Fitpro Lead Gen

About Fitpro Lead Gen

Is your website pulling in leads for you everyday? If not, then you are leaving money on the table!

Fitpro Lead Gen Description

We help Small Businesses dominate in their local areas, and far and wide online.

- If you are looking for a WEBSITE that brings you in new leads and sales
- Maybe a MEMBERSHIP SITE as part of your services for your clients
- Or need a flow of high-quality leads by having us run your FACEBOOK ADS
- Perhaps you need us to manage and build your social channels with our SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGMENT

Then simply drop us a message, and let's book you in for a 30 minute "Business Strategy Session"



Today I am finally back in Cardiff after a crazy few days traveling around the UK
Where I have been building websites, landing pages, funnel and systems
What I love when I do these 1-2-1 days, is learning about how there business work
... The one in Chester has a simple 28 day trial offer at £179 for Semi Private Training
Then moving into a 6 month contract at £300 per month
The guys down in Canvey Island has a gym, and is now trying to tap into the Small Group market
One of the biggest things I had to do for them was to make sure their websites are mobile friendly or responsive
What I mean is no matter what size screen a viewer is looking at the website on
The website NEEDS to be able to fit that screen size and you don’t have to zoom in with your fingers to read or struggle to navigate your way around the site
Google has also stepped in to encourage website owner to have a mobile friendly or responsive website too
By downgrading your listing for not having one as it affects the viewers time on your website (Bounce Rate)
So if your website isn’t mobile ready, go get that fixed
Here are the latest 2 we built this week:
The Hub Fitness:
Lifestyle Fitness:
David :)
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Great down in Canvey Island yesterday working on a Brand New website for Lifestyle Fitness 🙌


Just wanted to say sorry for the lack of emails over the last few days
I was up in Chester on Monday, then in Canvey Island today for 1-2-1 day with fellow FitPros
Building new websites, and systems for their businesses
... So let’s get back on track with content :)
SSL or Secure Sockets Layer
Has suddenly become a really big thing
SSL has been around for a while, encrypting your website to stop any hackers or anyone trying to steal your data
You will see it for sure on any payment pages you land on as a Green Padlock in the corner of the browser
Now Google are stepping it up and want everyone to have their own SSL certificate on their website
As of July, Google started rolling out a new bit of software that notifies users if the site isn’t SSL secured
And also lowering your search rankings for not having it installed yet
So what you waiting for, go activate your SSL certificate now
David :)
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Down in Canvey Island for the final 121 day of the week 💪
New Website, new Facebook Ads, new everything 🙌


Great day in Chester with Luke from The Hub Fitness: Results Based Training 🙌
Building a brand new website and landing page for his fitness business 💪


It's Time To Upgrade Your Branding 🙌 🔥
Following on from tech Tuesday yesterday, where I showed you what I use to create the frames for all my pictures.
... I thought what better than just to show you how I create them, step by step.
This video is from "The Portal"
So it's super short and to the point :)
⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
Post your best images below and let's see how you got on
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I put it to the group on Sunday
To find out what they wanted this week’s emails to be all about
If you are not already in the group, you NEED to be to catch my daily live videos and much more
... Join: 6304055/
The poll results are in and they asked for “Website Must Haves”
Yesterday email was non-existent as it was a 1-2-1 day
Today I am back 🙂
So let’s get on with it…
As they say… The bigger the better
This might not always be the case in everyday situations
But it DEFINITELY is with images for your website
But the actual file sizes needs to be as small as possible
Let me explain
You need a big long banner image for your website
The image you have is only 100px by 200px
Yet the average website width is 960px
So it’s not going to be big enough, it will look stretched and pixelated
This is why the bigger the better
Take a HD image on your phone, which is usually 1920px wide
Next we have the problem of speed
Usually the bigger in size of the image is
The bigger the file size
This slows down the speed of how quick a website page loads
Here we have to then compress the file size
Aiming for something between 100-200KB
And that is your first “Website Must Have” for the week
David 🙂
PS…. Tomorrow why you need that GREEN padlock
PS… The Facebook Community you NEED to be in: 6304055/
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Tech Tuesday 🎥 🖥 📱
Making your Instagram photos stand out as a business
... Can make a big difference
Today I want to share with you the FREE bit of software I use to create all my Instagram photos with:
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Monday Challenge 💪
New week means new challenge, and this week it’s all about building your network and generating leads for FREE from Facebook.
So here is your challenge for this week:


