Gisda Cyf

About Gisda Cyf

Rydym yn cefnogi pobl ifanc bregus Gwynedd rhwng 16 a 25.
/ We support vulnerable young people between the age of 16 and 25 living in Gwynedd.

Gisda Cyf Description

GISDA was established 27 years ago for vulnerable young people between the ages of 16 and 25. We are based in Gwynedd, North Wales and offer a Bilingual Service. We support young people at our hostels, houses and flats. We also provide a range of services including counselling, personal adviser, mediation and alternative education along with advice on Housing, education, work, budgeting, life skills and more.
Mae Gisda yn elusen a sefydlwyd 27 mlynedd yn ├┤l, ar gyfer pobl ifanc sy'n agored i niwed rhwng 16 a 25 oed. Yr ydym wedi eu lleoli yng Ngwynedd, Gogledd Cymru ac yn cynnig Gwasanaeth Dwyieithog. Rydym yn cefnogi pobl ifanc yn ein hosteli, tai a fflatiau. Rydym hefyd yn darparu gwahanol fath o wasanaethau gan gynnwys cwnsela, cynghorydd personol, cyfryngu ac addysg amgen ynghyd ├в chyngor ar Dai, addysg, gwaith, cyllidebu, sgiliau bywyd a mwy.



Diolch yn fawr am ddod draw Si├вn Gwenllian AC/AM gwerthfawrogi eich amser yn fawr ЁЯЩВ


Criw o bobl ifanc o GISDA wedi mynychu cynhadledd 'Big Conversation' Comisiwn Ieuenctid Gogledd Cymru ddoe i glywed y prif ganfyddiadau sydd wedi cael ei benderfynu o sesiynau ymgysylltu gyda phobl ifanc dros Gogledd Cymru.
Da oedd gweld materion mor bwysig wedi cael eu blaenoriaethu yn cynnwys: - Y perthynas rhwng pobl ifanc a'r heddlu - Iechyd meddwl... - Cyffuriau - Ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol _________________________________________ _____ A group of young people from GISDA attended the North Wales Youth Commission's "Big Conversation" conference yesterday to hear the key priorities that were decided from engaging with young people all over North Wales.
It was great to see such important matters being prioritized including: - The relationship between the police and young people - Mental health - Drugs - Anti social behavior
#NorthWalesYouthCommission Swyddfa Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throsedd Gogledd Cymru/ OPCC North Wales Heddlu Gogledd Cymru Arfon Jones
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Mae GISDA yn cydweithio gyda th├оm Ieuenctid Gwynedd ar brosiect Atal Digartrefedd yng Ngwynedd. Rydym wedi bod yn brysur iawn yn mynd o amgylch ysgolion a chlybiau Gwynedd yn ceisio codi ymwybyddiaeth o ddigartrefedd ymysg pobl ifanc. Sesiynau da iawn wedi bod wythnos yma gydag adborth gr├кt yng Nghlwb Cymunedol Llanrug, Ysgol Glan y M├┤r ag Ysgol Brynrefail!
Os hoffech chi gael sesiwn codi ymwybyddiaeth i bobl ifanc mewn clwb, ysgol, coleg neu asiantaeth arall cysylltwch ├в ni... :) _________________________________________ ________ GISDA is working in partnership with the Gwynedd Youth team on a Homeless Prevention project in Gwynedd. We have been very busy going around schools and clubs in Gwynedd to try and raise awareness of homelessness with young people. Brilliant sessions this week with great feedback in Llanrug club, Ysgol Glan y Mor and Ysgol Brynrefail!
If you would like us to hold a session for young people in a club, school, college or other organisation please contact us :)
#ataldigartrefedd #homelessprevention Ieuenctid Gwynedd Youth Cyngor Gwynedd Council Llywodraeth Cymru
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Cofiwch - nid yn unig pobl sydd yn cysgu ar y stryd sydd yn ddigartref. Mae "Sofa surfing" yn fath o ddigartrefedd cudd sydd yn broblem mewn ardaloedd bach fel Gwynedd - yn enwedig ymysg pobl ifanc.
Remember - people who are sleeping on the streets are not the only ones who are homeless. "Sofa surfing" is a hidden homelessness that is problem in small areas such as Gwynedd - especially among young people.


LGBT Youth Club - GISDA - Clwb Ieuenctid LHDT Galeri (Caernarfon) @dion Tudur Owen @hwbffilmcymru LGBT Film Festival


HENO!! 2 Ffilm! 7pm a sesiwn cwestiwn ag ateb gyda Tudur Owen
Tonight!! 2 Films! 7pm and Q & A with the famous Tudur Owen ЁЯП│я╕ПтАНЁЯМИЁЯП│я╕ПтАНЁЯМИЁЯП│я╕ПтАНЁЯМ И
Galeri (Caernarfon) @ffilmcymru LGBT Youth Club - GISDA - Clwb Ieuenctid LHDT
... d-mlaen-selected.pтАж
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Mae GISDA yn darparu gwasanaeth тАШCynghorydd personolтАЩ i bobl ifanc sydd wedi bod mewn gofal dan Cyngor Gwynedd Council (cytundeb cydweithio gydaтАЩr Cyngor)
Cyfansoddwyd y gerdd arbennig isod gan Sioned Owen, un o тАЬPAтАЩsтАЭ (personal advisor) GISDA! Arweinydd T├оm hefyd. Dani mor lwcus o Sioned a maeтАЩr bobl ifanc aтАЩr Cyngor yn ei gwerthfawrogiтАЩn fawr!
Cymrwch eiliad i ddarllen ei cherdd isod - ysgrifenwyd y gerdd gan Sioned yn uniongyrchol iтАЩr bobl ifanc mae hiтАЩn gefnogi!! ЁЯМЯЁЯСНЁЯСПЁЯМЯЁЯТк
... GISDA provides тАШPersonal advisorтАЩ service for young people who have been looked after by Gwynedd Council.
This poem was composed by Sioned Owen - one of our PAтАЩs (personal advisor) but also Team Leader- we are so fortunate to have Sioned working with us and we know that young people appreciates her enthusiasm and supports too! SheтАЩs a star! ЁЯМЯ
Please take a minute to read SionedтАЩs inspirational poem directly written to the young people she supports! ЁЯСНЁЯСПЁЯТкЁЯМЯЁЯМЯ
To my champions ЁЯПЖ
YouтАЩve been through so many barriers Just keep pushing through Your PA will assist you The way they always do YouтАЩve fought so many battles A champion of many rounds Just keep on fighting ЁЯСКЁЯП╗ Cause youтАЩve come on leaps and bounds! Your crazy fan the PA is cheering you on! You can probably hear her shouting тАШcome onтАЩ!
Through the highs and the lows, ItтАЩs important to say that each blow is a lesson to make you stronger each day, Your PA believes in you no matter what, She can appear out of nowhere believe it or not, ЁЯСА SheтАЩll keep encouraging you each step of the way, this is in spite of her being a pain!
A time will come where the support will end, She will want you to stay strong on your journey until the end, She will miss you dearly and hope for the best, She has invested in you and believes that you will be the Best!! ЁЯеЗ She wishes you well as you will walk tall, Take hold of the future and achieve all your goals, What she will not tell you that you have left a special mark, that there you will be engraved on her heart Whatever you achieve large or small she will be the proudest PA in all of Gwynedd stand tall!! ЁЯПЖЁЯеКЁЯСКЁЯП╗
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ЁЯП│я╕ПтАНЁЯМИЁЯП│я╕ПтАНЁЯМИYdych chi yn chwilio am swydd am тАШchydig o oriau? Gallu gweithio 4-8 bob yn ail nos Lun a hyblyg am weddill yr amser? A ydych yn teimloтАЩn angerddol dros hawliau pobl ifanc LHDT? Wel, dyma ywтАЩr lle i chi!! Cysylltwch gyda Si├вn neu Steffan am sgwrs!ЁЯП│я╕ПтАНЁЯМИЁЯП│я╕ПтАНЁЯМИ
ЁЯП│я╕ПтАНЁЯМИЁЯП│я╕ПтАНЁЯМИAre you looking for additional hours? Able to work 4pm until 8pm every other Monday night but then flexible for 3 ┬╜ hours? Do you feel passionate about the rights of LGBTQ Young people? Is so тАУ this would be perfect for you! Please contact Si├вn or Steffan for a chat!ЁЯП│я╕ПтАНЁЯМИЁЯП│я╕ПтАНЁЯМИ


This is Dan's story - he has done amazing - keep up the good work #leavingcare #education #engagement ЁЯСН Cyngor Gwynedd Council Llywodraeth Cymru


Dyma stori Dan. Wedi gneud yn wych - dal ati ЁЯСН #olofal #ymgysylltu #addysg Cyngor Gwynedd Council Llywodraeth Cymru


Cofiwch fod croeso i bawb galw mewn i'r isod - bob dydd Mawrth ac Iau 12:30 tan 4:30 yn ein swyddfa ar y Maes yng Nghaernarfon.
Remember everyone is welcome to drop in to the below. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30 until 4:30 at our office in the Maes, Caernarfon.
Cyngor Gwynedd Council Llywodraeth Cymru #cefnogipobl #supportingpeople


Pobl ifanc GISDA wedi cymryd rhan mewn gweithdy тАШArbenigwyr drwy brofiadтАЩ gyda Cymorth Cymru
GISDAтАЩs young people contributed positively at this important тАШExperts by experienceтАЩ workshop with Cymorth Cymru
Da iawn chi ЁЯЩМЁЯПЪЁЯПб
... Some of their quotes :
тАЬIncrease Housing Benefits for under 35тАЭ
тАЬneed housing experts in job centresтАЭ
тАЬEnd the 5 week wait for Universal creditтАЭ
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** SWYDDI ** JOBS **
** JOBS ** JOBS **Translated

More about Gisda Cyf

01286 671153