Garth Community Centre

About Garth Community Centre

Community Centre
Available to hire for classes and meetings



Monday 29th October at 6pm, a Halloween Danc’ercise special class will be held at Garth Community Centre - Bangor. £4.50 per person. To book your class please contact Beth on 07907298213
Dosbarth dawns a ymafer corff Calen Gaeaf yn Canolfan Gymunedol Garth. Dydd Llun 29fed o Hydref am 6 o'r gloch. I sicrhau lle, cysylltwch a Beth 07907298213


Programme of Activities at Garth Community Centre


We are delighted to welcome Beth Banks to Garth Community Centre. Beth will be leading Circuit Training at 9.30 am - 10.10 am on Wednesday mornings and 5.30 pm - 6.10 pm on Thursday evenings. £4.50 per session. Please contact Beth on 07907 298213 for further details. Classes will start on Wednesday 11th April 2018.


Pilates for Beginners will resume on Wednesday 18th April 2018 at 4.20 pm at the Garth Community Centre, Garth Hill, Garth, Bangor LL57 2SY. There is an opportunity for new people to sign up. This class will be suitable for all ages and health levels because movements and exercises can be performed on a chair or floor. (Mats are available). Please contact Angie Masterson 01407 831348 or 07740 902 125 or Les Day on 01248 355180 for further details. The Pilates Classes are run Angie Masterson, who has been teaching many forms of exercise for over 35 years, Pilates has been her love since 2002, she cannot praise this method of teaching highly enough, it is wonderful to see people changing their body shape and understanding how to improve their own fitness. Angie qualified with Body Control Pilates (one of the countries most respected and leading training providers) and continue to update her training throughout the year. She is qualified as a level 4 Back4Good specialist, Pregnancy, Pre and Post Hip replacement to name just a few. To describe Pilates to the uninitiated, it is an understanding and control of movement, lengthening and strengthening muscles in the true alignment of the body. The design of a Pilates class focuses on Alignment, breathing, centring, the control of movement focusing on what is moving and what is not moving, it is great for both men and women of all ages, many top athletes, sportsmen and women including ballet dancers, golfers, rugby players and cricketers follow the Pilates method. For some, the exercises are therapeutic, rehabilitative or a simply a wonderful way to lengthen and strengthen the body to improve everyday life or a combination of all of these and more. Our posture is all important, the body is designed to move, true movement in the line the body was designed to move enables improved posture and body awareness. A commonly quoted phrase from Joseph Pilates is 'In 10 sessions you'll feel the difference, in 20 you'll see the difference, in 30 you'll have a whole new body.' Medical advancements and increased knowledge of the way the body moves has brought about continual improvement in the method of teaching.
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Pilates for Beginners will resume on Wednesday 10th January 2018 at 4.20 pm at the Garth Community Centre, Garth Hill, Garth, Bangor LL57 2SY. There is an opportunity for new people to sign up. This class will be suitable for all ages and health levels because movements and exercises can be performed on a chair or floor. (Mats are available). Please contact Angie Masterson 01407 831348 or 07740 902 125 or Les Day on 01248 355180 for further details.
The Pilates Classes are... run by Angie Masterson, who has been teaching many forms of exercise for over 35 years, Pilates has been her love since 2002, she cannot praise this method of teaching highly enough, it is wonderful to see people changing their body shape and understanding how to improve their own fitness. Angie qualified with Body Control Pilates (one of the countries most respected and leading training providers) and continue to update her training throughout the year. She is qualified as a level 4 Back4Good specialist, Pregnancy, Pre and Post Hip replacement to name just a few.
To describe Pilates to the uninitiated, it is an understanding and control of movement, lengthening and strengthening muscles in the true alignment of the body. The design of a Pilates class focuses on Alignment, breathing, centring, the control of movement focusing on what is moving and what is not moving, it is great for both men and women of all ages, many top athletes, sports men and women including ballet dancers, golfers, rugby players and cricketers follow the Pilates method. For some, the exercises are therapeutic, rehabilitative or a simply a wonderful way to lengthen and strengthen the body to improve everyday life or a combination of all of these and more. Our posture is all important, the body is designed to move, true movement in the line the body was designed to move enables improved posture and body awareness. A commonly quoted phrase from Joseph Pilates is 'In 10 sessions you'll feel the difference, in 20 you'll see the difference, in 30 you'll have a whole new body.' Medical advancements and increased knowledge of the way the body moves has brought about continual improvement in the method of teaching.
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Version 2


Pilates classes every Wednesday 4.20pm till 5.30pm at the Garth Community Centre. Classes will finish on 6th December 2017, but will start again on Wednesday 10th January 2018. Suitable for beginners, for more details contact Angie 01407 831 348 or 07740902125 or Les on 01248 355180


Discounted individual singing sessions all day this coming Thursday@ Garth community centre in Bangor. £18 for 45 minutes. Pre-bookings only. Get in touch with Baritone, Kiefer Jones (RWCMD)


Classes and Activities at Garth Community Centre Autumn 2017


Councillor Les Day and former Councillor June Marshall are delighted to announce that they have been successful in gaining a Community Chest SportsWales Lottery Grant to hold Pilates Classes at the Garth Community Centre. Classes will begin with a Free Taster Session at 3.45pm on Wednesday 27th September, 2017 at the Garth Community Centre, Garth Hill, Bangor LL57 2SY
The Pilates Classes will be run by Angie Masterson, who has been teaching many forms of exercise for over ...
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There will be a tea party between 2 pm and 4 pm on Sunday 11th June at the Garth Community Centre. There will be an Art Exhibition by both Garth Art Classes. Admission is free, and there will be a raffle for which any donations of Raffle Prizes will be gratefully received.
Hope to see you there


Do you sing in a choir? Canu mewn cor?
Singing in a choir is a great activity which has a positive impact on your health and wellbeing. Sadly rehearsals often don't allow enough time for leaders to work on the technicalities involved with singing healthily. This workshop is aimed at people who attend choirs that would like to refine their singing.
Mae canu mewn côr yn weithgaredd gwych sy'n cael effaith gadarnhaol ar eich iechyd a'ch lles. Yn anffodus yn ymarferion nid oe...s wastad amser i’r arweinwyr gweithio ar y sgiliau technegol sy'n gysylltiedig â chanu iach. Mae'r gweithdy hwn wedi'i anelu at bobl sy'n mynychu gorau a fyddai'n hoffi gweithio yn fwy fanwl ar ei ganu.
Come for an informal, relaxed choir session which is open to the public where you will actively learn about BREATHING, POSTURE and basic singing TECHNIQUES appropriate for use in choirs.
Dewch ar gyfer sesiwn côr anffurfiol, hamddenol sy’n agored i'r cyhoedd lle byddwch yn mynd ati i ddysgu sut i ANADLU, am eich YSTUM corfforol ac am TECHNEG sylfaenol canu ar gyfer pobl mewn corau.
CHORAL WORKSHOP 17th June, Garth Community Centre with Baritone, Kiefer Jones (RWCMD). Cost £10 including tea and coffee.
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More about Garth Community Centre

Garth Community Centre is located at Allt Garth, LL57 2SY Bangor, Gwynedd
01248 355180