Escape Your Chains

Monday: 11:00 - 16:30
Tuesday: 11:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 11:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 11:00 - 17:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Escape Your Chains

I facilitate people to get more peace, fulfilment & connection from their life. Supporting you to be more of yourself, using inner & outer conflict tools.

Escape Your Chains Description

I love to help people find their own freedom to live life in a fulfilling way. This might be freedom from limiting beliefs that keep you stuck; or freedom from an inner conflict you aren't even aware of, when you think something or someone else is stopping you do what you long to do! It might be freedom from putting others first because you are scared of what will happen if you don't. Eg you want to support them too.

The way I work has underlying principles including: you are wise and know best; everything about you is valuable, even the things you are ashamed about; there is a reason you are stuck and once we find it, things start flowing easily; no effort is needed - if it is effort, we are not on YOUR path.

What I don't do: Postiive thinking; Affirmations; Ignoring or pushing past your fears;



This WEDNESDAY. The difference it makes when we observe without evaluation often has to be experienced to be believed. This is one of the 5 steps we use in NVC to make sure everyone's needs are seen as important and to communicate with our heart. According to Marshall Rosenberg, needs/values never conflict - but strategies for meeting our needs do - Conflict Resolution Practice Group -…/this-tuesday-confl ict-resolution-pract…


Brexit Response aka What to Do when I cannot Control Something
I believe it is better to stay in the EU. More importantly I believe we need to protect the environment and climate. I am not seeing that happening in the way I want. I think you are probably thinking the same sort of thing!
... I love the tools NVC has given me. The most empowering thing I have found is to tune into what wants to be heard inside me.... and listen and translate it. Sometimes I imagine going inside to a "room" from where I look out at what's going on, and see how it affects me inside.
With what is going on politically I recently started with some statements about how unhappy I am with the decisions being made by my country, and how disempowered I feel. How I hate that there is no wilderness easily accessable, that I see people of all ages being forced to do things they don't want to and how painful it is to not have choice. I translated my (longer) rant into the following basic feelings.
Fear, sadness, pain, anger, trapped, stuck.
Then I looked at the needs in my life that are not met and are being triggered by these political events.
Beauty, Inner Peace Autonomy (to live the way I want to but am stopped by rules and laws). Health, (which I think is being eroded by political and economic decisions I cannot control). Care for Others (I think that is obvious) Care for Myself (linked to autonomy and how I want to look after myself) Self connection (interferred with when I feel powerless). Safety (many of the things we have in the name of economic growth, feel unsafe to me).
These needs are present in me, without the political uncertainity that we are facing. So they are universal needs.
Naming them didn't help me, but when I started looking at the other ways I can attend to them, I got a lot more internal peace!
I will take a couple to demonstrate. Care for Others: I still involve myself in Extinction Rebellion, writing letters and signing things to aid the slow movement towards changing things. I also take care of anyone who crosses my path asking for support, when I have the capacity. And of course in my work I get paid to support people to make choices and changes.
Beauty. I can't keep the natural beauty I wish for, as society still progresses, but I am wanting to attend to making my home more beautiful. However, one of the things with natural beauty is that it comes without effort on my part apart from going to it. I can still do some of that, but I am looking at ways to make my home more beautiful with ease and flow.
I would love to hear anyone's translation of their rant into feelings and needs, and from there some ways you do have power. You can probably give me lots of ideas.
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A part of this came up in the practice group today...


3 Reasons to Sign up for my Email List
1. You can choose what categories you want to receive. (Change your preferences easily any time you wish, as often as you wish.)
2. You will find out what topic we are practicing in the next group - find out if it is something that will make a big difference in your life.
... 3. I occassionally select other trainers' newsletters including trainings in the West & occassional tips. The aim is increase your use of NVC in your life. I choose information that I think will help you meet more of your needs, so you don't waste your time.
If you are interested, give it a go. Sign up by filling in your email address and closing a topic or more here, before you forget:
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See More Posts from Escape Your Chains
If you want facebook to show you more of Escape Your Chains' posts see the instructions below.
Several clients have told me they are bothered that they have missed posts from this page, when they hear others talking about them and they have notifications on.
... I believe making this page a FAVOURITE and making sure notifications for ALL POSTS is on, will do it. Let me know if it doesn't work.
I have been told that the algorithms only show 3% of page followers the posts: may be they want more of our money?!
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NVC Interupting, This WEDNESDAY - Conflict Resolution Practice Group -…/this-tuesday-confl ict-resolution-pract…


I'd love your help with this. From the original 4, no. one was chosen. Below (somewhere) is a further 5 (plus 2) and I would love to know which appeals to you! or any ideas you have. Thank you in advance.


As some of you know I am creating a tiny advert for a Permaculture publication.
i wonder which version will draw YOU in the most? Here are some more choices of wording. The photo isn't part of the advert.
I invite you to read them without looking for the difference between the versions, so you get a sense of them. If you are willing, let me know in comments.
... First version Compost your issues into harmony & freedom. On FB too.
Second version
a) Compost difficult issues into deeper rooted relationships. b) Compost difficult issues into stronger rooted relationships
Third version Compost any issues to fertilise greater harmony & freedom
Fourth version
a) Compost difficult emotions into fertile choices & freedom
b) Compost difficult emotions to grow choices & freedom.
Fifth version
a) Compost your issues into fertile relationships & peace.
b) Compost difficult issues into fertile relations & peace.
Or a mix?
Could swap in peace, liberty, connections, or choices.
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This view of our emotional options really appeals to me. Dorota is going to put this into a newsletter and give more info on the third option.


I am creating a tiny advert for a Permaculture publication and wonder which version will draw YOU in the most?
I invite you to read them without looking for the difference between the versions, so you get a sense of them. The photo isn't part of the advert. If you are willing, let me know in comments.
First version
... Compost your issues into harmony & freedom. On FB too.
Second version Compost your issues to restore harmony & freedom. On FB.
Third version Compost your issues to create harmony & freedom. On FB too
Forth version Compost any stuckness. Create harmony & freedom. On FB.
I am open to other wording - 80 characters Max.
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This is a Self Empathy Meditation that might appeal to you. I found the explanation and the instructions really facilitated ease in me. editation/


If you are interested in learning more about conflict resolution with particular emphasis on restorative processes this may interest you and it's very affordable. I suggest watching the full video, rather than the excerpt, and having a look at the online course. I thoroughly recommend Shantigarbha Warren for deep learning.


Got Stuck using NVC to Restore a Conversation?
I know that using NVC to walk towards resolving conflicts is sometimes simple and sometimes takes more effort. I thought I would write about things to consider if it is not appearing to run smoothly. Sometimes it is as simple as a snack, rest or change of environment. Othertimes it can be that the underlying needs have not all been expressed or heard to the satisfaction of the speaker. In the article linked below I have listed other things that may help it move forward - and this article is a process. It will get added to if I think of other things or people feedback their experiences.
Sometime soon I hope to write "part 1" and then this article will become "part 2". Part 1 will be about using NVC to inspire conflict to become a "door openin"g opportunity, and how walking towards conflict, rather than avoiding it, will create more harmony.
I would love to hear your experiences below or on my website, especially any thing you have loved about the process or not enjoyed. Thank you, this will help me write more relevant articles.…/got-stu ck-using-nvc-to-res…/
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I am supporting a new organisation that teaches children in an inclusive, autonomous way. The children"s views are respected.
The Lighthouse Learning Project are looking for a Lead Facilitator to take on the running of the Full Beam Activity club.

More about Escape Your Chains

Monday: 11:00 - 16:30
Tuesday: 11:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 11:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 11:00 - 17:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -