Exploration In Sound

About Exploration In Sound

Exploration in Sound is an arts company featuring musicians, dancers and actors based in North Wales. The intention of the ensemble is to create a unique spectacle which enables the audience to experience drama, in a new and exhilarating way.

Exploration In Sound Description

Exploration in Sound is an arts company featuring musicians, dancers and actors based in North Wales. The intention of the ensemble is to create a unique spectacle which enables the audience to experience drama, be it in the form of music, theatre or dance, in a new and exhilarating way, unhindered by expectation or conventional boundaries. With boundaries removed, audiences are invited to journey deeper into unknown pathways of the psyche and to see, hear and experience contemporary art with a fresh approach.

Mae Exploration in Sound wedi’i leoli yng Ngogledd Cymru ac yn gwmni celfyddydol o gerddorion, dawnswyr ac actorion. Bwriad yr ensemble yw creu sioe unigryw sy’n galluogi’r gynulleidfa i brofi drama, boed ar ffurf cerddoriaeth, theatr neu ddawns, mewn modd newydd a chyffrous, heb ei lyffetheirio gan ddisgwyliadau na ffiniau confensiynol. Heb ffiniau, caiff cynulleidfaoedd wahoddiad i deithio’n ddyfnach i lwybrau anhysbys yr enaid ac i weld, clywed a phrofi celfyddyd gyfoes trwy ddull newydd.

More about Exploration In Sound

Exploration In Sound is located at LL57 2DG Bangor, Gwynedd