Eithinog Hall Fly Fishing

About Eithinog Hall Fly Fishing

Eithinog Hall: year round fly fishing for wild brown trout & grayling on the River Banwy, Mid Wales

Eithinog Hall Fly Fishing Description

Eithinog Hall offers year round fly fishing for fiesty wild brown trout and stunning grayling.

The River Banwy beat runs for over a mile, meandering through ancient woodland and is perfect for stalking wild fish. The beat has a great variety of water from long flat glides to fast riffles to slow deep holding pools.

With conservation in mind we are 100% catch and release.

Day Tickets available for £25 per rod.

For more information or to book email fishing@eithinoghall. co. uk, telephone 01938811200 or call Mark on 07971105996

More about Eithinog Hall Fly Fishing

01938 811200