
About Fiddlebop

Jazz from all eras. . . with Gypsy zing! Sparkling songs and tasty tunes from the 1920s to the present, on violin, guitar, keyboard, fretless bass, and with four vocals. We love what we play. And it shows!

Fiddlebop Description

FiddleBop! Sparkling songs and tasty tunes. . . daily-bread jazz from the 1920s (when "jazz was king"), chilli-hot swing and bop from later decades, plus jazzy-flavoured sides of classic pop and of songs written just yesterday. All rich with instrumental pizzazz and tangy vocal harmonies. And lightly seasoned with wit, repartee and banter.

We love what we play, and it shows!

Which is — please excuse us, we're about to blow our own trumpet. And mix our own metaphors — one reason why audiences love FiddleBop's "jazz with Gypsy zing", our unique beggars-in-velvet flavour of jazz music.

Music which can be sweet and chilled: such as our delicate instrumental explorations of John Coltrane's exquisite "Naima", or our tender and nostalgic close-harmony vocals of "Here, There, and Everywhere". And music which, with its Gypsy jazz roots, can most definitely be hot unto cooking. FiddleBop will get those feet stomping and get that heart thumping (in a good way, of course) for the traditional Gypsy tune "Dark Eyes", when we're searing though Dizzy Gillespie's "A Night In Tunisia", and for our funky version of oldie-but-goodie "Sweet Georgia Brown". Yaaay!

But don't — as the saying goes — just take our word for it: see our reviews.

FiddleBop is:
* Joanna Davies (guitar and vocals)
* Dave Favis-Mortlock (violin, viola, flute and vocals)
* Paul Stevens (keyboard and vocals)
* Graeme Lamble (fretless bass guitar and vocals)

So how about FiddleBop cookin' up some tasty jazz at your event or party? We cost less than you might think. . . Why not email us or phone us (01982 560726 or 07968 950870) for a quote?

More about Fiddlebop
