Everyone Everything

About Everyone Everything

'everyone everything' is an artist collective Exhibition, taking place in Swansea, September 2013

Everyone Everything Description

'everyone everything' is an exhibition of work by the artists and designers who taught into the Foundation Art and Design course at Swansea Metropolitan University of Wales Trinity St Davids during the academic year 2012-13.

The Foundation course provides the fundamental basis to study within art and design and offers students the time and space to discover where their strengths lie and to successfully identify future directions.

The exhibition brings together the diversity of practice within the staff team, revealing the parallels between teaching and making and how each informs the other.

Each exhibitor has produced a project brief in addition to the visual work exhibited. Through this we hope to expand the possibilities of the exhibiting space and examine further the relationship of teaching to visual practice, and viewer to exhibitor.

The exhibition will showcase work and will also have collaborative or interactive elements, offering projects to do in the gallery space or take away.

There will be several workshops and activity sessions at specified times during the run of the exhibition!

More about Everyone Everything

Everyone Everything is located at 1-2 Pleasant Street, SA1 5DS Swansea, United Kingdom