Farming Connect

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Farming Connect

Eich helpu chi i yrru eich busnes yn ei flaen.
Helping you drive your business forward.

Farming Connect Description

Nod Cyswllt Ffermio yw i gefnogi Ffermwyr a Choedwigwyr ledled Cymru. Mae Cyswllt Ffermio yn un o bedwar cynllun newydd o fewn Cymunedau Gwledig Llywodraeth Cymru - Rhaglen Datblygu Gwledig 2014-2020, sy’n canolbwyntio buddsoddiad sylweddol gan Lywodraeth Cymru a'r UE ar adfywio cymunedau gwledig a darparu cefnogaeth ar gyfer amaethyddiaeth a choedwigaeth yng Nghymru.
Farming Connect's aim is to support Farmers and Foresters throughout Wales. Farming Connect is one of four new schemes within the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is focusing significant investment from Welsh Government and the EU to revitalise rural communities and provide support for agriculture and forestry in Wales.



Yn ddiweddar fe wnaeth grŵp trafod maeth y famog Cyswllt Ffermio ymweld â Fferm Ffocws Trefnant Isaf. Manteisiom ar y cyfle i holi am eu systemau bwydo cyn wyna eleni, ac i drafod rhai agweddau mae'r grŵp wedi ffocysu arno yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf er mwyn gwella cynhyrchiant.
... Roedd perfformiad yr ŵyn yn Nhrefnant Isaf yn dderbyniol iawn yn 2018. Gwrandewch ar gyngor Lesley Stubbings i'n ffermwr arddangos Aled Haynes er mwyn sicrhau cystal os nad gwell perfformiad eleni.
The Farming Connect ewe nutrition discussion group recently visited Trefnant Isaf Focus Farm. We took the opportunity to ask about their feeding systems before lambing this year and to discuss some aspects that the group has focused on it in recent years to improve productivity.
Lamb performance at Trefnant Isaf was very satisfactory in 2018. Hear Lesley Stubbings' advice to our focus farmer Aled Haynes, to ensure the same performance level, if not better for his flock this year.
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Technegau Plygu Gwrych / Hedge Laying Techniques
Ymunwch â ni ym Mhlas y Cerdin i ddysgu am bwysigrwydd rheoli gwrychoedd mewn ffordd gynaliadwy a’r technegau ymarferol sydd angen i sefydlu gwrych cadarn a’r manteision gall hyn ddarparu. Am fwy o wybodaeth:
... Join us at Plas Y Cerdin to learn about the importance of sustainable hedgerow management and the practical techniques needed to establish a robust hedgerow and the multi benefits it can provide. For more information:
📆10/01/2019 📌Plas y Cerdin, Sanclêr / St Clears, SA33 4LE 📞07398 178 698 💻 k
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The Farming Connect ewe nutrition discussion group recently visited Trefnant Isaf Focus Farm. We took the opportunity to ask about their feeding systems before lambing this year and to discuss some aspects that the group has focused on it in recent years to improve productivity.
Here's Lisa Roberts, Farming Connect's Technical Red Meat Officer, discussing our project work, and how feeding before the lambing period has been a key influence for impressive lamb growth rates last year.


