Glebelands Miniature Railway

About Glebelands Miniature Railway

Take a ride on the Glebelands Minature Railway. Open 1-5pm on the first Saturday of the month. . See http://www. newportmodelengineering. uk /find-us. html



The weather is still looking good, and we hope to have four locomotives working tomorrow. Light refreshments (cakes and hot & cold drinks) available. Rides are £1.50 for twice around the track (about a mile). See you all there.


Last Wednesday we hosted the 1st Henllys Scout Group Beavers at our railway (see They had a great time, riding on the trains and learning about the turntable, traverser and general railway operations.
We are open this Saturday 6th July from 1-5pm, and the weather is looking great. Why not bring the kids down and enjoy the sunshine.
Tickets are £1.50 for a trip twice around our railway (about a mile) behind one of our steam and electric
See you there 🚂
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Many thanks to all who came to support us on Saturday. Tommy's Punch and Judy show helped to entertain us between train rides and the tea and cakes stalls were very popular. We hope to see you all again on Saturday 6th July.


This Saturday tea/coffee, cold drinks and cakes will be on sale by the clubhouse.


Hi Everyone. This Saturday looks like being sunny and warm, so why not head on down to the Glebelands Miniature Railway and give the kids a treat, Rides are £1.50 a time for a mile of track behind a genuine 7.25" gauge locomotive. Mums & dads are also welcome.


A short video of people and trains at our open day on 4th May 2019.


A compilation of video clips from our open day on 6 April 2019. Thanks to all who came and supported us.


Many thanks to everyone who has liked our page and posted comments. It’s very encouraging to know that we have such good support in our local community.
The weather this Saturday is looking dry, so we hope to see you at the railway where Bob, Eddie and Chris will be polishing their engines.
Don't forget, if you're nifty with a spanner - or would like to be - talk to us about joining our society.


Schoolboy Arsonists attack Newport’s Miniature Railway.
Last Saturday, club members arrived at the Glebelands to find that vandals had forced their way through the fence and set fire to a junior member’s trailer using diesel and oil-soaked materials.
In spite of serious damage, a club team set about repairing the fence and the trailer and made good progress before the end of the day.
... On returning to the site at 9.15 a.m. on Wednesday morning a member saw three boys, about 14 years of age and in school uniform, starting another fire on the site. The boys ran away when they saw that they had been noticed.
Members then discovered that the trailer had been virtually destroyed by a second arson attack. The vandals had also burned workshop benches and thrown paint over the club’s tractor unit.
The police have been alerted and are conducting enquiries. We are struggling to understand the reason for these attacks. If any friends of the Glebelands Miniature Railway have information about these schoolboys that would help us prevent future attacks of this kind, we would be most grateful.
Meanwhile, members are discussing ways of easing the distress of our youngest member caused by the loss of his trailer. We hope to find or build a suitable replacement trailer soon.
In spite of this setback, the Glebelands Miniature Railway will be open to the public again on Saturday 6 April from 1-5 pm. We hope to see you then.
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Our "cobwebs" meet of 2019 where we brush off the cobwebs of winter, find the signals flags and whistles and welcome the public for the first time in 2019. The weather was kinder than predicted and the rain stayed away, although it was a bit soggy underfoot. A steady trickle of passengers kept us busy all afternoon. Thanks to all who supported us, and see you again on Saturday 6 April (1-5pm).


The club held it's autumn auction on 3rd November. We also decided to make spark arrestors mandatory for the 2019 season to maintain our 100% safety record.


Last Saturday was our last open day of 2018. Join us again on Saturday 2 March. See you in 2019.


And a short video of our railway at the Usk Show from the South Wales Argus (second video down) at…/1673 5569.usk-show-draws…/


The Glebelands Miniature Railway sent a portable railway track to the Usk Show. Thanks to all who supported us at Steam Corner. Next event - open day on Saturday 6 October, 1-5pm.


The September Open Day was again warm and dry and there was a steady stream of passengers - over 200 in all. See if you can spot yourself or someone you know in this month's video.
We will be running a short railway track at the Usk Show next Saturday, so why not come and visit us at Steam Corner? Children of all ages are most welcome.
Don't forget the next open day on Saturday October 6 as it will be the last opportunity to ride the trains until next spring.


Light cloud, gentle breeze and 20C - looks like the weather is set fair for Saturday's open day on the Glebeland's miniature railway. This month we have four engines running, so the queues should be much shorter. See you all there!

More about Glebelands Miniature Railway

Glebelands Miniature Railway is located at NP19 7HF Newport, Wales