The sole reason I got into creating websites was simple
Every company I spoke to simply just wanted my money and nothing else
Whenever I asked for help… They would charge me
...Continue Reading


If you have ever worked in a team
And been out as a group or done a team bonding event
For the next few weeks
... Everyone is talking about it...
Did you see who sally went home with? OMG I can’t believe John did that? How much wine did Derek drink? The team gets stronger and everyone becomes closer
Working much harder for the next few weeks
And this exact formula is the same for your clients
They look forward to the events
They make friends with each other
They have loads to talk about with one another
>> They look forward to that next event <<
This one is key!!!!!!
I can’t put enough!!!!!!!!! to tell you how key this bit is
A client’s membership is ending at the end of the month
They have been thinking about quitting
Then you go put an event on you know they will love
On the 10th of the next month
“All events are open to MEMBERS ONLY”
What do you think this member does ;)
We run events every 2 weeks
3 small ones, then a big one
It’s all about the community and family feel
David :)
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Everyone LOVES to receive something in the post that they weren’t expecting
They open the envelope or parcel with the same excitement as they used to on Christmas morning
So when they hit a certain achievement mark
... We celebrate with them :)
➡️ 1 stone mark ➡️ Target weight ➡️ 3 months with us
If it fits a certificate we get it sent out
Again just like the previous card
They share and post the images on Social Media
It’s a WIN! WIN!
David :)
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Each and every Monday
Holly jumps on the calendar and has a look at what events we have coming up
Just like what we talked about yesterday
... We get the card box out and get writing
A client's birthday is on Tuesday.. We get a card sent out
The day before we get a bunch of flowers from Aldi ready
On the day, we tag them in a post in our private Facebook group where everyone else can say Happy Birthday
We make them feel a million dollars
And this in return makes them love us
This makes them want to tell their friends & share it all over Social Media
We then take it a little further
We pay attention to what they tell us during training session or conversations they have
And if it fits to send them out a card we send one
- New job - Child's birthday - Big event
We show them that we listen and in return they love us more and more
David :)
PS… Final postal idea tomorrow
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When “The Portal” opens at the start of September
It is going to be full of short, 3 minute videos just like what I am going to tell you today :)
You have just signed a new client up
... They are super excited to be working with you
They go home and tell a few friends
The next day a letter arrives for them
They don’t recognise the handwriting on the address
They open the envelope and find card saying welcome on the front
As they go to open the card slightly confused a £1 scratch card falls out
Then they read….
Hey ….
We are super excited to have you with us here at DKnine Fitness.
We just wanted to send over a welcome card and a £1 scratch card to wish you luck.
David & the team :)
We have people share this on social media and tag us in it
We have had 1 person win £1000 on the scratch card
All by doing something no one else in your area would ever think of doing
Go give it a go!
David :)
PS… All this week’s emails are about making clients LOVE you and stay forever!
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When it comes to running ads, there is a few things you need to know
Because if you do them, Facebook will automatically reject them
So if your ads keep getting rejected, then it may be down to one of these rules
... No before and after pictures… ANYWHERE Yes you may have seen someone else’s ad on Facebook with before and after’s in it, but give it a few more hours and Facebook will have it pulled down. This even counts for landing pages.
Never talk about the results Asking if someone wants to lose a 1 stone, or saying you will lose 1 stone. Facebook will reject it
Too much text in your pictures Pictures should have very little text, they say it’s around no more than 20% of the image should be text. 1 or 2 will get through, but it’s just not worth the risk
Putting people down Talking directly about the viewers characteristics will get rejected. For example if you need to lose weight. Struggling with motivation
Like I said, a few will get though and be okay.
Most will not, follow the rules and you will see big changes in the number of leads you get
David :)
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If you work with ladies over 30, and a 40 year old mother of 2 jumps on your website. Can they in the first 5 seconds know that they are in the right place?
This is all about having the right content/message above the fold
When I say above the fold I mean before they start scrolling down.
... So when someone jumps on your website, you have about 5 seconds for them to decide it this website is right for them
The first 2-3 seconds is the initial above the fold section
So this part is so key to getting leads and telling prospect not to leave
Because the quicker they leave, the worse the bounce rate, the more Google doesn't like you
So that first picture, that first message, that first video
Does it talk directly to your prospect?
For example....
You work with ONLY busy over 30's mum
But the first picture they see is you with your top off, with massive muscle and a 6 pack
The colour scheme for the website is Blue & Black
The copy is talking all about you
You have before and after picture of a few guys you have helped
They instantly get the impression that you help get clients massive, and those being men
Far from the message you want to be telling them right?
So an example of a good website we build for the legend himself Simon Evans
If you jump on that now:
I bet you can tell in just the first 5 second who Simon is targeting?
David :)
PS... Want some feedback on your own website? Then comment below with your URL and I will jump on and give you a few pointers
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Yesterday I posted about opening up a membership area called The Portal
This is all about creating quick 3 minute training videos that you can implement right away in your business
To generate leads and improve your marketing skills
... I have topics I know that will help, as these are the ones I am always working on myself for DKnine Fitness & everything else we do:
> Website Design
> Social Media
> Facebook Advertising
> Online Marketing
> Offline Marketing
> Systems & Admin
> Software & Apps
I would love your input too
What would you love to learn about?
What would help you get closer to your results?
If you have a few spare minutes, hit reply with your thoughts or complete this short survey: 2jt9s1b4czgr/
David :)
PS… 2 spaces have already gone if you wanted to become a Founding Member. Only 8 spaces left!
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I currently have a high-end membership option where I do weekly 1-2-1 calls and the give them the blueprint for everything I do for DKnine Fitness.
Now tho.... I want to create a much cheaper membership option for people who either don't want to invest that much or just want the latest in everything online marketing for FitPros
... So I'm looking for 5-10 people who can help me create this lower end membership option with the content they want to see
Here is what I have in mind...
> Name: The Portal > Content: 3-minute videos on the latest in online marketing for FitPros > Features: Private Support Group, Monthly Live Training, Downloads, plus access to free events > Price: £30-50 per month I am thinking
So what's in it for the 5-10 founder members
1: Lifetime access for a 1 off investment 2: 1 month of weekly 1-2-1 call to go over everything they want help within their business
Topics I will definitely be adding....
> My winning FB Ad for the month, and FB Ads training > The most popular Social Post for the month, and Social > Google Ads > Web Design & Getting Found with your website, including SEO > Membership Sites > Instagram > Apps to make life easier
Plus whatever else the 5-10 founder members are looking for help with
If you want to know more, then simply comment
David :)
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User 6304055/
Come and join us inside!


