Galeri (Caernarfon)

About Galeri (Caernarfon)

Manylion llawn am y cwmni /digwyddiadau:
Company info + show details /listings available:
01286 685 222

Galeri (Caernarfon) Description

Canolfan Mentrau Creadigol GALERI Creative Enterprise Centre

Theatr / / Sinema / / Safle Celf / / Unedau Gwaith / / Ystafelloedd Ymarfer / / Wedding Venue / / Ystafelloedd Cyfarfod / / Cafe Bar (ar agor 7 diwrnod yr wythnos / / cartref prosiect celf Sbarc-Galeri.

Rhaglen artistig yn cynnwys:
Drama (Cymraeg a Saesneg)
Cerddoriaeth (o bob math)
Sinema (amrywiol - yn wythnosol)
Nosweithiau yng nghwmni
Cywrain (arddangosfeydd celf a chrefft)
Safle Celf (oddeutu 9 arddangosfa yn flynyddol)
Gweithdai (o bob math. . . i bob oed)

*** Rydym wedi cychwyn gwaith ar adeiladu 2 sgrin sinema. ***

Manylion pellach:
Tocynnau : 01286 685 222
Llogi ystafell ymarfer /gyfarfod : 01286 685 218
Cafe Bar : 01286 685 200
Cyffredinol : 01286 685 250
Safle Celf / Arddangosfeydd : 01286 685 208 __________ __________ __________ ________

Theatre / / Cinema / / Art Space / / Work Units / / Rehearsal Spaces / / Conferencing & Meeting Facilities / / Cafe Bar (open 7 days a week) / / home to Sbarc-Galeri arts project.

Our programme of events covers:
Drama (English and Welsh language)
Music (all genres)
Cinema (Various titles - arthouse and mainstreaml)
Evenings with
Cywrain (A range of haute jewellery, crafts and fine ceramics)
Art Space (Approximately 9 exhibitions annually)
Workshops (all types - for all ages)

*** We have begun work to build /extend Galeri's existing building to include 2 new /dedicated cinema screens. ***

Further information:
Tickets : 01286 685 222
Room bookings /hires : 01286 685 218
DOC Cafe Bar : 01286 685 200
Genral enquiries : 01286 685 250
Art Space / Exhibitions : 01286 685 208



Gan edrych ymlaen at eich cwmni heno ar gyfer y sioeau comedi, dyma ychydig o wybodaeth am drefn y noson.
Drysau yn agor 7.15 pm... Sioe sgetsys Crybabies : 7.30-8.45 pm EGWYL 20 munud Sioe Felt Michael Clarke : 9:05 - 9:50 pm
Tocynnau / Tickets : £12 : 01286 685222
We are looking forward to your company tonight for the comedy shows, here is some information about the order of the evening.
Doors will open 7.15 pm Crybabies sketch show : 7.30-8.45 pm INTERVAL : 20 minutes Felt Michael Clarke : 9.05 - 9.50 pm
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Bydd Annette a Tristian Evans yn perfformio caneuon serch o’r ffilmiau ar y piano bnawn Sul yma!


Llongyfarchiadau Mark a Paul! Bydd y ddau yma ar lwyfan Galeri mewn mis : Chwefror 16 : Brysiwch i gael eich tocynnau, mae nhw’n prysur fynd...


