Gentle Healing

About Gentle Healing

Jane and Phil Welcome you to 'Gentle Healing.

Holistic therapies, Reiki, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage and various other therapies.

Gentle Healing Description


Usui Reiki was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui at the turn of the 19th century. Dr. Usui who was Japanese and the Dean of a University in Japan felt that a natural form of healing was waiting to be discovered. He meditated on a holy mountain for 21 days and during this time was given symbols which enabled him to channel the healing energy ‘Reiki’ (meaning ‘Universal Life force energy’).

Dr Usui, during the rest of his life ‘attuned’ other selected people to enable them to channel this energy. This has now been passed down via various Reiki Masters, to the present day.

Reiki is a gentle healing energy which is channelled through the hands of the Reiki practitioner, whilst the hands are placed either on or just above the clients head /body. This energy then flows through the body to where it is needed most.

Reiki is a very convenient form of treatment, as the client can either be sitting in a chair or lying on a couch remaining fully clothed. The treatment is extremely relaxing, with calming music playing in the background.

Reiki can help many types of ailments from tiredness, stress, aches and pains to more serious illnesses. It can also give you a more positive outlook on life.

Please call in to ‘Gentle Healing’ to experience the wonderful healing powers of Reiki. Even if you normally enjoy good health Reiki will still benefit you.


Indian Head Massage originates in India (as the name suggests), and forms an important part of family life there. Children from an early age are encouraged to share Indian Head Massage with other family members.

Originally Indian Head Massage was designed for use on the head only, but has now been westernised to include gentle massage to other parts of the body vulnerable to stress, such as the upper back, shoulders and neck.

Indian Head Massage can help to relieve tension and de-stress. It can also help physically, such as improving circulation and relieving muscular tension.

This treatment is tailored to enable you to have half an hour of pure relaxation whilst sitting comfortably, fully clothed on a chair.

Why not spare half an hour of your hectic life and call in to ‘Gentle Healing’ to treat yourself to some well deserved relaxation.


More about Gentle Healing

Gentle Healing is located at Merlins Bridge, SA61 1 Haverfordwest
01437 766317