Dion Jones Tree Surgery

About Dion Jones Tree Surgery

Freelance tree surgeon able to carry out all types of tree work.

Gweithiwr llawrydd sydd yn arbenigo ym mhob mathau o wasaneuthau coed.



Ychydig o lyniau, o gwaith dros yr wythnosau dwythau πŸŒ²πŸ‘πŸ» A few pictures from the last few weeks of work.


Reducing some conifers to a more manageable heightπŸŒ²β„οΈ


Unrhyw un eisio llwyth o goed tan, dau fag tunnell llawn o goed caled sydd angen ei sychu, barod I fynd bore fory 🌳£100
Anyone interested in some hardwood logs two ton bags worth in the back of the truck (needs seasoning) ready to go tomorrow morning! 🌳£100


Nice day down in Welshpool yesterday, working with Adrian from Tree Werx. Taking down a large poplar tree then grinding out the stump with the new bandit stump grinder!


One of last weeks jobs was to remove this western red cedar, from where it had outgrown its place in the garden. We then cut split and staked all of the timber ready for the next winter πŸ”₯ Diolch I Craig am dy waith ar lawr ag am y llyniau πŸ“·πŸ‘πŸ»


Counting ourselves very lucky managing to dodge the rain today. Only to have the wind and some inquisitive sheep to contend with! Maple tree reduction and some conifers removed from a front garden.


One of last weeks jobs was to prune the branches of this large oak tree out/away from the BT cable below. which in turn helped reduced the weight of the stem leaning over the road. Subcontracting for Graham Loxham.


Here's a job from way back in the summer. where we took down two large conifers and a smaller sycamore tree for the local football club. Thanks to Garry for his hard work πŸ‘πŸ»


A conifer tree between three BT cables. Happy customers and happy neighbours! πŸ‘πŸ»


Had a phone call yesterday afternoon to go help out at a caravan park where they had some storm damaged trees. Managed to take care of the worst ones that posed an immediate threat before it went dark. Then we returned today today to finish off the remaining 10 trees,All with varying degrees of damage.


Today's job at Conwy Falls Forest Park was to clear some small trees and vegetation. Opening up a better line of sight for vehicles negotiating the busy junction, And also to give any potential customers heading north on the A5 a better view of the cafe. Thanks to Matty and mike for the hard work πŸ‘πŸ»


Target practice 🎯

More about Dion Jones Tree Surgery

Dion Jones Tree Surgery is located at Arosfa, Penmachno, LL24 0UB Bettws-y-coed