Yn dwy fetr o dal, mae Tony Walsh yn cael ei bilio‚Äôn aml fel ‚Äėcawr‚Äô ymysg barddberfformwyr y DU. Yn perffomrio dan yr enw "Longfella", mae‚Äôn wir bod ganddo goesau hir, ond ei farddoniaeth nodedig sy‚Äôn gwneud iddo sefyll allan o‚Äôr dorf.
Mae ei gymysgedd o agosatrwydd a cherddi dadleuol, comedi a thrasiedi wedi bod yn syfrdanu cynulleidfaoedd o gigs amrwd i wyliau llenyddiaeth ryngwladol ers 2004. Daeth i amlygrwydd pellach wrth iddo ysgrifennu cerdd i nodi trychineb bomio Aren...a Manceinion ym mis Mai 2017.
Tocynnau: £12-£10
01286 685 222
Tony Walsh is an ordinary bloke with an extraordinary talent and a remarkable story.
Overcoming childhood poverty and illness, then working everyday jobs in the communities of his beloved home city of Manchester, he has risen in recent years to become one of the UK’s most widely recognised and most in-demand professional poets.
A regular on tv and radio since 2011, Tony performs and teaches internationally and his work has been commissioned by a growing list of major institutions, attracting a legion of fans and celebrity admirers. His work came to worldwide attention in May 2017 when broadcast globally from the vigil for victims of the arena bomb outrage in his beloved Manchester.
His performance trended worldwide on social media and his poem, This Is The Place, entered the folklore and fabric of the city he‚Äôs still proud to call home ‚Äď painted onto walls, recited in schools, re-mixed by DJs, even tattooed onto skin.
This iconic performance, together with Tony‚Äôs spontaneous closing comment of ‚Äúchoose love, Manchester‚ÄĚ was widely credited with helping to define the city‚Äôs notably defiant, compassionate and creative response to these terrible events. The poem has since been used and licensed to raise approaching ¬£200,000 for the survivors of the bombing, the families of those who were killed and other grass-roots community causes.
Expect belly-laughs, tears and everything in between from this stunning, big-hearted performer who often leaves audiences on their feet... dazzled and breathless.
Tickets: £12-£10
01286 685 222
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Cyfle i weld rhai o gomed√Įwyr gorau‚Äôr s√ģn yn gystal √Ę rhoi llwyfan i dalentau newydd.
Yn perfformio heno: Bethany Black Delightful Sausage... Danny McLoughlin [MC] a mwy (i’w cyhoeddi). * noder gall yr artistiaid newid am resymau y tu allan i’n rheolaeth
Canllaw oed: 18+
Tocynnau: £8 ymlaen llaw > £10 ar y diwrnod
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::
Enjoy an evening in the company of established stand-ups as well as the emerging talents of the comedy circuit...
Performing tonight: Bethany Black Delightful Sausage Danny McLoughlin [MC] & more (to be announced) *please note, acts may change for reasons beyond our control
Age guide: 18+
Tickets: £8 in advance > £10 on the day
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Lisa Gwilym, cyflwynydd poblogaidd a gwybodus BBC Radio Cymru fydd yn holi’r gantores werin Heather Jones ar Ddiwrnod Rhyngwladol y Merched.
Mae Heather wedi bod yn canu’n broffesiynol yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg ers cyhoeddi ei EP gyntaf ym 1968 ac yn cael ei chydnabod fel artist arbennig iawn.
Rhwng perfformio ei chaneuon bydd yn siarad yn ddi-flewyn-ar dafod am ei gyrfa, ei bywyd, a’i phrofiadau yn y byd adloniant.
... Tocynnau: £12 / £10
= = = = = = = = = =
A special ‚Äėevening with‚Äô in the company of singer Heather Jones and chaired by BBC Radio Cymru presenter, Lisa Gwilym to celebrate International Women‚Äôs Day.
Heather has been a professional singer since releasing her debut EP in 1968, singing in Welsh and English and is renowned extensively for her talents.
In between songs, she will tonight discuss her career and experiences in the entertainment world.
This is a Welsh language event/talk.
Tickets: £12/£10
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Mae’r Clwb Comedi yn dychwelyd i roi ffics a llond bol o chwerthin...
Cyfle i weld rhai o gomed√Įwyr gorau‚Äôr s√ģn yn gystal √Ę rhoi llwyfan i dalentau newydd.
... Yn perfformio heno: Rob Rouse Sally-Anne Hayward Jenny Collier [MC] a mwy (i'w cadarnhau) * noder gall yr artistiaid newid am resymau y tu allan i’n rheolaeth
Tocynnau: £8 ymlaen llaw > £10 ar y diwrnod
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::;
Our monthly fix of comedy featuring established stand-ups as well as the emerging talents of the comedy circuit returns...
Performing tonight: Rob Rouse Sally-Anne Hayward Jenny Collier [MC] & more (to be announced). * please note, acts may change for reasons beyond our control
Tickets: £8 in advance > £10 on the day
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Mae’r Clwb Comedi nol am flwyddyn arall...
Cyfle i weld rhai o gomed√Įwyr gorau‚Äôr s√ģn yn ogystal √Ę rhoi llwyfan i dalentau newydd.
... Yn perfformio heno: Mick Ferry George Rigden James Cook [MC] a mwy (i’w cyhoeddi) *noder gall yr artistiaid newid am resymau y tu allan i’n rheolaeth
Tocynnau yn £8 ymlaen llaw (£10 ar y diwrnod)
Canllaw oed: 18+
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: The 2019 Comedy Club kicks-off this month ‚Äď offering a fix of comedy featuring established stand-ups as well as the emerging talents of the comedy circuit.
Performing tonight: Mick Ferry George Rigden James Cook [MC] & more (to be announced). *please note,acts may change for reasons beyond our control
Tickets £8 in adcance (£10 on the day)
Age guide: 18+
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'Da ni'n edrych ymlaen i ddigwyddiad/noson comedi cynta 2019 nos Sadwrn yma...
Michael Clarke : Felt ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ & Crybabies (perfformwyr sgetsys)
... Cofiwch bod tocynnau yn codi o £10 i £12 ar y diwrnod - awgrymwn eich bod yn archebu tocynnau ymlaen llaw!
01286 685 222
ūü§£ūüé§ūü§£ūü§£ūüé§ūü§£ūüé§ūü§£ūü§£ūüé§ū ü§£ūüé§ūü§£ūü§£ūüé§ūü§£ūüé§ūü§£ūü§£ūüé§< br> We're excited to kick off our comedy season this Saturday...
Michael Clarke : Felt ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ & Crybabies (sketch group)
Ticket are currently £10 and will increase to £12 on the day - pre-booking is advisable!
01286 685 222
=== === === === === === === === === ===
"Os fysa 'na gyfle i fynd i weld Felt bob penwythnos - fyswn i'n mynd. Un o'r pethau fwyaf digri, trist a difyr dwi erioed wedi gweld ar lwyfan" Dyl Mei
"Nothing short of genius" Three Weeks Edinburgh
"Bursting with artistic invention" Chortle
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Diolch i bawb am rannu'r rhaglen sinema (11.1.19 - 24.1.19)...
Rydym wedi cysylltu hefo un person lwcus sydd am dderbyn 2 docyn i un o'r ffilmiau yn ystod y pythefnos nesa.
Cofiwch bod tocynnau sinema yn rhatach i'w prynu cyn diwrnod y dangosiad - £6/£5 (£7.50/£6.50 ar y diwrnod) - awgrymwn eich bod yn archebu ymlaen llaw pob tro i sicrhau eich sedd.
... = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Thanks to everyone for liking/sharing/tagging the cinema programme (from 11.1.19 until 24.1.19)...
We have contacted one lucky person directly to offer 2 complimentary tickets to a film of their choice during over the next fortnight.
Remember that pre-booking your cinema tickets is strongly advisable. Tickets are cheaper before the day of the screening - £6/£5 (£7.50/£6.50 on the day).
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Gyda Galeri yn brysurach nag erioed - rydym yn chwilio am aelod newydd i ymuno a'r Tim Gofal Cwsmer.
Cyflog: £16,970 - £17,920 y flwyddyn Oriau: 40 awr yr wythnos
... Does dim dyddiad cau penodol - byddwn yn cyfweld fel sydd yn briodol tan bydd y swydd wedi'i lenwi.
Mae'r swydd yn cyfuno cyfrifoldebau yn y: Swyddfa Docynnau / Cafe-Bar / Rheoli blaen ty (digwyddiadau)
Amrywiaeth o gyfrifoldebau felly sydd yn sicrhau bod y ganolfan yn cael ei redeg yn effeithiol a bod gofal a phrofiad cwsmer yn gyson i'r gorau posib.
Am fwy o wybodaeth:
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Dyma gadarnhau rhaglen sinema 11.01.19 - 24.01.19 >> The confirmed films showing here 11.01.19 - 24.01.19 >>
Hoffwch, rhannwch, tagiwch eich ffrindiau... tocynnau (x2) am ddim i un person lwcus - i'w gyhoeddi 10:00 bore Gwener 11.01.19
... Please like, share and tag your friends... we'll throw in 2 free tickets to one luckt person - to be announced at 10:00 on Friday morning 11.01.19.
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Went there yesterday for lunch the food was lovely and staff so very pleasant and polite


We love the galeri, a warm and friendly place to take our family, food lovely,


We booked this venue for a large meeting having been let down at the last minute by another. The staff couldn't of been more helpful in sorting us out and ensuring the day went well, in spite of having to squeeze us in on an already busy day. Really appreciate


Watched my sons performance here, Great place! Amazing atmosphere! ūüėä


Only stopped for a quick drink and snack yesterday lunchtime. The Cajun chicken bagett with side salad was delicious, staff were very nice and we had the sun shining down on us. What more could we ask for.


Loving the new look ,stopped for a drink today and sat on the new decking,very nice x


Lovely venue which is compact and offers great views of the stage. Excellent facilities too with friendly helpful staff


It's a clean well staffed,( staff so attentive ) and very personal great placed been to see 3 films and carnt wait to book again


Great venue, staff friendly, intesting bits in the main room.

Description of the event could have been better.


First time been to see show there comedy show staff Exelent and friendly thoroughly enjoyed it parking good will try resturaunt next time but did have a few beers great place for live shows or films thank staff for lovely evening


First night trying out the new cinema last night for the Met Live Aida. Very impressed with the extension and the sound was excellent. Pleased we now have such a great venue so close to home. I shall be a very regular visitor.


Fantastic place!!! Love it and so do the kids


We were staying in the apartments which overlook the Marina. So just a short walk to go for a pint and a coffee to sit in the sunshine.


So glad that Table Table was so busy otherwise we wouldn't have found this little gem. The Table "art" was amazing. The food was absolutely delicious - posh tapas. The staff were really friendly and helpful. Thoroughly enjoyable. Thank you.


Lovely early evening with lovely weather and they were shutting for the night. Just about managed to get one drink in


Well, went to the Galeri and received a not so nice welcome from the chap behind the till, so did a u-turn. We are now over the road having a nice drink at a place that is far more welcoming to weary travellers.


Tried to get a cup of tea with some friends last weekend, we wanted to site outside as we had a few dogs with us. One of my friends went to ask if ok to sit on the new decking but they were just fobbed off, so shows they are either not pet friendly or people friendly, wont be rushing back there, very disappointed !


I often visit but in the last 12 months the service and quality has dramatically fallen. My last visit was an experience I will never forget! Finding several black curly pubic hairs in my sandwich was the final straw for me!


Greeted by we are closing at 1300 hours received a cup of coffee without a Handel was told that they had to check with the kitchen if we wanted any sandwiches after ordering a chicken sandwich was told non available .This is not the first time that the service has been poor ,will definitely not venture there again.


Went there yesterday for lunch the food was lovely and staff so very pleasant and polite


We love the galeri, a warm and friendly place to take our family, food lovely,


We booked this venue for a large meeting having been let down at the last minute by another. The staff couldn't of been more helpful in sorting us out and ensuring the day went well, in spite of having to squeeze us in on an already busy day. Really appreciate


Watched my sons performance here, Great place! Amazing atmosphere! ūüėä


Only stopped for a quick drink and snack yesterday lunchtime. The Cajun chicken bagett with side salad was delicious, staff were very nice and we had the sun shining down on us. What more could we ask for.


Loving the new look ,stopped for a drink today and sat on the new decking,very nice x


Lovely venue which is compact and offers great views of the stage. Excellent facilities too with friendly helpful staff


It's a clean well staffed,( staff so attentive ) and very personal great placed been to see 3 films and carnt wait to book again


Great venue, staff friendly, intesting bits in the main room.

Description of the event could have been better.


First time been to see show there comedy show staff Exelent and friendly thoroughly enjoyed it parking good will try resturaunt next time but did have a few beers great place for live shows or films thank staff for lovely evening


First night trying out the new cinema last night for the Met Live Aida. Very impressed with the extension and the sound was excellent. Pleased we now have such a great venue so close to home. I shall be a very regular visitor.


