Eiddo Susan Jones Properties

About Eiddo Susan Jones Properties

Eich arbenigwr eiddo lleol | Your local property expert.



*Plis hoffwch a rhannu / Please like and share* Diolch / Thanks 😘


Unfortunately, there are times when a sale goes wrong, although thankfully, with experience and knowledge, most can be saved.
In those rare instances where it cannot, it can be very frustrating and emotional for those involved - especially when there is no logical explanation.
Under these circumstances, ESJP hopes for the best (chain continues) and prepares for the worst (remarket).
... It is in this spirit that we have decided to remarket the property, in confidence that the new owners of Bryn Teg are still out there 😘
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Yn anffodus, fe all pethau fynd o chwith wrth werthu eiddo. Gyda phrofiad ac arbenigedd mae modd arbed y mwyafrif o werthiannau.
Ar yr adegau prin hynny pan fo'r gwerthiant yn methu, fe all fod yn gyfnod tu hwnt o anodd ac emosiynol i'r rheiny dan sylw - yn arbennig os nad oes esboniad rhesymol.
Dan yr amgylchiadau hyn bydd ESJP yn gobeithio'r gorau (parhad y gadwyn) ac yn paratoi at y gwaethaf (ail roi ar y farchnad).
... Yn y cyd-destun hwn, rydym wedi penderfynu rhoi Bryn Teg yn ôl ar y farchnad, yn hyderus fod perchnogion newydd yr eiddo yma yn agos. 😘
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Diolch i chi gyd am eich cefnogaeth, mae yna ddau o'r rhain i fyny rŵan... lle fydd y nesaf? Thank you all for your support, there's currently 2 of these boards up, question is... where will be next? 😍


Dim ond am hwyl - Allwch chi ddyfalu'r pris gofyn? :D
Just for fun - Can you guess the asking price? 😘


Mor wir | So true x


Eisiau gweld ein 7 pwynt pwysig i'ch helpu i werthu'n gynt ac am y pris uchaf posib? https://www.susanjones.cymru/…/7-pwynt- pwysig-ich-helpu-i-w…


Edrych am eiddo sydd gyda digon o le tu allan, rhywbeth gyda photensial? Looking for somewhere with plenty of outside space (approximately 3.4 acres) and peaceful country life? Something that just oozes potential? Could this property become your new home or project? The possibilities here are endless. PLIS HOFFWCH A RHANNU | PLEASE LIKE & SHARE 😍


#HappyDogs #CwnBachTyNi #lovethesetwo #caruyddauyma #NationalDogsDay


Sign up to HM Land Registry's free Property Alert service to help protect your property from fraud. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/property-aler t…


Cofrestrwch ar gyfer Property Alert, gwasanaeth am ddim Cofrestrfa Tir EM i helpu i warchod eich eiddo rhag twyll. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/property-aler t.cy…


Happy Sunday all. It's a lot more chilled and far less traffic to do a 2nd viewing today. Oh and the sun is shinning in Llangwnadl! #LoveMyJob #HappyDays #LoveProperties


Pnawn da, bechod am y tywydd ond mae gwneud ail ymweliad ar Ddydd Sul, yn mwy chilled! #DyddSulHapusPawb


Pwy sydd wedi sylwi ar ein ffenest diweddara? Plis hoffwch a'i rannu😉 Who has seen our latest window display? Please like and share😘


Help please... Who would you recommend as house removal firms for Pen Llŷn?


Help plis... Pwy fuasech yn awgrymu fel cwmni symud yn ardal Pen Llŷn?

More about Eiddo Susan Jones Properties

01758 614511