Ewch draw i'n gwefan i ddechrau'r broses: 🌐
... Head over to our website to start the process: 🌐
Coleg Cambria - Llysfasi Coleg Sir Gar Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai Heads Of The Valleys Training mwmac Ltd Grŵp Colegau NPTC Group of Colleges PMR training Really Pro Simply the Best Training Consultancy Ltd Training For The Future - 2008 Ltd JHS Training, Assessment, Contracting and Tree work
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Mae'r tymor wyna yn prysuro atom unwaith eto eleni - ac i gyd-fynd â'r cyfnod hwn, byddwn yn canolbwyntio ar Faeth y Famog ar hyd yr wythnos. Yn ddiweddar, ymwelom â'n grŵp trafod Maeth Mamogiaid yn Nhrefnant Isaf, Fferm Ffocws Cyswllt Ffermio. Felly, dros 4 noson, byddwn yn clywed am eu systemau bwydo cyn wyna, ac ychydig agweddau mae'r grŵp wedi canolbwyntio arnynt yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf i wella cynhyrchedd.
... 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑
Another lambing season is just around the corner for our ewe nutrition discussion group farmers. We caught up with them recently when they visited Trefnant Isaf, a Farming Connect Focus Farm. Over the next week we'll hear about their feeding systems before lambing and some aspects that the group has focused on it in recent years to improve productivity.
🎬 19:00 Llun - Iau / Mon - Thurs
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*English below*
Wedi gweithio ledled y DU ac Iwerddon fel Hwylusydd Olyniaeth ers y 12 mlynedd diwethaf, ac wedi rhedeg busnes ffermio llaeth am dros 25 o flynyddoedd, mae Siân Bushell wedi meithrin y sgiliau i ddelio ag Olyniaeth yn broffesiynol ac yn bersonol. Yn ffodus iawn - mae gennych chi'r cyfle i ddod i wrando ar ei chyngor! Dewch i'n cyfarfodydd agored!
... Having worked throughout the UK and Ireland as a Succession Facilitator for the last 12 years, and having run a dairy farm business for over 25 years, Siân Bushell is more that equipped and experienced when dealing with Succession. And you are very fortunate to get the chance to listen to her advice! Why not come along to one of our open meetings?
#DechreuwchySgwrs #StarttheConversation
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Dydd Llun YMA! THIS Monday!


Cofiwch bod ein digwyddiadau 'Gwneud Treth yn Ddigidol' yn cychwyn yr wythnos nesaf - gan gychwyn yn Llangefni ar yr 8fed. Remember that our 'Making Tax Digital' events commence next week by starting in Llangefni on the 8th.
I archebu'ch lle / To book your place: 📞 08456 000 813


Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd a phob dymuniad da i 2019! Happy New Year to you all and best wishes for 2019! 🎊🌟🎊🌟


Eisiau gweld beth rydym wedi bod yn gwneud yn yr ychydig o fisoedd diwethaf? Darllenwch ein Cyhoeddiad Technegol Tachwedd/Rhagfyr yma:
Want to see what we've been up to in recent months? Read our Technical Publication November/December here:


Porthiant Amgen / Alternative Forages
Dyma Will John, ADAS yn esbonio'r prosiect #EIPWales systemau porthiant amgen.
Here's Will John, ADAS explaining the #EIPWales alternative forages project
... ADAS
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Joint ventures: the benefits for new entrants and land owners
Am fwy o wybodaeth/For more information 👉


Lleihau'r Defnydd o Wrthfiotigau / Reducing Antibiotics
Prosiect lleihau'r defnydd o wrthfiotigau #EIPWales: mae samplau silwair wedi cael eu cymryd ar y 7 fferm a'r cam nesaf fydd creu dogn porthiant unigol cyn dod â'r mamogiaid i fewn i wyna. Gareth Thomas, Tregyrnig, Cemaes sy'n siarad am yr hyn a ddysgodd o'r prosiect hyd yn hyn.
The #EIPWales reducing antibiotic project: Silage samples have been taken on all 7 farms and the next step is to create individual feed rations ...before the ewes are brought in for lambing. Hear Gareth Thomas, Tregyrnig, Cemaes talk about what he's learnt from the project so far,
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Pasture for Pollinators
Edrych yn ôl ar ddiwrnodau braf yn yr haf pan roedd Ymddiriedolaeth Cadwraeth Cacwn yn cynnal arolygon cacwn ar gyfer prosiect porfa i beillwyr. Prosiect #EIPWales pasture for pollinators project.
Reminiscing of those warm summer days when The Bumblebee Conservation Trust were carrying out bee surveys for the #EIPWales pasture for pollinators project.
... Calon Wen Bumblebee Conservation Trust RSPB Love Nature ADAS
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Nadolig Llawen iawn i chi gyd! A very Merry Christmas to you all! 🌟🎄🎅

More about Farming Connect

0845 6000 813
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -