Extremus Dog Training Ltd

About Extremus Dog Training Ltd

Extremus Dog Training specialise in training Working Dogs and Pets to the highest standard. Love Dogs. . . Love Extremus

Extremus Dog Training Ltd Description

Extremus Dog Training specialise in training Working Dogs and Pets to the highest standard. Love Dogs. . . Love Extremus



After two successful handovers today of Ted the Border Terrier and Bane the Dobermann. We welcomed Emi, a 17 month old Dutch Shepherd, to start her tailored 3 week residential dog training programme.
Emi and her owner came to us earlier in the year for a One to One and whilst since then her owner has put in some fantastic training, she felt that we could give both her and Emi a really strong foundation to go forward with. Darren


Some fantastic news today, Extremus Indi BRN 21038 has been confirmed pregnant via scan across Apex's Serious Black BRN 30625.
Indi is our top producing female and has produced some of the UK's top operational Dutch Shepherds. To date she has around 15 operational dogs in UK Police Forces, 2 Operational dogs overseas and 3 operational Anti Poaching Dogs across Africa. Not forgetting the other dogs in civilian working sectors.
When we talk about percentage and consistency in ...a breeding female, these numbers showcase just how incredible Indi is and the level at which she produces. Not bad at all out of 4 litters. She is literally one in a million.
We expect her potentially final litter to be as superb and cannot wait to get stuck in with their development. We have missed puppy raising for quite some time. Darren
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A little video of SuperTed a fantastic Border Terrier that is staying with us for a second tailored residential training programme.
As you can see by his standard of training, Ted is only staying with us for a slight polish on some of his general behaviour.
One thing that makes us extremely happy though when we see dogs we have trained in the past, is the clear levels of commitment and training his owner has been putting in on a daily basis πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
... What the relationship between you and your dog should be like 🐾😊
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So after a long day spent at Crufts yesterday we finally got ourselves onto the sofa with Clare Balding and none other than the Super Vet himself Noel Fitzpatrick.
What a privilege to have met someone who clearly has the same passions for animals that we do.
You can watch us talking about Project Murwi, the fantastic work that Harare International School did in raising funds to support her deployment and what a difference she is making at the Imire: Rhino & Wildlife Conservat...ion using the link below;
https://www.channel4.com/program…/cruft s/on-demand/65136-022
You may have to register to watch with Channel 4. We are on around the 55:00 minute mark :) Darren
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We have been invited by Channel 4 to take part in their 'live' TV broadcast about Military Dogs / Service Dogs at Crufts tomorrow between 7-9pm
We will be talking directly to Clare Balding on the sofa at Crufts about Project Murwi and her training and deployment to the Imire: Rhino & Wildlife Conservation, Zimbabwe alongside our future projects.
Make sure you check it out, 7 - 9 pm live on Channel 4.


We recently welcomed Bane, an imported 18 month old Dobermann.
Bane is staying with us on a tailored residential dog training programme to work on his general mannerisms and behaviour. Whilst he has fairly solid temperament his day to day behavior for his owners just became too much for them to continue to deal with.
It is easy when you bring a new dog or puppy into your home and family to just allow maximum levels of freedom both inside and when out in public. This can lea...d to the reinforcement and conditioning of lots of behaviour and states of mind that you might not want as the dog grows and develops.
Simple and effective management from day one, alongside continued daily training can really benefit you and your dog in teaching, guiding and showing exactly how they should behave in each situation they are faced with on a daily basis. Darren
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This is an incredible short video on Extremus Murwi and the Anti Poaching team at the Imire: Rhino & Wildlife Conservation, Zimbabwe.
It showcases the levels of dedication and passion the team at Imire has and what a truly fantastic job they are doing in protecting their wildlife, alongside their own conservation efforts.
Seeing a dog that we bred, raised and trained in such an environment and achieving what she has, is such an honour. Darren
... https://projectconservation.org/
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I would like to introduce, Lord and Zaki Z Milabru and Oscar. Some of the stunning dogs we have in at the moment in training and destined for an operational working life.
Zaki will be staying here with us as she is a very special German Shepherd. Her looks, ability, pedigree and health are all superb, plus we are completely smitten with her ;)
Zaki and her brother Lord have definitely re kindled my love for the breed and Oscar, well he is also just a super well rounded dog.... Darren
http://www.pedigreedatabase.com/german_sh epherd_d…/dog.html…
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We welcomed Sheeba earlier in the week, a black and tan 9 month old German Shepherd female.
Sheeba is quite insecure and as such, has developed quite an intense reactivity issue towards both people and dogs in her environment.
Sheeba has what we like to call confident insecurity. This means that although the behaviour has a strong foundation based on fear, having been allowed to exhibit it so frequently, alongside her mentality that the behaviour works by self reducing pres...sure she, overtime, has built up her own confidence in being insecure.
A funny mix but something we actually see quite regularly. Nothing though that we cannot overcome with the right guidance, approach and understanding. Darren
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Morning all,
I hope every one was able to tune into BBC The One Show last night, which showcased Extremus Murwi and her training and development both here and at the Imire: Rhino & Wildlife Conservation, Zimbabwe.
One thing that the programme did not mention, which we both feel is a very integral and important aspect to the project, was the help, support and donations from the Harare International School, Zimbabwe.
... They held a 24 hour run where all of the students both young and old including the teachers ran around the school field for a full 24 hour period to raise the donations to completely support the project from start to finish.
Harare International School 24 Hour Run
Without this and the efforts the school went to, Project Murwi would not have happened. We personally cannot thank the school and all of the children involved enough.
The film that includes us, Murwi and her foundation training here at Extremus Dog Training Ltd starts at around 17 minutes, and the section about her continuation training at Imire starts just after 43 minutes :) Darren
https://www.bbc.co.uk/…/epis…/b0c1vvz 3/the-one-show-06022019
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Its time.....
Tomorrow, Wednesday 6th February 2019 @ 19:00hrs comes the culmination of lots of hard work, dedication and passion.
Extremus Murwi, operational Anti Poaching Dog at the Imire: Rhino & Wildlife Conservation, Zimbabwe will have her development and training both here in the UK and in Zimbabwe, showcased live on BBC 1 'The One Show' The One Show
... Without the efforts of Harare International School, none of this would have been possible, so from both of us, thank you.
Dont miss it!
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A little video of Patch off lead and out in public πŸ‘ŠπŸ»
We try to condition and teach the desired patterns of behaviour in each and every environment, this way the dog implicitly understands what is required in each situation.
This is called setting the dog up to win. Less failure means a better outcome and response from the dog, which equals a happy, content relationship and understanding 😊 Darren


