Friends Of The Wilderness

About Friends Of The Wilderness

The Wilderness Lake is an area of urban green space close to the centre of Porthcawl, one of South Wales’ most popular sea-side towns, which is situated midway between Cardiff and Swansea. The Lake is popular with both local residents and visitors



There are 3 ducks always together mostly stay away from others due to being bullied. 2 males 1 female.they like to venture across rd & sit on grass by Newton nottage . Everday they spot us before we them & they come running .One morning about 2 1/2 wks ago they didn't appear for ages .then the 2males came out if hiding & we spotted female Poor little thing was injured quite a bit of blood. I got in touch with a friend who has various Contacts that could help. Carolanne & my p...artner went back to wilderness to check on her & after taking advice from those people it was decided best leave her to see how she gets on . Later we were told by a local dog walk We see most dys she had tried to rescue the little duck who was being attacked by about 5 male equivalent of gang rape.she said it was horrendous but whatever she tried couldn't stop them.we have been keeping eye on the duck going to see her 3 sometimes 4times ady .slowly but surely she's been recovering .for dys she could only hop a little on one leg gradually the other damaged leg has been getting she's getting along much better & only has slight limp.they obviously saw us walking along & flew across rd to meet up so we escorted them back across rd before feeding them.thankyou to the people in the big black car who stopped & waited till we got them across & to the others who have stopped a few times for same reason.yep it's nature but it's really sad to see. This was them yesterday
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If anyone would like to help please get in touch with Gardening Group 739807/permalink/478332876275743/

User posts/2294566577285930/


Apart from swan /coots /gulls Main reason ducklings & other young are vanishing is amount of crows there which are Grabbing & killing them. There has to be hundreds around there


There is a meeting of Porthcawl Community Gardening at the Ancient Briton at 7pm on wed 26th June. We have licences now to plant flowers on the raised beds at Eastern Promenade. One of the raised bed will be for Friends of the Wilderness if you are interested in helping please attend the meeting.


Thank you to those people who mentioned yesterday that they were concerned seeing some fish popping head out of lake as if trying to get oxygen. Fish are spawning on both lakes & Oxygen levels are tested regularly. It was tested this morning & is ok 😁 Thanks again for your concern x


Thanks Brian Jones & Roy Bacon for replanting the trees 😁 job well done


A couple more of the fruit trees are on ground roots as well. I've reported it to Brian Jones who will inform parks.change of plan Brian & my other half are going to try replant them. They will Probably do a better job


Breakfast just after 8.30. Little sweet corn followed by seed .no bread as they were on bank .the one on left has his father's attitude .as we got close he stood tall held his head high & gave us a loud grunt .πŸ™„ Once food appeared he was fine


Been trying to post a video for ages & it won't appear.whats the bet it will be on 3 or more times later πŸ™„


Nearly everyday we get people asking us what we feed the wildfowl with so thought I'd take pic of this morning's breakfast 😁 3 bags of wild bird seed 2 bags sweet corn 2 bags small pieces of bread. We usually take the same amount twice ady .Yes it's safe to feed bread in small amounts aslong as it not slices or as in some we see people do entire loaf just dumped either by lake or more often in lake.thats not good for them or lake.As many people know last yrs cygnets got taken away by swan rescue due to being ill & very underweight in part due to people stopped feeding them wasn't just here.swans all over had a bad time.i know some will reply with its wrong to feed them bread .Every one has their own opinions I'm listening to many swan rescue people.


Few more ducklings arrived this past wk.this little family came rushing out of hiding with mum wanting to be fed.mum & one jumped down from platform.these 3 couldn't work out how to do it so we gave them some seed there as lots of other big ducks were coming along


Keep watching 😁

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