Dynamic Wrexham

About Dynamic Wrexham

A centre for children and young people with disabilities in Wrexham, North Wales.

Dynamic Wrexham Description

We are a center for children and young people with disabilities in Wrexham, North Wales. Dynamic is a charity that provides out-of-school activities for children and young people with special needs.

The children have a range of disabilities from physical, intellectual or sensory impairments and emotional problems, to life limiting illnesses.



Happy Friday Dynamic Facebook Followers 😊
Our Charity Shop have had three amazing donations of brand new wedding dresses with tags πŸ‘°πŸ’’
They are in perfect condition and are in need of a bride or a Rose/ Carnival/ Charity Queen. The material is also very good quality and would suit a skilled seamstress x
... They are very reasonably priced at £50 but if it is a worthy cause we would be able to come to an agreement! Charity starts at home 😍
#dynamic #charityshop #bride #queen #carnival
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Happy Wednesday Dynamic Facebook Followers 😊
The Makaton Sign of the week is Fire Exit, a really useful sign for our children and young people. We hope you are having as much fun as us learning new Makaton signs 😊
#makaton #dynamic #makatoncharity #learning #communication #signoftheweek #wetalkmakaton
... https://www.facebook.com/166720333382994/ posts/2160725963982411/
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Wahoo! Amazing fundraising efforts by the young people from Thursday and Friday Groups and the volunteer teams in Sainsbury's last week.
Drum roll please... We raised an amazing Β£351.31p πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
A huge well done to everyone who volunteered and a huge thank you to everyone who donated! The monies will definitely be put to good use by our amazing children and young people 😊 Diolch!
... #dynamic #fundraising #volunteers #sainsburys #diolch #thankyou
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Happy Tuesday Dynamic Facebook Followers 😊
Dynamic are pleased to share that we will be facilitating the STEPS course again for parents and carers this year, thanks to the Welsh Government Families First programme!
The course is open to any parent or carer who has a child with a disability and they do not have to be currently using Dynamic services so please feel free to share to any family you think would benefit πŸ‘
... The course is co-facilitated by a parent who has previously completed the course, they really will understand your fears and your worries and are here to support you every step of the way.
All the parents/ carers who attended the last course got so much out of it and have made lasting friendships so why not take that first step... what have you got to lose?!?
Please contact Laura Williams in the office if you would like to reserve your place on 01978 263656 or comment here or send us a private message. This is a daytime course but we will arrange an evening course if we have enough interest.
#Dynamic #STEPS #FamiliesFirst #parents #carers
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Happy Sunday Dynamic Facebook Followers 😊
Can you help? We are looking for organisations/companies/local businesses to sponsor each of the races on our amazing Ladies Day that is due to be held on Friday 21/06 at the Ramada, Wrexham.
The cost of each race is Β£50 and is a great advertisement opportunity whilst raising much needed funds for Dynamic!
... If you own a local organisation/ company/ business please consider our opportunity! Or if you or your partner, relative or friend work for somewhere that may be interested, please share to help us get these races sponsored!
Many thanks in advance, the Dynamic team 😘
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Happy Friday Dynamic Facebook Followers 😊
Hope you all getting ready for the long Bank Holiday weekend. If you are out and about picking up supplies at Sainsbury's Plas Coch, why not pop over and have a go on our Teddy Tombola 🐻
Andrea and Danielle are kicking off today's fundraising efforts πŸ™Œ Thanks ladies 😘 and thanks to all our amazing volunteers who have taken time to support these important fundraising events!
... #dynamic #fundraising #sainsburys #teddies
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Wahoo! We have a winner of our star prize in the Dynamic Teddy Tombola at Sainsbury's Plas Coch 🐻 🐻🐻🐻🐻
Congratulations Charmain Hamnett, we know the GIGANTIC tiger has found an amazing new home 🐯 😘
Please continue to pop in and support us, still lots of teddies to be won πŸ™Œ
... #dynamic #fundraising #sainsburys #tiger
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Happy Thursday Dynamic Facebook Followers 😊
Today's fundraising event at Sainsbury's Plas Coch is going to be *ROAR-SOME* 🐯 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯
We have a Teddy Tombola where you have a chance to try and win our amazing (gigantic) Tiger 🐯!
... If you are in Sainsbury's today or tomorrow, please pop and say hello to our lovely volunteers and dig deep to support our amazing charity, and hopefully win our amazing star prize 🌟
#dynamic #fundraising #charity #starprize #tiger #roarsome
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Happy Wednesday Dynamic Facebook Followers 😊
After some hard work we are a proud to share that Dynamic are having their first May Fest πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ at the request of our young people featuring local superstar and Dynamic favourite Luke Gallagher 😍
This ticketed event will be open to any disabled young person and their family or support worker or friends so that they can experience a festival vibe!
... We cannot wait! Tickets are available now from the Dynamic Office on 01978 263656 priced at Β£5 per family (1/2 adults and children in the immediate famioy/ household). Tickets will be first come first served so please don't wait to get yours!
#dynamic #mayfest2019 #bradbury #lukegallagher #festival #music #fun #friendships #laughter
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Happy Wednesday Facebook followers... we would like to say Happy May to everyone and a happy new term 😊😊😊 the Makaton sign of the week is β€˜May’ #makaton #signoftheweek #may #dynamic #dynamicfuture https://youtu.be/iSIVF-P-O5o


