Elan Links: People, Nature & Water

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Elan Links: People, Nature & Water

The Elan Links People, Nature & Water Landscape Partnership Heritage Lottery project is designed to generate beneficial outcomes for people, communities and heritage.

Elan Links: People, Nature & Water Description

Elan lies at the heart of the Cambrian Mountains in Mid Wales. Its unique landscape combines remote hill land, isolated farmsteads, steep-sided wooded valleys and an extraordinary feat of Victorian engineering that brought clean water to the then rapidly expanding industrial city of Birmingham.

Today, Elan’s 20, 000 hectares - 1% of Wales - is a haven for wildlife and people. It has a host of nature and landscape designations; and the 154, 000 visitors a year enjoy the breath-taking scenery, nature, recreational facilities and extensive free educational and heritage-based resources for schools, families and communities.

Our vision is ambitious - to generate a step-change increase in beneficial outcomes from this special place – for people, for communities and for heritage. To achieve this we have developed a strategic programme of investment to safeguard our heritage and to increase enjoyment, education, training, and recreation for the
benefit of all.



8 volunteers came to Elan Links to learn about ferns, how to ID them and where to find them. The day was spent learning about these fascinating plants, with the aim of being able to conduct surveys of the Elan Valley in the New Year. Next month we will learn about Lichens! -- Daeth 8 gwirfoddolwr i Elan Links i ddysgu am redyn, sut i adnabod nhw a ble i ddod o hyd iddyn nhw. Treuliwyd y diwrnod yn dysgu am y planhigion hynod ddiddorol hyn, gyda'r nod o allu cynnal arolygon o Gwm Elan yn y Flwyddyn Newydd. Mis nesaf byddwn yn dysgu am Lichen!


Ydych chi wedi gweld ceffylau gwyllt yng Nghwm Elan? Cymerodd Stepan Rys Nemec y llyn hyfryd yma pan ymwelodd //
Have you seen the wild horses in Elan Valley? Stepan Rys Nemec took this wonderful picture when he visited


Penblwydd Hapus i'r Loteri. Cefnogaeth gan y @HeritageFundUK sy'n galluogi ni i gwarchod trefdaeth a chynyddu cyfleoedd yng Nghwm Elan #NationalLottery25
Happy 25th Birthday to The National Lottery! @HeritageFundUK support enables us to protect heritage and boost opportunities in Elan Valley #NationalLottery25


A picture of Nantgwyllt House. Today, Nantgwyllt lies beneath the Caban Coch reservoir. When the water level is low enough you can see the remains of a walled garden #TB
Ty Nantgwyllt, heddiw yn gorwedd tan ehangder mawr gronfa Caban Coch. Pan mae lefel y dŵr yn isel, gallwch weld gweddillion gardd furiog Nantgwyllt


Mae Meltem Arikan wedi ennill Cymrodoriaeth Creadigol Cymru Cwm Elan. Mae hi wedi cysegru ei bywyd at ysgrifennu erbyn systemau Patriarchaidd ac ymladd dros ryddid barn a mynegiant. NI ALLWN AROS i weld sut fyddi hi'n ymateb i Gwm Elan yn ystod ei hamser yma. https://arts.wales/…/meltem-arikan-dram odydd-ac-awdur-twrca…


Have you heard? Meltem Arikan has been awarded the Elan Valley Creative Wales Fellowship. Meltem has dedicated her life to writing against the Patriarchal system and fighting for freedom of speech and expression and we CAN'T WAIT to see how she responds to the Elan Valley during her time here. https://arts.wales/…/acclaimed-cardiff- based-playwright-and…


We're excited to announce the winners of this year's Photography Competition! We received so many stunning photos which really showcased the different aspects of the Elan Valley. We'll be opening the competition again next year so keep an eye online for more information.
The winners of the Elan Valley Photography competition are: Wildlife: Meadow Feast by Stella Clifford-Jones Plants: Ox Eye Daisy by Martin Jones... Rocks: Rocky River Valley by Stella Clifford-Jones Junior: Calling Wagtail by Katy Read Thank you to everyone who was involved in the competition, and congratulations to the winners!
Rydym yn gyffrous i gyhoeddi enillwyr y Gystadleuaeth Ffotograffiaeth eleni! Cawsom gymaint o luniau syfrdanol a oedd wir yn arddangos gwahanol agweddau ar Gwm Elan. Byddwn yn agor y gystadleuaeth eto'r flwyddyn nesaf felly cadwch lygad ar-lein am ragor o wybodaeth.
Enillwyr cystadleuaeth Ffotograffiaeth Cwm Elan yw: Bywyd Gwyllt: Gwledd y Ddôl gan Stella Clifford-Jones Planhigion: Llygad yr Ych gan Martin Jones Creigiau: Dyffryn Afon Creigiog gan Stella Clifford-Jones Oedran iau: Tinsigl yn Galw gan Katy Read Diolch i bawb a oedd wedi ymwneud â’r gystadleuaeth, a llongyfarchiadau i’r enillwyr!
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Don't Forget: tonight's meeting of the Local History Group (moved from last week because of the fireworks) will be held at The Lamb and Flag in Rhayader starting 7 p.m. Looking forward to seeing you there. Stephanie, Cultural Heritage Officer
Peidiwch ag anghofio: Mae cyfarfod grŵp hanes lleol heno (wedi'i symud o wythnos ddiwethaf achos y tân gwyllt) yn cael ei gynnal yn Lamb and Flag yn Rhaeadr 7ya. Edrych ymlaen at weld chi yno. Stephanie, Swyddog treftadaeth ddiwylliannol


