located at 21-23 Wyverne Road, CF24 4BG Cardiff