Gellilwyd Fach - Holiday Cottage / Bwthyn Gwyliau

About Gellilwyd Fach - Holiday Cottage / Bwthyn Gwyliau

Holiday Cottage in Dolgellau, Wales
Bwthyn Gwyliau yn Nolgellau, Cymru

Gellilwyd Fach - Holiday Cottage / Bwthyn Gwyliau Description

Croeso i Gellilwyd Fach! Welcome to Gellilwyd Fach!

Gellilwyd Fach is a traditional, Grade 2 Listed, early 19th Century farmhouse that has been sensitively renovated by our family. Located at the foot of Cader Idris in a tranquil and private location 1. 7 miles out of Dolgellau, it enjoys stunning views of South Snowdonia. A house packed full of character and features that offer a glimpse of the old ways, whilst being up to date with modern expectations.

Our aim is to provide a holiday that will remain as one of your most treasured memories. A warm Welsh welcome awaits you.

For more information and bookings click the website address!

Iola and Elwyn Rowlands

Ffermdy traddodiadol o'r bedwaredd ganrif a'r bymtheg yw Gellilwyd Fach. Mae'n adeilad rhestredig oherwydd ei bensaerniaeth hynod. Mae wedi'i leoli mewn llecyn tawel wrth droed Cader Idris a cheir golygfeydd godidog oddi yno. Ychydig dros filltir o ganol tref Dolgellau, mae'n ffermdy llawn cymeriad a hanes ac, yn dilyn y gwaith adnewyddu diweddar, mae'n cynnig moethusrwydd a chyfleusterau modern.

Rhown y cyfle i chi gael gwyliau i'w gofio, ynghyd a chroeso Cymreig.

Am wybodaeth bellach neu i archebu lle, cliciwch y ddolen i'r wefan!

Iola ac Elwyn Rowlands

More about Gellilwyd Fach - Holiday Cottage / Bwthyn Gwyliau

Gellilwyd Fach - Holiday Cottage / Bwthyn Gwyliau is located at Gellilwyd Fach, LL40 1TH Dolgellau