I’ve always hated doing Facebook ads. Will they. Won’t they get approved ? I also found the whole process time consuming I’d ran a few to little success. In steps David. Quick phone call to understand my business and off he went. Ad was live within 48 hours. Got my first client from the add within 48 hours. Return on investment was £3000 in 1 month. I will be using every time I need slots filling.


Dave is so knowledgeable, and helpful. In one afternoon he helped me set up my membership page which is now working brilliantly.

Highly recommended


Dave has done a great job updating our web site. We worked on our CTA and making it mobile friendly. Last website was functional this web site is sexy and starting to pull in way more clients.


I’ve always hated doing Facebook ads. Will they. Won’t they get approved ? I also found the whole process time consuming I’d ran a few to little success. In steps David. Quick phone call to understand my business and off he went. Ad was live within 48 hours. Got my first client from the add within 48 hours. Return on investment was £3000 in 1 month. I will be using every time I need slots filling.


Dave is so knowledgeable, and helpful. In one afternoon he helped me set up my membership page which is now working brilliantly.

Highly recommended


Dave has done a great job updating our web site. We worked on our CTA and making it mobile friendly. Last website was functional this web site is sexy and starting to pull in way more clients.


I’ve always hated doing Facebook ads. Will they. Won’t they get approved ? I also found the whole process time consuming I’d ran a few to little success. In steps David. Quick phone call to understand my business and off he went. Ad was live within 48 hours. Got my first client from the add within 48 hours. Return on investment was £3000 in 1 month. I will be using every time I need slots filling.


Dave is so knowledgeable, and helpful. In one afternoon he helped me set up my membership page which is now working brilliantly.

Highly recommended


Dave has done a great job updating our web site. We worked on our CTA and making it mobile friendly. Last website was functional this web site is sexy and starting to pull in way more clients.

More about Fitpro Lead Gen