Fantastic place!!! Love it and so do the kids


We were staying in the apartments which overlook the Marina. So just a short walk to go for a pint and a coffee to sit in the sunshine.


So glad that Table Table was so busy otherwise we wouldn't have found this little gem. The Table "art" was amazing. The food was absolutely delicious - posh tapas. The staff were really friendly and helpful. Thoroughly enjoyable. Thank you.


Lovely early evening with lovely weather and they were shutting for the night. Just about managed to get one drink in


Well, went to the Galeri and received a not so nice welcome from the chap behind the till, so did a u-turn. We are now over the road having a nice drink at a place that is far more welcoming to weary travellers.


Tried to get a cup of tea with some friends last weekend, we wanted to site outside as we had a few dogs with us. One of my friends went to ask if ok to sit on the new decking but they were just fobbed off, so shows they are either not pet friendly or people friendly, wont be rushing back there, very disappointed !


I often visit but in the last 12 months the service and quality has dramatically fallen. My last visit was an experience I will never forget! Finding several black curly pubic hairs in my sandwich was the final straw for me!


Greeted by we are closing at 1300 hours received a cup of coffee without a Handel was told that they had to check with the kitchen if we wanted any sandwiches after ordering a chicken sandwich was told non available .This is not the first time that the service has been poor ,will definitely not venture there again.


Went there yesterday for lunch the food was lovely and staff so very pleasant and polite


We love the galeri, a warm and friendly place to take our family, food lovely,


We booked this venue for a large meeting having been let down at the last minute by another. The staff couldn't of been more helpful in sorting us out and ensuring the day went well, in spite of having to squeeze us in on an already busy day. Really appreciate


Watched my sons performance here, Great place! Amazing atmosphere! ūüėä


Only stopped for a quick drink and snack yesterday lunchtime. The Cajun chicken bagett with side salad was delicious, staff were very nice and we had the sun shining down on us. What more could we ask for.


Loving the new look ,stopped for a drink today and sat on the new decking,very nice x


Lovely venue which is compact and offers great views of the stage. Excellent facilities too with friendly helpful staff


It's a clean well staffed,( staff so attentive ) and very personal great placed been to see 3 films and carnt wait to book again


Great venue, staff friendly, intesting bits in the main room.

Description of the event could have been better.


First time been to see show there comedy show staff Exelent and friendly thoroughly enjoyed it parking good will try resturaunt next time but did have a few beers great place for live shows or films thank staff for lovely evening


First night trying out the new cinema last night for the Met Live Aida. Very impressed with the extension and the sound was excellent. Pleased we now have such a great venue so close to home. I shall be a very regular visitor.


Fantastic place!!! Love it and so do the kids


We were staying in the apartments which overlook the Marina. So just a short walk to go for a pint and a coffee to sit in the sunshine.


So glad that Table Table was so busy otherwise we wouldn't have found this little gem. The Table "art" was amazing. The food was absolutely delicious - posh tapas. The staff were really friendly and helpful. Thoroughly enjoyable. Thank you.


Lovely early evening with lovely weather and they were shutting for the night. Just about managed to get one drink in


Well, went to the Galeri and received a not so nice welcome from the chap behind the till, so did a u-turn. We are now over the road having a nice drink at a place that is far more welcoming to weary travellers.


Tried to get a cup of tea with some friends last weekend, we wanted to site outside as we had a few dogs with us. One of my friends went to ask if ok to sit on the new decking but they were just fobbed off, so shows they are either not pet friendly or people friendly, wont be rushing back there, very disappointed !


I often visit but in the last 12 months the service and quality has dramatically fallen. My last visit was an experience I will never forget! Finding several black curly pubic hairs in my sandwich was the final straw for me!


Greeted by we are closing at 1300 hours received a cup of coffee without a Handel was told that they had to check with the kitchen if we wanted any sandwiches after ordering a chicken sandwich was told non available .This is not the first time that the service has been poor ,will definitely not venture there again.

More about Galeri (Caernarfon)

Galeri (Caernarfon) is located at Doc Victoria, LL55 1SQ Caernarfon