Equus Ferus

About Equus Ferus

Horse and Human Partnerships as a Platform for Change

Equus Ferus Description

Our aim at Equus Ferus is to promote emotional agility, independent living and improved life opportunities by utilizing equine relationships as a platform for change.

Our work is based on the provision of therapeutic sessions or workshops for individuals and groups experiencing a range of mental health issues and other forms of social disadvantage.

Horses are highly sensitive and intuitive creatures and will respond to emotional issues that we, as humans, may be unconscious of or can find difficult to acknowledge in ourselves. Their gift is to act as the perfect ‘mirror’ to our emotions and bring them to light in a non-judgemental way.

Using horses as partners in a therapeutic setting is a fast emerging and innovative area of work in the field of Animal Assisted Therapy with a growing body of research to support its benefits.

This type of experiential learning can be especially effective with individuals who find it hard to engage well with ‘talking’ therapies. It provides an in-the-moment learning experience, creating new ways of thinking and behaving that are the building blocks to lasting change. This intrinsic learning supports individuals to manage current and future challenges with a greater ability to manage their own emotional fitness.

Who we work with

Our methods are tailored to individual need and are available one-to-one or in groups. Our aim is to support people experiencing mental health issues such as Anxiety, Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, drug & alcohol misuse, survivors of mental & physical abuse, adults and children experiencing Autism, Asbergers Syndrome, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia as well as recovering Offenders, those experiencing low self-esteem or self-confidence and others forms of social disadvantage. We work with both private clients and individuals or groups referred through other service providers.

Who we are

Jackie Turner holds a CertEd, DHyp and BST, a Certificate in NLP and is a registered Yoga teacher with the MBWY. Jackie is qualified in Equine Facilitated Learning through IFEAL and continues her equine facilitated learning training under the mentorship of Sun Tui, Director of IFEAL. Jackie is also an experienced natural horsewoman and continues her professional development under Jody Ruysen, a registered Level 3* Parelli Professional. Jackie is currently studying Traumatology.

Alex Pickles holds a BA Hons in Philosophy, a Paralegal Diploma and has 20 years experience in the voluntary sector. She is certified at Level 2 Parelli Natural Horsemanship and continues her Natural Horsemanship training under the mentorship of Jody Ruysen, a registered Level 3* Parelli Professional. Alex is currently studying to be a Cousellor.

Helen Griffiths is a registered Mental Health Nurse with over 25 years experience and is currently working as the Mental Health Advisor and Mentor for the University of St David's, Carmarthen.

We also have a team of helpers and volunteers to support us in our work.

More about Equus Ferus

Equus Ferus is located at Country Park, Pembrey, Carmarthenshire