Domina Lunae Apothecary. Esoteric Herbalism

About Domina Lunae Apothecary. Esoteric Herbalism

Occult perfumery & Esoteric Herbal Apothecary.

Official webstore: www.

Etsy shop: www. /DominaLunae

Domina Lunae Apothecary. Esoteric Herbalism Description

Our brand is specialized in creating and selling handmade esoteric supplies for spiritual practices and vibrational healing, with a particular focus on female spirituality.
Our products are made with natural ingredients, magical intent, esoteric principles and in co-partnership with plants spirits.

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Il nostro marchio è specializzato nella produzione e vendita di articoli esoterici artigianali da utilizzare per pratiche spirituali e guarigione vibrazionale, con un particolare focus verso la spiritualità femminile.
I nostri prodotti sono di origine naturale e creati con intento magico e principi esoterici.

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Domina Lunae Apothecary. Esoteric Herbalism



NEW ARRIVAL ...and new project!
Witch tote bag.
Lightweight eco-friendly tote bag.
... 100% cotton. Bag weight 50g. Dimensions: 40cm x 38cm, 64cm handle total length.
You can find it on рҹ‘ү and рҹ‘ү etsy< br> See More


NEW PLANT SPIRIT ESSENCE by Spirit of Artemisia
Borago officinalis: "I speak the truth with courage and wisdom". The spirit of Borage presides comunication and discernment, the star-shaped five petals flowers, and indigo/blue colors, connect this plant with the spirit realm and like the fifth major arcana of the tarots (the Hierophant), Borage posses wisdom coming from above which brings the energy of guidance, evaluation, truth and sharing. The pistil and the stamen together... resembling a beak relate this Spirit with words and comunication, therefore Borage can help to speak the truth, connect and comunicate in a direct, clear and respectful way. It is an empowering ally for teachers, activits, counselor, speakers, lawyer, judges and comunicators, and Medicine for people who have difficult to express feelings and emotions, and speak up for themselves. Borage brings the courage and clarity to express our thoughts, it helps to give voices to our ideas, projects and inner world, and be mediators not only between peoples, but also potential messengers of the spiritual realm.
You can find it on and etsy< br> See More


Borage flower essence 10ml
Borage Flower essence: Communication, self-expression, courage, truth.
This flower essence helps to speak the truth, connect and comunicate in a direct, wise, clear and respectful way. It is an empowering ally for teachers, activits, counselor, speakers, lawyer, judges and comunicators, and Medicine for people who have difficult to express feelings and emotions, and speak up for themselves.... Borage balances the throat chakra, brings the courage and clarity to express our thoughts, it also helps to listen and share the truth of the heart, to give voice to our ideas, projects and inner world, and be mediators not only between peoples, but also potential messengers of the spiritual realm.
Borago officinalis flower essence, water, brandy in 10ml stock bottle.
You can find it on and etsy< br> ___________________________________
Borragine essenza floreale 10ml
Essenza floreale di Borragine: Comunicazione, auto-espressione, coraggio, veritГ .
Questa essenza floreale aiuta a connettersi e comunicare in modo diretto, saggio, onesto, chiaro e rispettoso. ГҲ un alleato che puГІ supportare e potenziare insegnanti, oratori, attivisti, consulenti, avvocati, giudici e comunicatori, e Medicina per coloro che hanno difficoltГ  ad esprimere i propri sentimenti, emozioni ed opinione. Borragine bilancia il chakra della gola, porta il coraggio e la chiarezza necessari per condividere i propri pensieri, aiuta ad ascoltare ed esprimere la veritГ  del cuore, dar voce alle proprie idee, progetti e mondo interiore e a diventare mediatori non solo tra gli esseri umani, ma anche potenziali messaggeri del regno spirituale.
Essenza floreale di Borago officinalis, acqua, brandy in 10ml bottiglia di stock.
La trovi su ed etsy< br> See More


Borage flower essence 30ml
Borage Flower essence: Communication, self-expression, courage, truth.
This flower essence helps to speak the truth, connect and comunicate in a direct, wise, clear and respectful way. It is an empowering ally for teachers, activits, counselor, speakers, lawyer, judges and comunicators, and Medicine for people who have difficult to express feelings and emotions, and speak up for themselves.... Borage balances the throat chakra, brings the courage and clarity to express our thoughts, it also helps to listen and share the truth of the heart, to give voice to our ideas, projects and inner world, and be mediators not only between peoples, but also potential messengers of the spiritual realm.
Borago officinalis flower essence, water, brandy (20% ABV) in 30ml stock bottle.
You can find it on and etsy< br> ___________________________________
Borragine essenza floreale 30ml
Essenza floreale di Borragine: Comunicazione, auto-espressione, coraggio, veritГ .
Questa essenza floreale aiuta a connettersi e comunicare in modo diretto, saggio, onesto, chiaro e rispettoso. ГҲ un alleato che puГІ supportare e potenziare insegnanti, oratori, attivisti, consulenti, avvocati, giudici e comunicatori, e Medicina per coloro che hanno difficoltГ  ad esprimere i propri sentimenti, emozioni ed opinione. Borragine bilancia il chakra della gola, porta il coraggio e la chiarezza necessari per condividere i propri pensieri, aiuta ad ascoltare ed esprimere la veritГ  del cuore, dar voce alle proprie idee, progetti e mondo interiore e a diventare mediatori non solo tra gli esseri umani, ma anche potenziali messaggeri del regno spirituale.
Essenza floreale di Borago officinalis, acqua, brandy (20% ABV) in 30ml bottiglia di stock.
La trovi su ed etsy< br> See More


Aromatherapy oil blend to relax and relieve tension headache and pressure due to stress or overwork. Made with essential oils and amethyst gemstone.
You can find it on рҹ‘ү and etsy рҹ‘ү< br>


Tension headache relief - Aromatherapy blend This aromatherapy oil bled is dedicated to Airmid (Airmed), celtic Goddess of healing and medicinal plants. You can use this oil around temples, side of the neck and trapezius muscles to relax and relieve tension headache and pressure due to stress or overwork.
External use only, made with essential oils (Lavandula angustifolia, Mentha piperita, Rosmarinus officinalis) and amethyst gemstone in Jojoba oil.
... 10ml glass roll-on bottle.
This product is not a drug or food supplement, and do not substitute any medical preparation or treatment.
You can find it on and etsy< br> ___________________________________
Sollievo mal di testa - Miscela aromaterapica Questa miscela aromaterapica ГЁ dedicata ad Airmid (Airmed), Dea celtica della guarigione e delle piante medicinali. ГҲ possibile utilizzare quest'olio su tempie, muscoli del collo e trapezio per indurre il rilassamento e ottenere sollievo in caso di mal di testa da tensione, e pressione dovuta a stress e lavoro eccessivo.
Prodotto per uso esterno realizzato con oli essenziali (Lavandula angustifolia, Mentha piperita, Rosmarinus officinalis) e ametista, in olio di Jojoba.
Contenitore roll-on in vestro da 10ml
Il seguente prodotto non Д— un medicinale, supplemento nutrizionale o integratore, e non si vuole sostituire a nessun trattamento o terapia medica.
Lo trovi su e etsy< br> See More


Domina Lunae Apothecary. Esoteric Herbalism will attend this year Witchfest Midlands conference, also offering the talk "Walking with Diana: The Goddess Who is whole unto Herself". Looking foward to see you all tomorrow for another wonderful day of sharing and celebration!