Happy Tuesday Facebook followers 😊... We’re looking for some help please. We’ve got a Teddy tombola stall Thursday and Friday at Sainsbury’s and we’re looking for volunteers to help on the stall. We are desperate for help on Friday so if you are able to please comment below or contact us in the office on 01979 263656 #help #support #fundraising #thankyou


Happy Tuesday Dynamic Facebook Followers 😊
Just a reminder of the start dates for weekly term-time Bradbury Groups: Monday Group - 13/05 Tuesday Juniors - 07/05... Tuesday Seniors - 30/04 Wednesday Group - 01/05 Thursday Group - 02/05 Friday Group - 03/05 Saturday Group - 04/05
Ww have lots of lovely Easter egss to give out this week, not only to the children and young people that attend, but also every sibling 😊 We had our final donation delivered yesterday from 'Follow your Dreams' so it might seem a bit late but we think it is never too late for chocolate 🍫 🐰 x
#dynamic #bradbury #siblings #fun #friendships #laughter #easter #eggs #chocolate
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Happy Monday Dynamic Facebook Followers 😊
I am pleased to share with you that after our Easter Break, we are now open for weekly groups starting tonight with our very own Monday Group πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
We are also pleased to share that our new goldfish has a name! Welcome to the Dynamic Family - Finley 🐠 Huge thanks to everyone who voted and helped name our new addition 😊
... #dynamic #mondaygroup #finley #notbob #fish #fun #friendships #laughter
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Our ladies race day includes an afternoon tea with a selection of sanwiches and cakes. We will also be hosting a hat and fascinator competition. Tickets are Β£15 Please contact the Dynamic Office for tickets or further info on 01978 263656 or contact us through facebook


Happy Wednesday Dynamic Facebook Followers 😊
We have a real fishy problem here at Dynamic 🐟🐟🐟🐟 We are not sure what to do and we hope you will be able to help us out.
We have had a new addition to the Dynamic family, a beautiful goldfish... but what should we call it?
... The young people have decided on either Finley or Bob. We put it to a vote and guess what... It was a tie?
Please can you cast a vote for your favourite name and hopefully we can name our beautiful fish next Monday ready for when we welcome back groups!
Huge thanks in advance from everyone at Dynamic (including Finley or Bob) πŸ€—
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Happy Tuesday Facebook followers...😊thought we would share the Makaton sign of the week with you, superhero πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ , because all of our children and young people are superheroes in our eyes with their special and unique skills and talents πŸ˜„ #makaton #superhero #dynamic #disability #unique https://youtu.be/d9Np3f758XE


Happy Tuesday Dynamic Facebook Followers 😊
Can you help us reunite this bike with its owner? We have come into the office this morning to find this lovely bike abandoned in our car park?
We know that sometimes things can go 'walkies' out of people's gardens or get misplaced when a child is having fun!
... Please let us know if you this is your child's bike or belongs to someone you know.
Many thanks in advance 😊
#dynamic #missingbike #childsbike #lost #missing
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Happy Bank holiday Monday Dynamic Facebook Followers 😊
The power of social media is an amazing thing and we have benefitted so much as a charity from people sharing and liking our posts! Thank you all so much, it means the world to us!
We are soooooo close to 1500 likes of our page, if you haven't already please, please, please give us a like, or share this post to encourage your family and friends to have a look and see what we are all about! Remember if you want hear about ...our Dynamic Adventures, please check the 'follow' option is marked βœ…
And if you are a parent/carer, young person or someone who has worked with us, please leave a review 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 We read every one and they are an important part of raising our profile!
Huge thanks in advance, the Dynamic Team 😊😊😊
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Pasg Hapus/ Happy Easter Dynamic Facebook Followers 🐰
We hope you have a lovely break over Easter. Our Rhosddu and Bradbury teams will be back in the offices on Tuesday, as will our Charity Shop team 😊
Stay safe and well, enjoy being with family and friends and try not to eat too much chocolate 🍫
... #dynamic #bradbury #dynamicfutures #charityshop #easter
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helped me through a tough time


My son has support for life skills with Dynamic. They have helped him so much with his independence

Pete roberts is doing a quiz for Dynamic on Friday july 11th in catholic club if u can spread the word


My son has attended Dynamic for 12 years and he loves going there every Friday after school . The summer programme is a huge bonus as we struggle to find activities for him to do over the summer holidays so he gets to go on trips out on the mini bus and it helps me to spend time with my other children knowing he’s having a fab time . Thank you Dynamic οΏ½


If you are a young adult with a learning disability or are a family looking for a Charity that will help support a special individual, then you have found the right place. Dynamic has changed our lives beyond words. The support staff are wonderful and have helped Jon to experience what 'belonging' is really like. He is happy, busy, and most importantly has made good friends. He now has a better quality of life. He has become very organised. He fills his diary with meet ups, volunteering opportunities, darts nights, karaoke nights, quiz nights and meals out. Rhosddu Headquarters, the 'hub' of the Charity, where the young adults can call in anytime, maybe to make cakes, to experience food tasting, coffee, tea, chit chat, a friendly atmosphere, a chance to discuss worries and fears with support staff and friends ready to listen and help. The transformation in Jonathan has been a joy. Very much needed and desperately sought, finding Dynamic was our lucky day. Jonathan is now a more confident young man and we can't thank Dynamic enough for their help. A brilliant Parent Support Group too, that gets together every month, providing an opportunity for parents to meet others with similar concerns. If this support is what you are looking for do not hesitate to contact Dynamic. They will welcome you and provide the support you are looking for :)


Dynamic was great when I was younger and the best think that made me the person who I am today I used to go to Tuesday group then went to best group Friday group with Jenny , Annie and Geradeen I would like to go back and help out one of these days x


Dynamic is a well run organisation, friendly staff, who do actually care without pretence, and have always been there for Rob and family, well done !!


Dynamic have always been a great help to me. If it wasn't for them, I would not be anywhere near as independent as I am now. My favourite charity <3


Amazing work done by amazing people more like a family.


Helped my daughter our when she was younger and it gave me a break


helped me through a tough time


My son has support for life skills with Dynamic. They have helped him so much with his independence

Pete roberts is doing a quiz for Dynamic on Friday july 11th in catholic club if u can spread the word


My son has attended Dynamic for 12 years and he loves going there every Friday after school . The summer programme is a huge bonus as we struggle to find activities for him to do over the summer holidays so he gets to go on trips out on the mini bus and it helps me to spend time with my other children knowing he’s having a fab time . Thank you Dynamic οΏ½


If you are a young adult with a learning disability or are a family looking for a Charity that will help support a special individual, then you have found the right place. Dynamic has changed our lives beyond words. The support staff are wonderful and have helped Jon to experience what 'belonging' is really like. He is happy, busy, and most importantly has made good friends. He now has a better quality of life. He has become very organised. He fills his diary with meet ups, volunteering opportunities, darts nights, karaoke nights, quiz nights and meals out. Rhosddu Headquarters, the 'hub' of the Charity, where the young adults can call in anytime, maybe to make cakes, to experience food tasting, coffee, tea, chit chat, a friendly atmosphere, a chance to discuss worries and fears with support staff and friends ready to listen and help. The transformation in Jonathan has been a joy. Very much needed and desperately sought, finding Dynamic was our lucky day. Jonathan is now a more confident young man and we can't thank Dynamic enough for their help. A brilliant Parent Support Group too, that gets together every month, providing an opportunity for parents to meet others with similar concerns. If this support is what you are looking for do not hesitate to contact Dynamic. They will welcome you and provide the support you are looking for :)


Dynamic was great when I was younger and the best think that made me the person who I am today I used to go to Tuesday group then went to best group Friday group with Jenny , Annie and Geradeen I would like to go back and help out one of these days x


Dynamic is a well run organisation, friendly staff, who do actually care without pretence, and have always been there for Rob and family, well done !!


Dynamic have always been a great help to me. If it wasn't for them, I would not be anywhere near as independent as I am now. My favourite charity <3


Amazing work done by amazing people more like a family.


Helped my daughter our when she was younger and it gave me a break

More about Dynamic Wrexham

Dynamic Wrexham is located at Bradbury House, 23 Salisbury Road,, LL13 7AS Wrexham