We recently welcomed Gort into our home to start his 4 week residential dog training programme with us.
Gort is a very large 7 month old Dobermann. He has a superb temperament and as Dobermann's go, is pretty cool, just a big soft brute.
His owners would like us to accomplish off leash training with Gort and whilst our basic standard of residential training is full on and off lead obedience, we advised them that such high expectations for such a young dog can be impractical....
Whilst we will strive to take Gort to the best of his abilities in the time we have with him and am sure that we will reach the standard of training they require, there is a good lesson to be learnt here....
The high expectation levels that we put onto our dogs in everyday life, can be quite often very unrealistic. Expectations that we would not even put onto ourselves or our children. Expecting a dog to understand how you want them to behave and when is down to your effective management, guidance, instruction and training, not something the dog is sadly ever going to learn for itself.
Set your dog up to win. Have as much of a say as possible in what they do and when in a fair, rewarding way and watch their understanding of what you want from them grow and improve with each day. Darren
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Extremus K9 Nox and Leo
From combination Extremus Indi BRN 21038 x Briariquest Riley BRN 26496
Both operational Anti Poaching Dogs at the Chuilexi Conservancy, Niassa, Mozambique.
... Bred, trained and supplied by us at Extremus Dog Training Ltd :)
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Whilst our residential training programmes are generally quite structured, having a bit of down time and fun that incorporates learning is also very important.
As trainers we look for every opportunity to teach and condition the patterns of behaviour we want from the dog, what ever we are doing and wherever we are. Your dog is learning all the time, ask yourself; is he learning from you or the environment?
Patch is just a week into his 4 week training programme with us and is already at a stage where he will readily offer behaviour off lead and shows willingness to interact and learn even when he has the choice to go off and be a dog πŸ‘πŸ» I am very happy with his progress so far πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ» Darren


Over the weekend we welcomed Roxie, a 2.5 year old Dobermann x German Shepherd who owner lives in Reading.
To be fair, Roxie is pretty cool, she just lacks a bit of motivation and has zero engagement skills.
Dogs like Roxie, that only ever see the environment and its aspects as interesting and rewarding can sometimes take a little time to learn that you can also be a lot fun and rewarding to interact and play with.
... Once you have effectively conditioned engagement skills. Learning, control and management all become a much easier task. Darren
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We heard some fantastic news recently, in that Extremus Murwi, who we bred, trained and supplied to the Imire: Rhino & Wildlife Conservation, has caught her first Poacher.
This is great news and testament to all the hard work Reilly and his Anti Poaching handling team have put in over the last 6 months.
It was near the end of 2018 that we officially certificated Extremus Murwi and her handlers as fully operational, so to start the year like this is a huge boost to them and ...the conservation.
Could not be happier πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸΎ
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Happy New Year everyone. After a busy few days of residential handovers, we welcomed Patch, a stunning 15 month old Border Collie.
Patch's owners live in Scotland and out of a huge choice of training facilities across the UK, decided after speaking with us at length that we suited their and Patch's needs the best.
It pleases us greatly to know and hear that our strong and positive reputation precedes us, even as far away as Scotland.
... Please dont hesitate to contact us, for any information on our residential training programmes and how we can help your dog today :) Darren
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More about Extremus Dog Training Ltd

Extremus Dog Training Ltd is located at Waunbricks, SA33 4NH Llangynin, Carmarthenshire, United Kingdom
+44 1994 230632