Family Team At Thirty Park Place Chambers

About Family Team At Thirty Park Place Chambers

Thirty Park Place is a mutli-disciplinary chambers highly ranked in the major legal directories; offering expert legal advice and representation at all levels of call and across a wide range of practice areas.

Family Team At Thirty Park Place Chambers Description

The Family Team at Thirty Park Place offers the largest truly specialist group of family practitioners in Wales.

All members of the family and care team are members of the FLBA and represent Local Authorities, parents, CAFCASS Cymru and other parties including prospective adopters and interveners. Chambers provides a comprehensive service to solicitors, regularly advising on and presenting or contesting applications for injunctive relief, section 8 Children Act orders, Care and Supervision orders, Placement and Adoption orders, orders for the return of children under the Hague Convention and other applications under the Inherent Jurisdiction of the High Court.

The team is acutely aware of the value to all of our clients of being available to cover hearings from the very outset of proceedings, including at interim care hearings, until the conclusion of the case. We strive to ensure consistency of representation whenever possible and are determined to provide a high level of service for the benefit of our clients both professional and lay.

With five family silks and a range of practitioners ranging from the very junior to those with greater than 30 years experience, the team has unrivaled experience in Wales in conducting complex and sensitive hearings both at first instance and on appeal.

The Family and Child Care team successfully bid to be one of the providers for the ‘West Wales Consortium’ which includes 11 Local Authorities in South and Mid Wales.

More about Family Team At Thirty Park Place Chambers

Family Team At Thirty Park Place Chambers is located at 30 Park Place, CF10 3BS Cardiff
02920 398421