Gaia Sound Healing

About Gaia Sound Healing

Marisa is a Sound Healer, Shamanic Practitioner and Gong Master. She is registered with the College of Sound Healing. Marisa uses her voice, instruments and other techniques to help you on your journey to good health.

Gaia Sound Healing Description

The universe is sonic and everything in it vibrates at it’s own unique frequency.

The effects of sound and it’s ability to heal has been used in many different cultures and traditions throughout history. It is the oldest and most natural form of healing known to man.

Sound healing is beneficial for the body, mind and spirit. Research has shown that when sound is transmitted to a person using their own voice, the voice of others, music, instruments and through the speakers, it can reduce stress, encourage relaxation, promote wellness and healing.

The basic principle of Sound Healing is to restore the correct vibration to the body, mind and spirit when it is vibrating out of harmony.

Marisa offers Gong sound immersions, Sound baths and Shamanic Drum Journeys.



Powerful and so very true. When we face our traumas head on and do the work, then they cease to have power over us and we are truly free.


Today I recorded a gong session. During the session I felt to ask some questions about what we are all going through.
I received the messages that things are going to recover but it will not be easy. There will be darker times ahead for many, similar to the recession of the early 2000's. This change needs to happen however, if we can remain grounded, clear on our priorities and not be deviated from our true path by those in power, then we can create a better world. The other... message was on the importance of community and staying connected - not only through social media - but more physically. We must stay connected energetically. Keep raising our vibrations.
I offer you the recording from this journey. I hope that it brings you some peace and relaxation.
Best wishes, Marisa…/short-re laxation-gong-journey
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In some of my sessions anger comes up for people, as something that they have never felt able to express. Their anger has been suppressed and internalised causing ill health both mentally and physically. When we tap into anger, we find that there are many other emotions associated with it that need to be expressed too.
It’s never just one thing. Healing brings up many different emotions and stories.


Whilst in lockdown I have been creating a few more sound healing audio files for you to listen to in the comfort of your own home. Visit soundcloud, Gaia Sound Healing. a-singing-bowls If you can like and share, so as to keep Gaia Sound Healing alive in the minds and hearts of everyone, that would be wonderful! Very grateful! Keep safe, keep well! #soundhealing #singingbowls #soundtherapy #practioner #healingwithsoundfrequency #healingwithsound #crystalsingingbowls #meditation #brainentrainment


I am still trying to offer sound healing while we are in lockdown. As we cannot gather together or have private sessions, I have been making audio files for you to listen to at home.
This soundscape is designed to help you relax. I hope that you enjoy it.
⭐️ Please like and share to be able to keep Gaia Sound Healing alive your minds and hearts! I do appreciate it. Thank you!
... a-singing-bowls
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Let's dream a new world into being.


⭐️ On Friday @ 19:30 - Live Journey with Gongs /live/
I look forward to sharing this online experience with you!


* How are you all doing?
* What is the one thing you have really enjoyed about this 'pause time'?
* What have you not enjoyed or struggled with, and what can you learn from that?
... ---
I am really missing my 'work', it feels like it's come to a grinding halt and that I cannot give of myself or be in service. As if I can't live my purpose.
What I have learnt from this 'pause time', is that I need to take time for myself. Shortly before lockdown, I was rushing around, busy with work, my children and trying to support my mother. I was meant to go up North to see my partner but had no energy. I was going to push through anyway.
Then I got ill. I was forced to stay in bed for a few days and then in lockdown happened.
This for me was the Universe, God, Spirit, Life, whatever you want to call it, telling me to stop. To slow down.
I feel this virus is doing the same for us all.
Listen, feel, stop, slow down, smell the flowers and hear the birds. Connect with who you are and who you are meant to be.
What I am most looking forward to when this is over is, playing gongs for everyone again, seeing my private clients, swimming in the sea, being able to hike and camp, and seeing my family and friends.
And I will remember to slow down.
Love and Light Marisa
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Going through my note books as I do a tax return (making use of lockdown time) I came across this piece I had written. I hope that we focus on keeping our energy here and now as we move forward through this transition. Keep well. Keep strong #focusforward #soundhealingtherapy #soundtherapy #soundhealer #counseling #therapy #healinghands #loveandlight


Last night we took this shot through the telescope. How wonderful is our world? With all that is going on at the moment, it’s important to stop and just appreciate all that is around us, the incredible resilience of nature, the magic and mystery of it all. Look up at the stars and moon, listen to the birds and be filled with gratitude and wonder. #moon #fullmoon #nightsky #nightskythroughatelescope #moonthroughatelescope #gratitude #wonder




❤️Song of the Heart with Heart Chakra singing bowl. ❤️ g-of-the-heart


A free 24 minute gong journey sound track, by Marisa from Gaia Sound Healing.
Use headphones to listen to this track and keep the sound half way, as the gongs do resonate high in some parts. minute-gong-journey


If you are struggling at this time and feeling overwhelmed, know that you are not alone. Reach out if you need to, there’s always someone willing to listen.
I want to be in service, I am willing to listen and to hold space for you.

More about Gaia Sound Healing

Gaia Sound Healing is located at Stroud, Gloucestershire