Onorata di far parte, insieme ad altri artisti e creativi italiani, del giveaway organizzato da Monica Jay Casalini. Il giveaway partirГ  al raggiungimento dei 10.000 followers alla pagina Calendario Pagano, per cui vi invito a supportare questo progetto per avere l'opportunitГ  di vincere un fantastico maxi box pieno di magici prodotti artigianali!
Maggiori informazioni sul giveaway: no/posts/2072843952824895


I wish to bless this May Eve with beauty!
Ready to be ordered is the new "Freyja's radiance" face and hair aromatherapy oil, with Rose, Frankincense and Rosemary in Jojoba and Argan oil.
... You can find it on рҹ‘ү and etsy рҹ‘ү< br> See More


These products are not drugs or food supplements and do not substitute any medical preparation or treatment/ I seguenti prodotti non sono medicinali, supplementi nutrizionali o integratori, e non si vogliono sostituire a nessun trattamento o terapia medica.


We are so pleased you all loved our #occult perfume blend made with real gold on a 30ml dropper bottle. в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ Sorceress occult perfume oil has been created to empower and bewitch through the mystic power of plants alchemy and gold. Its smell will carry your spirit to a forest ritual of burning resins, witchcraft and moss. в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ Made with herbs, essential oils (Benzoin, Lily, Honeysuckle, Oakmoss, Mugwort) and 24k gold leaves in Jojoba carrier oil. в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җ...в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ Do you want to know what Witchcraft smell of? You can find it on рҹ‘үрҹҸ» and etsy в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ How many of you would like to have another occult perfume blend to enhance your personal magic? рҹҷғ Pop us a comment below рҹ‘Ү
#witchcraft #witch #apothecary #esoterism #botanicalalchemy #botanical #greenwitchcraft #herbalmagic #greenmagic #witchcraftemporium #witchway #witchcraftapothecary #esotericapothecary #esotericherbalism #botanicalalchemy #witchcraftshop #stregoneria #strega #stregheria #dominalunaeapothecary #perfume #naturalperfume #occultperfumery #occultperfume #occultperfumes
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NEW IN STORE! : Tara's mist - Hand sanitizer aromatherapy spray
This portable spray is dedicated to the Goddess Tara, female bodhisattva with different manifestations and qualities, included compassion, healing and divine protection. It can be used anytime as antibacterial spray, and/or energy cleanser for holistic practitioners. A blend of pure essential oils to help purify and protect from germs, viruses, and stagnant energies.
... You can find it on рҹ‘ү and etsy рҹ‘ү< br> See More


Tara's mist - Hand sanitizer aromatherapy spray This portable spray is dedicated to the Goddess Tara, female bodhisattva with different manifestations and qualities, included compassion, healing and divine protection. It can be used anytime as antibacterial spray, and/or energy cleanser for holistic practitioners. A blend of pure essential oils to help purify and protect from germs, viruses, and stagnant energies.
... Product for external use, made with distilled water and essential oils (Lavandula angustifolia, Rosmarinus officinalis, Melaleuca alternifolia, Cinnamomum verum) in jojoba carrier oil.
Shake before use and spray directly on your hands.
Glass 30ml bottle
You can find it on and etsy ___________________________________
Spray Tara's mist - Disinfettante per le mani Questo spray portatile ГЁ dedicato alla Dea Tara, bodhisattva femminile dalle diverse manifestazioni e qualitГ , incluse compassione, guarigione e protezione divina. PuГІ essere utilizzato come spray antibatterico, e/o detergente energetico per praticanti olistici, prima e dopo un trattamento. Una miscela di oli essenziali per aiutare a purificare e proteggere da germi, virus ed energie stagnanti.
Prodotto per uso esterno contenente acqua distillata e oli essenziali (Lavandula angustifolia, Rosmarinus officinalis, Melaleuca alternifolia, Cinnamomum verum) in base di olio di jojoba.
Agitare prima dell'uso e spruzzare direttamente sulla mani.
Contenitore in vetro da 30ml.
Lo trovi su e etsy< br> See More


100g vegetal wax, herbs and essential oils/ 100g cera vegetale, erbe e oli essenziali.

More about Domina Lunae Apothecary. Esoteric Herbalism

Domina Lunae Apothecary. Esoteric Herbalism is located at Bridgend