Glyndwr Theatre,Television And Performance/Theatr,Teledu A Pherfformio

About Glyndwr Theatre,Television And Performance/Theatr,Teledu A Pherfformio

A B. A. (Hons) degree course in performance and acting techniques for the theatre and screen.

Cwrs gradd B. A (Anrh) mewn technegau perfformio /actio ar gyfer y theatr a theledu.

Glyndwr Theatre,Television And Performance/Theatr,Teledu A Pherfformio Description

Mae'r radd Theatr, Teledu a Pherfformio yn cynnig hyfforddiant amrywiol i chi ar gyfer gweithio yn y diwydiant theatr, teledu a pherfformio:

* Dyfeisio, cyfarwyddo a pherfformio yn eich dramau eich hun.
* Perfformio ar lwyfan i gynulleidfaoedd mwy.
* Mynd a drama i gynulleidfaoedd newydd - perfformio mewn ysgolion a'r gymuned leol.
* Datblygu eich sgiliau cyflwyno a chyfarthrebu.
* Derbyn hyfforddiant ar gyfer actio i gamera ac ar gyfer y radio.
* Derbyn hyfforddiant mewn sgiliau symud.
* Anogaeth a chefnogaeth academaidd ac ymarferol parhaus gan diwtoriaid trwy gydol y flwyddyn academaidd.
* Cysylltiadau diwydiant gyda theatr, radio a theledu.

Cwblhewch y radd a gallwch ddod o hyd i waith mewn theatr, teledu, radio, addysg neu'r sector gyhoeddus.

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The Theatre, Television and Performance degree gives you diverse training for working in the theatre and television industry:

* Devise, direct and perform in your own plays.
* Perform on stage to large audiences.
* Take drama to new audiences - perform in schools and the local community.
* Develop your presentation and communication skills.
* Receive training for acting for the camera and for radio.
* Receive training in movement studies.
* Continuous academic and practical encouragement and support from tutors throughout the academic year.
* Industry links with theatre, dance television and radio companies.

Complete the degree and you can find work in theatre, television, radio , education or the public sector.

More about Glyndwr Theatre,Television And Performance/Theatr,Teledu A Pherfformio

Glyndwr Theatre,Television And Performance/Theatr,Teledu A Pherfformio is located at Mold Road, LL11 2AW Wrexham
01978 293409