Did you know…Cwm Elan Mine is the most well preserved of the mines in the area. It was worked between 1796 and 1877 and mined lead and zinc. It was originally owned by Thomas Grove, of Cwm Elan House, before it was taken over by a Cornish company. It was then mined by the Cwm Elan Mine Company, established in 1871 and then the New Cwm Elan Mine Company took over the mine. Today, all of the structures remain, to some degree. The mine demonstrates how a mine was worked duri...ng the 19th century.
Oeddwch chi’n gwybod...Mwynfa Cwm Elan yw’r fwynfa yn y cyflwr gorau yn yr ardal. Mwynwyd am blwm a sinc yno rhwng 1796 a 1877. Y perchennog gwreiddiol oedd Thomas Grove, Tŷ Cwm Elan, cyn i gwmni Cernyweg ei gymryd drosodd. Cafodd ei fwyngloddio gan ‘Cwm Elan Mine Company’, a sefydlwyd ym 1871 nes i ‘New Cwm Elan Mine Company’ ei gymryd drosodd. Mae’r adeiladwaith, i ryw raddau, yn bodoli heddiw. Mae’r fwynfa yn dangos sut oedd yn gweithio yn ystod y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg.
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Thank you to everyone who came to our Elan Eye festival this weekend. We had some brilliant workshops and talks and really encouraged people to get out with their cameras.
We're planning next year's festivals and events, so if there's something you'd like to see, email beth.rees@elanvalley.org.uk
Diolch i bawb a ddaeth i'n gŵyl Elan Eye y penwythnos hwn. Cawsom weithdai a sgyrsiau gwych ac roeddem wir yn annog pobl i fynd allan â'u camerâu.
... Rydyn ni'n cynllunio gwyliau a digwyddiadau'r flwyddyn nesaf, felly os oes rhywbeth yr hoffech chi ei weld, e-bostiwch beth.rees@elanvalley.org.uk
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Mae Twr Foel yn cael lot luniau, gyda lliwiau fel hyn, hawdd i weld pam! // The Foel Tower gets a lot of photos, but with colours like this, it's easy to see why! . . . .... . #nofilterneeded #elanlinks #cwmelan #elanvalley #foeltower #drinkingwater #birminghamsdrinkingwater #welshlandscape #autumncolours #autumnadventures #nlhfunded #reallifehistory #midwaleshistory #naturalandculturalheritage #conservation
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For our final day of Elan Eye tomorrow, we’ll be running a drop in Elan Eye: Animation Day CARAD Rhayader Museum and Gallery 11am - 4pm which will include learning how to make your own short film and the chance to watch locally made short films, including films made by Knighton Church in Wales Primary School!
Ar ddiwrnod olaf Llygad Elan yfory, fe fyddwn yn cynnal gweithdy animeiddio yn adeilad theatr CARAD Rhayader Museum and Gallery rhwng 11yb - 4yh. Gallwch alw heibio iddo, a chael chyfle i wylio ffilmiau byr wedi’u cynhyrchu’n lleol, gan gynnwys ffilmiau gan Ysgol Gynradd Tref y Clawdd!


It was an honour to be at the Ffotogallery's Many Voices, One Nation exhibition last night at Aberystwyth Arts Centre exhibition curated to celebrate 20 years of the The National Assembly for Wales. Our first ever resident artist Zilah Bowes' s beautiful moonlight portraits of residents of the Elan Valley certainly made an impact and a visit is recommended. The exhibition runs until the 6th of January 2020.
Roedd yn anrhydedd bod yn agoriad arddangosfa Many Voices, One Nation Ffotogallery neithiwr yng Nghanolfan Gelf Aberystwyth a guradwyd i ddathlu 20 mlynedd o Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru. Roedd portreadau golau lleuad hyfryd ein hartist preswyl cyntaf Zilah Bowes o drigolion Cwm Elan yn fendigedig i'w gweld. Mae'r arddangosfa'n rhedeg tan y 6ed o Ionawr 2020.

More about Elan Links: People, Nature & Water

Elan Links: People, Nature & Water is located at LD6 5HP Rhayader
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -