Glamorgan Archives / Archifau Morgannwg

Monday: 13:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Glamorgan Archives / Archifau Morgannwg

** We also on the second Monday evening of each month until 8pm / Rydym hefyd ar agor ar ail nos Lun pob mis tan 8yh **

Glamorgan Archives / Archifau Morgannwg Description

Glamorgan Archives is the local authority archive service for the County Borough Councils of Bridgend, Caerphilly, Merthyr Tydfil, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Vale of Glamorgan and the City and County of Cardiff.

Glamorgan Archives collects, preserves and makes accessible documents relating to the geographical area it serves and maintains the corporate memory of its constituent authorities.

With over 8km of records in our strongrooms, dating from the 12th century to the present day, we can help you trace the history of your family, discover the history of your town, village or house, carry out research for a school, college or evening course and much more.

Contact us for more information, or call in during our opening hours.

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Archifau Morgannwg yw’r gwasanaeth archifau awdurdod lleol ar gyfer Bwrdestrefi Sirol Bro Morgannwg, Caerffili, Merthyr Tudful, Pen-y-Bont ar Ogwr, Rhondda Cynon Taf a Dinas a Sir Caerdydd.

Mae Archifau Morgannwg yn casglu, diogelu ac yn cynnig mynediad i ddogfennau sydd yn ymwneud a’r ardal daearyddol a wasanaethir ganddo, ac yn cadw cof cyfun ei awdurdodau cyfansoddol.

Gyda dros 8 cilomedr o gofnodion y nein ystafelloedd diogel , sy’n dyddio o’r 12fed ganrif i’r presennol, gallwn eich helou i olrhain hanes eich teulu, darganfod hanes eich tref, pentref neu ty, gwneud gwaith ymchwil ar gyfer ysgol, coleg neu ddosbarth nos a llawer mwy.

Cysylltwch a ni am fwy o wybodaeth, neu galwch i fewn yn ystod ein oriau agor.



Gallwch weld y gwyliau a chaniatawyd i staff nyrsio a chyffredinol yn Ysbyty Aberpennar a Penrhiwceibr yn y rheoliadau yma, a luniwyd yn y 1920au neu 1930au.
Holidays for nursing and domestic staff at Mountain Ash and Penrhiwceiber Hospital can be seen outlined in these rules and regulations, thought to be from the 1920s/1930s.


The Dream of the Archives
Bydd ein hartist preswyl Fern yn rhannu ei hymchwil a’u chanfyddiadau o’r 6 mis diwethaf. Dewch i ymuno!
Artist in Residence Fern will share her research and findings over the last 6 months. Come and join us!
See More


Grêt mynychu CCB a Chynhadledd Pobol yn Gyntaf Caerdydd heddiw a siarad am ein gwaith partneriaeth anhygoel.
Great to be at the Cardiff People First AGM and Conference today speaking about our amazing partnership work.


Cyfrannodd ceffylau i’r diwydiant glo – mae’r llyfr prynu ceffylau yma yn cofnodi enwau a manylion cannoedd o geffylau bu’n gweithio dan ddaear i Naval Colliery Co (1897), Fernhill Collieries a’r Bwrdd Glo Cenedlaethol, 1910-1952.
Horses played their part in the coal industry – this horse purchase book records the names and details of 100s of horses that worked underground for Naval Colliery Co (1897) Ltd, Fernhill Collieries Limited and the National Coal Board, 1910-1952.


Diwrnod gwych arall gyda Art Shell, Cymdeithas Tai Taf a’n artist preswyl Fern yn ymchwilio’r Archifau ac yn creu baneri protest.
Another great day with Art Shell, Taff Housing Association and artist in residence Fern exploring the Archives and creating protest banners.


Mae’n Wythnos Lysieuol! Ymddangosodd yr hysbyseb yma ar gyfer gwesty llysieuol mewn canllaw i Benarth yn y 1950au.
It’s National Vegetarian Week! This advertisement for a vegetarian guest house appeared in a 1950s guide to Penarth.


Llygaid y Dydd yn Archifau Morgannwg
Daisies at Glamorgan Archives


It's not just Ping-Pong! The History of Table Tennis in Cardiff
Dewch i ddysgu mwy am hanes tennis bwrdd yng Nghaerdydd gyda’n arddangosfa a sgwrs gyda Clwb Cymunedol Tennis Bwrdd Caerdydd.
Discover more about the history of table tennis in Cardiff with our exhibition and talk with Cardiff City Community Table Tennis Club.


Wedi ei seilio ar ddarlun gan Mary Traynor, mae ein blog heddiw yn canolbwyntio ar Brynderwen, un o dai colledig Y Tyllgoed, Caerdydd


The Dream of the Archives / Breuddwyd yr Archifau
Bydd ein hartist preswyl Fern yn rhannu ei hymchwil a’u chanfyddiadau o’r 6 mis diwethaf. Dewch i ymuno!
Artist in Residence Fern will share her research and findings over the last 6 months. Come and join us!
See More


Prynhawn ardderchog yn dysgu mwy am waith Archif Menywod Cymru / Women's Archive of Wales. Diolch yn fawr i Catrin Stevens am sgwrs hynod ddiddorol.
An excellent afternoon learning more about Womens Archive Wales. Thanks to Catrin Stevens for a very interesting talk.


Bore gwych gyda Pobol yn Gyntaf Y Fro. Wedi rhannu ychydig hen ddelweddau o’r Barri. Edrych ymlaen at gydweithio ar brosiect Dejavu yn y Fro!
Great morning with Vale People 1st Shared a few images of old Barry. Looking forward to working together on the Dejavu in the Vale project!


Cofiwch ein sgwrs prynhawn ma am 2yh gan Archif Menywod Cymru / Women's Archive of Wales Croeso cynnes i bawb!
Don’t forget our talk this afternoon at 2pm from the Women’s Archive Wales. A warm welcome to all!


Dewch i ddarganfod mwy am Archif Menywod Cymru! Bydd Catrin Stevens o Archif Menywod Cymru / Women's Archive of Wales yn trafod gwaith yr Archif gyda ni FORY am 2yh.
Come and find out more about the Women’s Archive Wales! Catrin Stevens from WAW will be with us discussing the work of the Archive TOMORROW at 2pm.


Ymchwilio i les yn y diwydiant glo? Cymerwch gip ar y mynegai ar-lein i gylchgronau Ocean and National Magazine. Maent yn cynnwys cartwnau fel yr un yma ar faddonau pen pwll yng Nglofa Park, Treorci. Mae’r mynegai yn rhan o’r catalog ar ein gwefan.
Researching welfare in the coal industry? Take a look at the online index for the Ocean and National Magazines. The magazines includes cartoons such as this one on pithead baths at Park Colliery, Treorchy. The index is part of our the catalogue on our website. #GlamorgansBlood

More about Glamorgan Archives / Archifau Morgannwg

Glamorgan Archives / Archifau Morgannwg is located at Clos Parc Morgannwg, Leckwith, CF11 8AW Cardiff
Monday: 13:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -